Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
No Hammie, I want you to understand the topic and discuss it. That really isn't too much to ask.

View attachment 19324

To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?

At this faze in my life I would say bring a civil war on.....

We need real change and hope - and I don't see that happening through a democratic process....

The last thing I would want to see is war but if it takes war for that change then I suppose it is worth it for the future of the United States of America and our generations of children to come.

I know one thing - many people didn't die to see the future fumble the ball of freedom. They didn't die for nothing - not let their children create a socialist authoritarian/Orwellian "utopia."

They fought and died for liberty -- if they could we call can.

They didn't fight for a nanny state or large government they fought for freedom and liberty for all men (and woman)...

Liberty will be in short supply in conservative land, after they get through reversing every equal rights law ever instituted you will be lucky if you become indentured to a nice master rather than community property at the prison workhouse.
To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?

At this faze in my life I would say bring a civil war on.....

We need real change and hope - and I don't see that happening through a democratic process....

The last thing I would want to see is war but if it takes war for that change then I suppose it is worth it for the future of the United States of America and our generations of children to come.

I know one thing - many people didn't die to see the future fumble the ball of freedom. They didn't die for nothing - not let their children create a socialist authoritarian/Orwellian "utopia."

They fought and died for liberty -- if they could we call can.

They didn't fight for a nanny state or large government they fought for freedom and liberty for all men (and woman)...

Liberty will be in short supply in conservative land, after they get through reversing every equal rights law ever instituted you will be lucky if you become indentured to a nice master rather than community property at the prison workhouse.

RINO's wont exist in "conservative land."

Besides, the majority of my fellow "conservatives" that are my age are actually libertarians.

There is nothing wrong with having family and religious values and partaking in and enjoying capitalism......

I don't need a government telling me how to live my life or how to parent a child or what my kid or even myself can ingest..... If you do then you can move to fucking Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba etc....
At this faze in my life I would say bring a civil war on.....

We need real change and hope - and I don't see that happening through a democratic process....

The last thing I would want to see is war but if it takes war for that change then I suppose it is worth it for the future of the United States of America and our generations of children to come.

I know one thing - many people didn't die to see the future fumble the ball of freedom. They didn't die for nothing - not let their children create a socialist authoritarian/Orwellian "utopia."

They fought and died for liberty -- if they could we call can.

They didn't fight for a nanny state or large government they fought for freedom and liberty for all men (and woman)...

Liberty will be in short supply in conservative land, after they get through reversing every equal rights law ever instituted you will be lucky if you become indentured to a nice master rather than community property at the prison workhouse.

RINO's wont exist in "conservative land."

Besides, the majority of my fellow "conservatives" that are my age are actually libertarians.

There is nothing wrong with having family and religious values and partaking in and enjoying capitalism......

I don't need a government telling me how to live my life or how to parent a child or what my kid or even myself can ingest..... If you do then you can move to fucking Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba etc....

Rinos are padding your numbers, if they are not even welcome in conservative land then your numbers drop to about 15-20 percent, Since the country will be cut up by population then it looks like you just get part of the south, looking bad for you getting the lions share of the country.
Liberty will be in short supply in conservative land, after they get through reversing every equal rights law ever instituted you will be lucky if you become indentured to a nice master rather than community property at the prison workhouse.

RINO's wont exist in "conservative land."

Besides, the majority of my fellow "conservatives" that are my age are actually libertarians.

There is nothing wrong with having family and religious values and partaking in and enjoying capitalism......

I don't need a government telling me how to live my life or how to parent a child or what my kid or even myself can ingest..... If you do then you can move to fucking Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba etc....

Rinos are padding your numbers, if they are not even welcome in conservative land then your numbers drop to about 15-20 percent, Since the country will be cut up by population then it looks like you just get part of the south, looking bad for you getting the lions share of the country.


RINO's are probably 10% of the republican party.... The Tea Party is doing a good job bouncing them...
RINO's wont exist in "conservative land."

Besides, the majority of my fellow "conservatives" that are my age are actually libertarians.

There is nothing wrong with having family and religious values and partaking in and enjoying capitalism......

I don't need a government telling me how to live my life or how to parent a child or what my kid or even myself can ingest..... If you do then you can move to fucking Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba etc....

Rinos are padding your numbers, if they are not even welcome in conservative land then your numbers drop to about 15-20 percent, Since the country will be cut up by population then it looks like you just get part of the south, looking bad for you getting the lions share of the country.


