Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Going to play along for one but you are not going to like it.

Firstly to avoid the obvious danger of conservative America controlling our water sources our territory will be all of the land in the lower 48 west of the continental divide making the rocky mountain chain a convenient and strategically viable border between our nations.

Since the heart of any country is it's trade we will first claim exclusive trade rights to the hemisphere of the earth starting along the continental divide but not including Alaska on both American continents and coinciding with 31 degrees latitude east, the US possessions in the pacific also become our territory and conservative land will quit any claim to any possession within our half.

We also claim the all the military hardware and bases contained within this half of the world and the ships of the entire Pacific fleet and half of the nuclear armed submarines and thermonuclear warheads.

Blockading any port or interfering with shipping within this area shall be considered a hostile act.

The artifacts of our nation's founding will be housed in a secure location on 100 square miles of neutral territory freely accessible to all people of the earth.

Should your military bullying spill over into into our sphere of influence be advised that it will be considered a hostile act.

Should you become desirous of our ever advancing technology be advised that nothing will be traded that gives conservative America military parity with us.

The national debt will be divided up according to what the debt was incurred for, Conservative America will absorb all debt connected with tax cuts, military and war spending and social programs to people in states that will become your territory. We will take the rest.

Both nations are required to maintain full diplomatic relations no matter the circumstances.

Both nations are required to maintain equal protection under the present constitution.

Both nations are prohibited from holding political prisoners.

Both nations agree to fully pay relocation expenses for those who want to leave in perpetuity.

Finally both nations will agree to reunify should the results of a referendum call for it, it will be held every ten years and fully open to observers from the other nation.

I can come up with more but chew on that for while and decide if you think it's equitable.

Oh for heaven"s sake, post 731 negates about 3/4th's of your post. Try again.
Going to play along for one but you are not going to like it.

Firstly to avoid the obvious danger of conservative America controlling our water sources our territory will be all of the land in the lower 48 west of the continental divide making the rocky mountain chain a convenient and strategically viable border between our nations.

Since the heart of any country is it's trade we will first claim exclusive trade rights to the hemisphere of the earth starting along the continental divide but not including Alaska on both American continents and coinciding with 31 degrees latitude east, the US possessions in the pacific also become our territory and conservative land will quit any claim to any possession within our half.

We also claim the all the military hardware and bases contained within this half of the world and the ships of the entire Pacific fleet and half of the nuclear armed submarines and thermonuclear warheads.

Blockading any port or interfering with shipping within this area shall be considered a hostile act.

The artifacts of our nation's founding will be housed in a secure location on 100 square miles of neutral territory freely accessible to all people of the earth.

Should your military bullying spill over into into our sphere of influence be advised that it will be considered a hostile act.

Should you become desirous of our ever advancing technology be advised that nothing will be traded that gives conservative America military parity with us.

The national debt will be divided up according to what the debt was incurred for, Conservative America will absorb all debt connected with tax cuts, military and war spending and social programs to people in states that will become your territory. We will take the rest.

Both nations are required to maintain full diplomatic relations no matter the circumstances.

Both nations are required to maintain equal protection under the present constitution.

Both nations are prohibited from holding political prisoners.

Both nations agree to fully pay relocation expenses for those who want to leave in perpetuity.

Finally both nations will agree to reunify should the results of a referendum call for it, it will be held every ten years and fully open to observers from the other nation.

I can come up with more but chew on that for while and decide if you think it's equitable.

Oh for heaven"s sake, post 731 negates about 3/4th's of your post. Try again.

Yes, that and the fact that Liberalland won't have much, if anything, that anybody on our side will want. I'll miss Ben & Jerry's peach icecream, but Albertson's makes pretty good icecream too.
Going to play along for one but you are not going to like it.

Firstly to avoid the obvious danger of conservative America controlling our water sources our territory will be all of the land in the lower 48 west of the continental divide making the rocky mountain chain a convenient and strategically viable border between our nations.

Since the heart of any country is it's trade we will first claim exclusive trade rights to the hemisphere of the earth starting along the continental divide but not including Alaska on both American continents and coinciding with 31 degrees latitude east, the US possessions in the pacific also become our territory and conservative land will quit any claim to any possession within our half.

