Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Would there be a death penalty in conservative America? You betcha, and for lots of different crimes like fornication and heresy.

Not your problem what there will or won't be in Conservativeland. Your only concern is what you want for Liberalland.

The liberalland of the op is a political impossibility that is not even close to equitable and a set-up for failure and easy subjugation, no liberal land could exist long with conservative land and their paranoia right next door. No experiment in socialism has ever just been allowed to develop in peace, many of the people you really like in history have done everything to undermine populism on the other side of the globe, what would they do to liberal land out of fear or plain boredom? Conservative land would be the crazy ex husband that drunkenly kicks in the door one night.

This might help you focus on the discussion at hand.

View attachment 19317

This can help with the paranoia.

View attachment 19319
It won't be a problem for us if they all go to Liberalland which I presume will be the case as nobody on their side has objected to taking them and nobody on our side wants them. Sure as heck beats trying to round them up and deport them.

And in Conservativeland, illegals won't be denied any humanitarian or emergency healthcare or anything else. We'll feed em, put on a band-ade or whatever treatment they need, and then send them on to Liberalland. They will also be handed a bill. And if they should decide they don't like it over there in Liberalland and try to come back, they will not only be breaking the law and subject to arrest and deportation but they'll be expected to pay the bill. No money? No problem. We'll accept watches, rings, or anything else of value that the folks over there in Liberalland supplied them with.

And then right back across the border they will go.

But that sort of puts you in a dilemma doesn't it Bob? You don't want all the expense that goes with taking care of the illegals, but the liberals have insisted that all that free housing, food, healthcare, education etc. be furnished to them.

So does that mean that Conservativeland would be preferable to you than the situation over in Liberalland? In Conservativeland you can hold any opinions about anything you want, but you will be expected to abide by a conservative social contract. Will that be okay?

Without due process – obviously.

Rightwingistan will clearly have no Bill of Rights, no rule of law, no consistent application of justice.

In Rightwingistan civil rights can be taken and given by the government, at the capricious whim of politicians.

Oh but we will because we're taking the Constitution with us, remember? We like it. You guys have too often said that you don't. I'm sure you will quickly come up with one that is perfect for Liberalland though.

But the illegals will be happy to go to Liberalland where they'll be assured that they will never be questioned or denied any goodies that are doled out to the less fortunate over there. There would be no need for any process, due or otherwise.

All we need to do is to get your side to agree to take the illegals, and then you won't have to worry your pretty little head about what goes on in Conservativeland.

So far nobody on your side has refused that proposal, except it appears Bob is pondering which side of the border he wants to be on now.

So it's a deal? You'll go along with this particular provision? Once it is a done deal we can move on to the next one.
Negged for lying.
And it is comments like yours that definitely indicates that you should go to Liberalland where such will be considered intelligent debate,. Unfortunately, there are a few who philosophically belong in Conservativeland that we will need to send over to your side because they tend to debate in the same manner. But there aren't many of them so they shouldn't be much of a problem for you.

I'm fairly certain that wherever I live, cutsey imaginary lands full of ideologues, devoid of people who don't share my opinions (you know, the kinds of people folks like yourself have likely never bothered to meet) won't be a component of any "intelligent debate."

The fact that you're mentally sending people to this or that "side" of your ideological Candyland is fucking terrifying.
Not to mention contrary to what the country was founded on. It actually sounds rather fascist.

It is very Fascist to concentrate the undesired elements of society into an area and put up a wall, Gaza would be a good example of what liberal land would end up looking like.
LOL thanks KWC, but they continue to underscore why we want the divorce in the first place. They don't like us. They don't like anything about us. They think we are evil, hateful, ignorant, stupid, and scary. And certainly I am being thoroughly pummeled because they don't like the way I'm stating our position though so far they haven't come up with anything to dispute it other than they don't like it. For the life of me I can't imagine why they wouldn't relish the idea of being rid of us.

The only reasons I can think of is
a) Most have no sense of humor at all
b) Most have no imagination whatsoever
c) The thought of having to depend on other liberals to support them is apparently terrifying
d None so far have been able to articulate a reason for why they deserve what we want more than we do.
e) None apparently have a clue how they would structure anything in Liberalland.
f) All they have is insulting conservatives and conservatism and that's pretty pathetic.

But given the tremendous support for a divorce as indicated in our straw poll here, we shall bravely forge on.

But you are correct that they would have no fear of us, because so far they haven't described anything that we would want. It is specifically all the stuff they promote that we don't want and vice versa that makes the divorce necessary.

As nobody has objected to us taking the guns, cops, and military, I am assuming that we are all in agreement that those go to Conservativeland.

Nobody has objected to all the illegals going to Liberalland, so I think we can agree on that as a done deal.

Unless somebody in Liberalland can come up with a good argument for why Liberalland would want the Constitution as the Founders intended that it be interpreted, I am guessing we are close to an agreement on that. We know pretty much everybody in Conservativeland does want that as it pretty much defines what a modern day American Conservative is.