RINO's are probably 10% of the republican party.... The Tea Party is doing a good job bouncing them...

So, who are you going to whine about after the libruls are all gone? who is going to be the scapegoat for all the bad things that happen? Not sure the TP is ready for that kind of responsibility, be like working without a net.
LOL thanks KWC, but they continue to underscore why we want the divorce in the first place. They don't like us. They don't like anything about us. They think we are evil, hateful, ignorant, stupid, and scary. And certainly I am being thoroughly pummeled because they don't like the way I'm stating our position though so far they haven't come up with anything to dispute it other than they don't like it. For the life of me I can't imagine why they wouldn't relish the idea of being rid of us.

The only reasons I can think of is
a) Most have no sense of humor at all
b) Most have no imagination whatsoever
c) The thought of having to depend on other liberals to support them is apparently terrifying
d None so far have been able to articulate a reason for why they deserve what we want more than we do.
e) None apparently have a clue how they would structure anything in Liberalland.
f) All they have is insulting conservatives and conservatism and that's pretty pathetic.

But given the tremendous support for a divorce as indicated in our straw poll here, we shall bravely forge on.

But you are correct that they would have no fear of us, because so far they haven't described anything that we would want. It is specifically all the stuff they promote that we don't want and vice versa that makes the divorce necessary.

As nobody has objected to us taking the guns, cops, and military, I am assuming that we are all in agreement that those go to Conservativeland.

Nobody has objected to all the illegals going to Liberalland, so I think we can agree on that as a done deal.

Unless somebody in Liberalland can come up with a good argument for why Liberalland would want the Constitution as the Founders intended that it be interpreted, I am guessing we are close to an agreement on that. We know pretty much everybody in Conservativeland does want that as it pretty much defines what a modern day American Conservative is.

Now let's look at our flag. Because of all the American ideals and hopes and dreams and expended blood and treasure that it represents, most Conservatives revere and respect the flag as a symbol of American exceptionalism. We don't dip it in front of foreign leaders. We treat it and display it with respect and expect school children to be instructed in the proper protocol for that and to be taught and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with pride. And even though we passionately respect and defend the First Amendment, culturally we deeply resent any who would disrespect the flag by burning or trampling on it or intentionally displaying it improperly. Disrespect for the flag will certainly not be a cultural norm in Conservativeland. And, as our National Anthem focuses on the flag as the symbol of our great nation, it seems reasonable that the two go hand in hand.

That is my argument for Conservativeland taking the flag and national anthem.

I encourage our liberal friends to make an argument for why Liberalland deserves and/or wants them more.

You honestly don't see the irony in wanting to tear the UNITED STATES asunder and then wanting the flag and constitution of the UNITED STATES to go to Teabaggertopia? What are you going to do? Cut out half the stars and stripes? You speak about respecting the flag and all it represents? I can think of nothing more disrespectful to the flag and this country than wanting to break it up over something as silly as the Liberal/Conservative disagreements. If you tear the country apart, the flag and the constitution will have no meaning except as a memory of a once great experiment in democracy.

I vote no divorce. This whole thing was decided a century and a half ago. Too many have fought and died to preserve this nation to just give up and throw it in the shitter.
LOL thanks KWC, but they continue to underscore why we want the divorce in the first place. They don't like us. They don't like anything about us. They think we are evil, hateful, ignorant, stupid, and scary. And certainly I am being thoroughly pummeled because they don't like the way I'm stating our position though so far they haven't come up with anything to dispute it other than they don't like it. For the life of me I can't imagine why they wouldn't relish the idea of being rid of us.

The only reasons I can think of is
a) Most have no sense of humor at all
b) Most have no imagination whatsoever
c) The thought of having to depend on other liberals to support them is apparently terrifying
d None so far have been able to articulate a reason for why they deserve what we want more than we do.
e) None apparently have a clue how they would structure anything in Liberalland.
f) All they have is insulting conservatives and conservatism and that's pretty pathetic.

But given the tremendous support for a divorce as indicated in our straw poll here, we shall bravely forge on.

But you are correct that they would have no fear of us, because so far they haven't described anything that we would want. It is specifically all the stuff they promote that we don't want and vice versa that makes the divorce necessary.

As nobody has objected to us taking the guns, cops, and military, I am assuming that we are all in agreement that those go to Conservativeland.

Nobody has objected to all the illegals going to Liberalland, so I think we can agree on that as a done deal.