We also claim the all the military hardware and bases contained within this half of the world and the ships of the entire Pacific fleet and half of the nuclear armed submarines and thermonuclear warheads.

Blockading any port or interfering with shipping within this area shall be considered a hostile act.

The artifacts of our nation's founding will be housed in a secure location on 100 square miles of neutral territory freely accessible to all people of the earth.

Should your military bullying spill over into into our sphere of influence be advised that it will be considered a hostile act.

Should you become desirous of our ever advancing technology be advised that nothing will be traded that gives conservative America military parity with us.

The national debt will be divided up according to what the debt was incurred for, Conservative America will absorb all debt connected with tax cuts, military and war spending and social programs to people in states that will become your territory. We will take the rest.

Both nations are required to maintain full diplomatic relations no matter the circumstances.

Both nations are required to maintain equal protection under the present constitution.

Both nations are prohibited from holding political prisoners.

Both nations agree to fully pay relocation expenses for those who want to leave in perpetuity.

Finally both nations will agree to reunify should the results of a referendum call for it, it will be held every ten years and fully open to observers from the other nation.

I can come up with more but chew on that for while and decide if you think it's equitable

I will include your demands, but you're going to have to get other liberals to agree to them before anybody will take them seriously. The land must be apportionated proportionately according to our respective numbers. There are a whole lot more of us than there are of you. That has to be taken into consideration in dividing up the land mass. Anyhow, nobody objected to the original apportionment so you probably missed out getting your two cents worth in there as well as distribution of some other items. You were too busy complaining that the thread existed at all and forgot to vote on those.

It goes without saying that there must be agreement that each side must pay full restitution to the other for any damage done. For instance, if you don't contain your illegals that you guys apparently have agreed to take, you will need to pay for whatever cost is occurred on our side to round them up and send them back to you.

I don't think you'll have any problem with pollution from our side because contrary to what many liberals try to say, we conservatives don't want dirty air, polluted water or soil or food supply any more than you do, but if there is an inadvertent event, we will of course need to pay the full cost of any damages. We do have some different views about excess regulation that we see as counterproductive but that won't affect your side in the least.

Just think of all the great regulations you guys can put on everything. Limitations of 8-oz soft drinks. Everybody has to buy whatever the government thinks they should have or they will get it free. Nobody will be allowed to say or write or infer anything that liberals don't want to hear. No more fossil fuels used. There will be so much mercy and compassion and understanding and concern that everybody will have the best of all worlds. Oh it will be glorious. I don't understand why you are even hesitating.

I'm thinking Bloomberg is going to fit nicely in Liberal Land. Perhaps he can be the next president.

“We’re not taking away anyone’s right to do things, we’re simply forcing you to understand you have to go from one cup to another cup.”

Lean Forward - Mayor Bloomberg defends proposal to limit sugary drinks: 'There's an epidemic'
Dear Liberals, when we leave don't come crying to us when the Mexican and Canadians kick your ass.
Dear Liberals, when we leave don't come crying to us when the Mexican and Canadians kick your ass.

We aren't really leaving though. We're just dividing up the property with them taking their stuff and us taking our stuff and each doing their own thing.

You would think at least one liberal would have been able to have fun organizing and structuring a Liberalland wouldn't you? But alas, not one. And since they are taking the existing public education system, I don't give much hope for creative imagination or a spirit of creative fun to kick in. But oh well. That's just another reason we want the divorce after all.

(I will give Occupied a thumbs up for making an attempt though. Who knows, maybe with a little practice, he'll actually grasp the concept.)
You have my pity. I didn't realize you were blind to your own hateful nature.

It's almost a sure bet that if you're on the other side of an argument from Fox; you're on the right side.

I'm so happy that you see it that way. But no, you will usually be on the left side which, of course, to you is the correct side. But since your distaste for me and my point of view is so obvious, that provides even more incentive to get this divorce agreement worked out so that you will be rid of me. And you'll never have to worry your pretty little head about anybody like me again.

It IS why we want the divorce, yes?