Now let's look at our flag. Because of all the American ideals and hopes and dreams and expended blood and treasure that it represents, most Conservatives revere and respect the flag as a symbol of American exceptionalism. We don't dip it in front of foreign leaders. We treat it and display it with respect and expect school children to be instructed in the proper protocol for that and to be taught and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with pride. And even though we passionately respect and defend the First Amendment, culturally we deeply resent any who would disrespect the flag by burning or trampling on it or intentionally displaying it improperly. Disrespect for the flag will certainly not be a cultural norm in Conservativeland. And, as our National Anthem focuses on the flag as the symbol of our great nation, it seems reasonable that the two go hand in hand.

That is my argument for Conservativeland taking the flag and national anthem.

I encourage our liberal friends to make an argument for why Liberalland deserves and/or wants them more.
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LOL thanks KWC, but they continue to underscore why we want the divorce in the first place. They don't like us. They don't like anything about us. They think we are evil, hateful, ignorant, stupid, and scary.
You're projecting. Many of us probably feel that way about you, but not about conservatives in general. In fact, you aren't really much of a conservative though you pretend to be one.
You want a divorce and you want to take my family heirlooms with you and store them in a leaky unlocked shed.
No, I want you to have everything you want Occupied. All you have to do is make your case why Liberalland deserves to have them more than Conservativeland. Then we shake hands, part company, and you can live a life of total bliss in your own liberal Utopial.

You see you guys have been damning me, negging me, calling me names, and accusing me of all sorts of things here, but all that simply underscores why we need the divorce. We consevatives don't want a society that can't discuss things intelligently and thoughtfully but childishly punishes those who hold views that we don't like however civilly they are expressed. But unless you guys can find a way to defend what you do want instead of just slinging insults at us, I'm pretty sure the judge will agree to the initial proposed document.
Coming late to a thread sucks doesn't it?

I realize that using the quote feature might be beyond your limited capabilities, so I have to assume you were directing that comment to me. If you'd care to wade back thru the thread, you'll see I've been here since the beginning. I was at camp with a bunch of Boy Scouts this weekend helping staff a leadership training course, so I've been absent since Friday evening.

Now, instead of whining and acting butt hurt about the evil conservatives minding their own business over on their side of the bed while you do your own thing, perhaps you can begin to actually address the OP instead of obfuscating with all of your fear rhetoric at having evil incarnate next door to you.
I'm fairly certain that wherever I live, cutsey imaginary lands full of ideologues, devoid of people who don't share my opinions (you know, the kinds of people folks like yourself have likely never bothered to meet) won't be a component of any "intelligent debate."

The fact that you're mentally sending people to this or that "side" of your ideological Candyland is fucking terrifying.
Not to mention contrary to what the country was founded on. It actually sounds rather fascist.

It is very Fascist to concentrate the undesired elements of society into an area and put up a wall, Gaza would be a good example of what liberal land would end up looking like.

You consider liberals like yourself to be undesireable elements of society? Oh my!
LOL thanks KWC, but they continue to underscore why we want the divorce in the first place. They don't like us. They don't like anything about us. They think we are evil, hateful, ignorant, stupid, and scary.
You're projecting. Many of us probably feel that way about you, but not about conservatives in general. In fact, you aren't really much of a conservative though you pretend to be one.

Perhaps you can be the first liberal here to actually articulate a position and make your case for the "goodies" you get in the divorce instead of complaining about how much your butt hurts. Just a suggestion.
No, I want you to have everything you want Occupied. All you have to do is make your case why Liberalland deserves to have them more than Conservativeland. Then we shake hands, part company, and you can live a life of total bliss in your own liberal Utopial.

You see you guys have been damning me, negging me, calling me names, and accusing me of all sorts of things here, but all that simply underscores why we need the divorce. We consevatives don't want a society that can't discuss things intelligently and thoughtfully but childishly punishes those who hold views that we don't like however civilly they are expressed. But unless you guys can find a way to defend what you do want instead of just slinging insults at us, I'm pretty sure the judge will agree to the initial proposed document.

Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.
No, I want you to have everything you want Occupied. All you have to do is make your case why Liberalland deserves to have them more than Conservativeland. Then we shake hands, part company, and you can live a life of total bliss in your own liberal Utopial.

You see you guys have been damning me, negging me, calling me names, and accusing me of all sorts of things here, but all that simply underscores why we need the divorce. We consevatives don't want a society that can't discuss things intelligently and thoughtfully but childishly punishes those who hold views that we don't like however civilly they are expressed. But unless you guys can find a way to defend what you do want instead of just slinging insults at us, I'm pretty sure the judge will agree to the initial proposed document.

Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.

Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?
No, I want you to have everything you want Occupied. All you have to do is make your case why Liberalland deserves to have them more than Conservativeland. Then we shake hands, part company, and you can live a life of total bliss in your own liberal Utopial.