Unless somebody in Liberalland can come up with a good argument for why Liberalland would want the Constitution as the Founders intended that it be interpreted, I am guessing we are close to an agreement on that. We know pretty much everybody in Conservativeland does want that as it pretty much defines what a modern day American Conservative is.

Now let's look at our flag. Because of all the American ideals and hopes and dreams and expended blood and treasure that it represents, most Conservatives revere and respect the flag as a symbol of American exceptionalism. We don't dip it in front of foreign leaders. We treat it and display it with respect and expect school children to be instructed in the proper protocol for that and to be taught and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with pride. And even though we passionately respect and defend the First Amendment, culturally we deeply resent any who would disrespect the flag by burning or trampling on it or intentionally displaying it improperly. Disrespect for the flag will certainly not be a cultural norm in Conservativeland. And, as our National Anthem focuses on the flag as the symbol of our great nation, it seems reasonable that the two go hand in hand.

That is my argument for Conservativeland taking the flag and national anthem.

I encourage our liberal friends to make an argument for why Liberalland deserves and/or wants them more.

You honestly don't see the irony in wanting to tear the UNITED STATES asunder and then wanting the flag and constitution of the UNITED STATES to go to Teabaggertopia? What are you going to do? Cut out half the stars and stripes? You speak about respecting the flag and all it represents? I can think of nothing more disrespectful to the flag and this country than wanting to break it up over something as silly as the Liberal/Conservative disagreements. If you tear the country apart, the flag and the constitution will have no meaning except as a memory of a once great experiment in democracy.

I vote no divorce. This whole thing was decided a century and a half ago. Too many have fought and died to preserve this nation to just give up and throw it in the shitter.

Too many fought and died to let it be dragged into the shitter, but it has been anyway.

For all practical purposes, this "divorce", the South's ordinances of secession, and the Declaration of Independence are all the same thing.

Secession may have been defeated 150 years ago, but it wasn't "decided". Secession is a legal right of the states. Virginia and New York specifically retained that right when they joined the Union. The fact that Lincoln violated that right did not decide it.
To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?

At this faze in my life I would say bring a civil war on.....

We need real change and hope - and I don't see that happening through a democratic process....

The last thing I would want to see is war but if it takes war for that change then I suppose it is worth it for the future of the United States of America and our generations of children to come.

I know one thing - many people didn't die to see the future fumble the ball of freedom. They didn't die for nothing - not let their children create a socialist authoritarian/Orwellian "utopia."

They fought and died for liberty -- if they could we call can.

They didn't fight for a nanny state or large government they fought for freedom and liberty for all men (and woman)...

Liberty will be in short supply in conservative land, after they get through reversing every equal rights law ever instituted you will be lucky if you become indentured to a nice master rather than community property at the prison workhouse.

In Rightwngistan Christianity will be made the official state religion; indeed, Christians only will be allowed to hold elected office or government positions.

Needless to say unions will be outlawed, there’ll be no laws protecting worker safety, working conditions, work hours, or wages – there’ll be no process for worker grievances at all. The only ‘recourse’ afforded abused workers is to quit the abusive employer and attempt to find a more benevolent master for whom to toil.
You want me off the thread so that you can totally divorce this topic from any semblance of reality and sharpen your stereotypes in peace? Got it. If it's all a joke and not to be taken seriously then have a mod move it to the appropriate humorous sub-forum.

No Hammie, I want you to understand the topic and discuss it. That really isn't too much to ask.

View attachment 19324

To my process oriented mind the topic is a lot like discussing practical ways to start a horrible civil war, funny stuff there. As far as liberals are concerned most current US systems are acceptable, minus the corruption and unbalanced priorities, as well as the bulk of American case law (and regulatory structure). Why are you wanting to keep the constitution again?

I bet you're a real hit at a party. :eusa_whistle: Pull the stick out of your ass and lossen up a bit.
Scientists working on some of the more esoteric angles of unified field theory make an astounding discovery, there are an infinity of alternate earths just waiting for humanity and the scientists discover the doorway. Humanity quickly makes the decision to abandon this depleted, polluted shitball for pristine elbow room. It is decided that the trip is one-way and open only to people who can convince enough like minded people to join them. You happen to be the leader of the liberals/conservatives when this comes about, what is your plan to get several million people to join you in your new Eden?

You realize Terra Nova was cancelled after one season don't you?

Terra Nova (TV Series 2011) - IMDb

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