Wow; you must have been really knocked off your rocker by whomever divorced you. :cuckoo:

You do realize that this is a message board right? I'll take my country the way it is...thanks. You can leave any old time you wish since you obviously hate Americans. :lol:
It's almost a sure bet that if you're on the other side of an argument from Fox; you're on the right side.

I'm so happy that you see it that way. But no, you will usually be on the left side which, of course, to you is the correct side. But since your distaste for me and my point of view is so obvious, that provides even more incentive to get this divorce agreement worked out so that you will be rid of me. And you'll never have to worry your pretty little head about anybody like me again.

It IS why we want the divorce, yes?

Wow; you must have been really knocked off your rocker by whomever divorced you. :cuckoo:

You do realize that this is a message board right? I'll take my country the way it is...thanks. You can leave any old time you wish since you obviously hate Americans. :lol:

No I love Americans and I love America. That's why I have fought passionately to keep our Founding principles along with the Constitution, our flag, our Pledge of Allegiance, and our National Anthem that I cannot hear to this day without getting a lump in my throat or tearing up. Not one of you have offerred a single syllable for why you want those things, but rather have just doled out the insults because I have petitioned to take them to Conservativeland.

I have been married to the same man I married, the only man I have ever married, for quite a few decades now, so no bad experiences there.

Nor does an amicable no fault divorce between liberalism and conservatism need to be a bad experience. Most especially on a message board if somebody has enough creative imagination and inspiration to have fun with it.

Unfortunately that seems to be beyond the grasp of most liberals here, most of whom have just gotten all butt hurt, indignant, and mad. A pity too.
Dear Liberals, when we leave don't come crying to us when the Mexican and Canadians kick your ass.

We aren't really leaving though. We're just dividing up the property with them taking their stuff and us taking our stuff and each doing their own thing.

You would think at least one liberal would have been able to have fun organizing and structuring a Liberalland wouldn't you? But alas, not one. And since they are taking the existing public education system, I don't give much hope for creative imagination or a spirit of creative fun to kick in. But oh well. That's just another reason we want the divorce after all.

(I will give Occupied a thumbs up for making an attempt though. Who knows, maybe with a little practice, he'll actually grasp the concept.)

Maybe one day you will grasp the concept that the UNITED States of America will survive secessionist fools such as yourself as we did before. As far as structuring a liberal land we do not think it can be done with the ease of laying out your several FB farmville accounts. It would be a complex process that is highly dependent on the circumstances at hand, as you have stubbornly insisted on glossing over that part there is really no point.
Dear Liberals, when we leave don't come crying to us when the Mexican and Canadians kick your ass.

We aren't really leaving though. We're just dividing up the property with them taking their stuff and us taking our stuff and each doing their own thing.

You would think at least one liberal would have been able to have fun organizing and structuring a Liberalland wouldn't you? But alas, not one. And since they are taking the existing public education system, I don't give much hope for creative imagination or a spirit of creative fun to kick in. But oh well. That's just another reason we want the divorce after all.

(I will give Occupied a thumbs up for making an attempt though. Who knows, maybe with a little practice, he'll actually grasp the concept.)

Maybe one day you will grasp the concept that the UNITED States of America will survive secessionist fools such as yourself as we did before. As far as structuring a liberal land we do not think it can be done with the ease of laying out your several FB farmville accounts. It would be a complex process that is highly dependent on the circumstances at hand, as you have stubbornly insisted on glossing over that part there is really no point.

I'll refer you to post 732.
We aren't really leaving though. We're just dividing up the property with them taking their stuff and us taking our stuff and each doing their own thing.

You would think at least one liberal would have been able to have fun organizing and structuring a Liberalland wouldn't you? But alas, not one. And since they are taking the existing public education system, I don't give much hope for creative imagination or a spirit of creative fun to kick in. But oh well. That's just another reason we want the divorce after all.

(I will give Occupied a thumbs up for making an attempt though. Who knows, maybe with a little practice, he'll actually grasp the concept.)