You see you guys have been damning me, negging me, calling me names, and accusing me of all sorts of things here, but all that simply underscores why we need the divorce. We consevatives don't want a society that can't discuss things intelligently and thoughtfully but childishly punishes those who hold views that we don't like however civilly they are expressed. But unless you guys can find a way to defend what you do want instead of just slinging insults at us, I'm pretty sure the judge will agree to the initial proposed document.

Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.

Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?

My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.
Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.

Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?

My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.

It isn't a civil war when it is a no fault, amicable divorce. We are not proposing civil war. We are proposing a divorce with each side mutually agreeing to what they want and what the other side should have. Perhaps you can make a case for why a divorce is neither necessary or wanted by either side.

I can assure you that I want a divorce from liberalism and would prefer that it be accomplished as pleasantly as possible.

Why doesn't a country in which you can have everything you want exactly like you want it appeal to you? You can have all the liberal concepts and ideals that you want and at the same time be free of rw whiners.

I am more than happy for any of you who choose to do so to live in Conservativeland, but you will have to agree to live with conservative concepts whether or not you like them.
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Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.

Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?

My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.

But you must remember, the Right wingnuts are the ones talking about Obama being devisive. I guess the looney twit that started this thread must be a Democrat then? Interesting.
No, I want you to have everything you want Occupied. All you have to do is make your case why Liberalland deserves to have them more than Conservativeland. Then we shake hands, part company, and you can live a life of total bliss in your own liberal Utopial.

You see you guys have been damning me, negging me, calling me names, and accusing me of all sorts of things here, but all that simply underscores why we need the divorce. We consevatives don't want a society that can't discuss things intelligently and thoughtfully but childishly punishes those who hold views that we don't like however civilly they are expressed. But unless you guys can find a way to defend what you do want instead of just slinging insults at us, I'm pretty sure the judge will agree to the initial proposed document.

Could you have a calm discussion on why conservatives and their precious money should or shouldn't be put on a boat for Somalia, the libertarian paradise? There is a horrible insult implicit in the premise that makes it impossible. If somehow all the self identified liberals were to find themselves in some kind of isolation and free of external attack, they would be just fine, not so for all the hillbillies and poor people fooled into living in a conservative country that cannot be bothered to even dig a hole to throw them in when their usefulness is over.

Sure. Conservatives should not be put on a boat to Somalia because they don't want to go to Somalia. You aren't being asked to go anywhere you don't want to be either. And if you choose Liberalland, you can have your own liberal Utopia and you won't have to concern yourself about Conservativeland in the least any more than you concern yourself with Somalia.

I can guarantee you that you won't need to fear any invasion or probloems from Conservativeland because you will have absolutely nothing that any of us will want. That's the whole purpose of the divorce. You take what is important to liberals with you. We take what is important to conservatives with us.
Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?

My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.

It isn't a civil war when it is a no fault, amicable divorce. We are not proposing civil war. We are proposing a divorce with each side mutually agreeing to what they want and what the other side should have. Perhaps you can make a case for why a divorce is neither necessary or wanted by either side.

I can assure you that I want a divorce from liberalism and would prefer that it be accomplished as pleasantly as possible.

There is nothing you can say that would convince me that conservative land would just leave leave liberal land alone, it would not be allowed to exist and flourish on it's own. Might as well just make the premise that all of the liberals and undesired rabble have been forcibly put into the geographic area you described, a wall built and the coasts mined and blockaded because that is what it would take to get to your proposal.
Everyone gets to decide where they go live. You need only worry about the folks who come to your nation, not the ones who chose to go to ours. They are not your concern. Next?

My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.

But you must remember, the Right wingnuts are the ones talking about Obama being devisive. I guess the looney twit that started this thread must be a Democrat then? Interesting.

So sign the divorce agreement already. We have already agreed that you get Obama with our blessings. Whether or not he is divisive won't be an issue for us at all. And if you don't like the thread, please don't participate in it. See how easy that is?

Meanwhile, those who do have a sense of humor and do have the gift of imagination and ability to play with ideas and concepts can continue to have fun with the thread. Nobody is being divisive. Most of the Conservatives are working hard to be as amicable as possible.
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My country is the USA and a bunch of rw whiners want to split it into two opposing teams and set the stage for civil war, not exactly a concern I can put out of my mind.

But you must remember, the Right wingnuts are the ones talking about Obama being devisive. I guess the looney twit that started this thread must be a Democrat then? Interesting.

So sign the divorce agreement already. We have already agreed that you get Obama with our blessings. Whether or not he is divisive won't be an issue for us at all. And if you don't like the thread, please don't participate in it. See how easy that is?

Meanwhile, those who do have a sense of humor and do have the gift of imagination and ability to play with ideas and concepts can continue to have fun with the thread. Nobody is being divisive. Most of the Conservatives are working hard to be as amicable as possible.

I'm happy to ridicule the ridiculous.

You're the one who wants to divide the country but in a few more threads, you'll make your lame-assed "class warfare" arguments.

See how easy it is to ridicule you?

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