Maybe one day you will grasp the concept that the UNITED States of America will survive secessionist fools such as yourself as we did before. As far as structuring a liberal land we do not think it can be done with the ease of laying out your several FB farmville accounts. It would be a complex process that is highly dependent on the circumstances at hand, as you have stubbornly insisted on glossing over that part there is really no point.

I'll refer you to post 732.

You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.
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Maybe one day you will grasp the concept that the UNITED States of America will survive secessionist fools such as yourself as we did before. As far as structuring a liberal land we do not think it can be done with the ease of laying out your several FB farmville accounts. It would be a complex process that is highly dependent on the circumstances at hand, as you have stubbornly insisted on glossing over that part there is really no point.

I'll refer you to post 732.

You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

Translation: I am too dull and uncreative to even understand the concept, but I am too liberal to allow anybody else to enjoy it when I choose not to do so.
Maybe one day you will grasp the concept that the UNITED States of America will survive secessionist fools such as yourself as we did before. As far as structuring a liberal land we do not think it can be done with the ease of laying out your several FB farmville accounts. It would be a complex process that is highly dependent on the circumstances at hand, as you have stubbornly insisted on glossing over that part there is really no point.

I'll refer you to post 732.

You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

No Hammie, I want you to understand the topic and discuss it. That really isn't too much to ask.

View attachment 19324

You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

No Hammie, I want you to understand the topic and discuss it. That really isn't too much to ask.

View attachment 19324

To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?
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You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

Translation: I am too dull and uncreative to even understand the concept, but I am too liberal to allow anybody else to enjoy it when I choose not to do so.

I am awesomely creative, tell-you-what-I'm-gonna-do: I will write a scenario that allows for your question to be discussed without the partisan venom inherent in the OP. Interested?
Scientists working on some of the more esoteric angles of unified field theory make an astounding discovery, there are an infinity of alternate earths just waiting for humanity and the scientists discover the doorway. Humanity quickly makes the decision to abandon this depleted, polluted shitball for pristine elbow room. It is decided that the trip is one-way and open only to people who can convince enough like minded people to join them. You happen to be the leader of the liberals/conservatives when this comes about, what is your plan to get several million people to join you in your new Eden?
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What may being goin here is there's nothing that bugs a modern liberal more than a neighbor who doesn't recycle, smokes a cigar, let's their kids play with toy guns, and drives a Hummer..

Occupied will probably STILL be looking across the border trying to find ways to legislate behaviour outside of his own playspace..
Scientists working on some of the more esoteric angles of unified field theory make an astounding discovery, there are an infinity of alternate earths just waiting for humanity and the scientists discover the doorway. Humanity quickly makes the decision to abandon this depleted, polluted shitball for pristine elbow room. It is decided that the trip is one-way and open only to people who can convince enough like minded people to join them. You happen to be the leader of the liberals/conservatives when this comes about, what is your plan to get several million people to join you in your new Eden?

As leader of the Libertarian contigient, we huddled and came up with the following.

MASSIVE ad campaign emphasizing what "a shitball we live on".. Place is literally tapped-out and about to flood.. (thanks for the script) Recruit Al Gore for the voice-over.
Alternate that with scenes of the "New Eden" and current administration lack of plans to solve anything. At the end of each Ad, give the phone numbers for the Liberal and Conservative groups trying to recruit emmigrants to "New Eden".

Throw those groups a huge Bon Vonage party, buy their keys and deeds at rock bottom prices --- and wave them off into the next dimension.
Then we smile, look around and taste the freedom and start turning the Earth they left us into a fixer-upper that we can sell for a handsome profit..
You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

No Hammie, I want you to understand the topic and discuss it. That really isn't too much to ask.

View attachment 19324

To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?

At this faze in my life I would say bring a civil war on.....

We need real change and hope - and I don't see that happening through a democratic process....

The last thing I would want to see is war but if it takes war for that change then I suppose it is worth it for the future of the United States of America and our generations of children to come.

I know one thing - many people didn't die to see the future fumble the ball of freedom. They didn't die for nothing - not let their children create a socialist authoritarian/Orwellian "utopia."

They fought and died for liberty -- if they could we call can.

They didn't fight for a nanny state or large government they fought for freedom and liberty for all men (and woman)...
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