Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.

So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

Not only do they loathe Conservatives as evidenced in this hypothetical exercise? We have a FEW that are dictating to Conservatives HOW they must run their lives after the hypothetical settlement.:lol:

We actually love our country?

Why would those who love this country want to turn it into the Khmer Rouge?

Some of you flag wavers are full of shit.

BTW, I don't think the "founders envisioned" dividing the nation based on how people vote.

The founders envisioned sovereign states who ran their affairs free of the interference of the federal government. When Lincoln changed us from a Republic to an Empire, the nature of how people are governed was fundamentally changed.

At the time of the founders, it was a very divided nation, independent states which formed a federation for common defense and for the purpose of trade. Now we are an empire, ruled from the central authority.
We actually love our country?

Why would those who love this country want to turn it into the Khmer Rouge?

Some of you flag wavers are full of shit.

BTW, I don't think the "founders envisioned" dividing the nation based on how people vote.

The founders envisioned sovereign states who ran their affairs free of the interference of the federal government. When Lincoln changed us from a Republic to an Empire, the nature of how people are governed was fundamentally changed.

At the time of the founders, it was a very divided nation, independent states which formed a federation for common defense and for the purpose of trade. Now we are an empire, ruled from the central authority.

Oh look. More blah blah blah from another person who wants to take a giant shit on the USA.

Here's the bottom line: if you buy this shit you support disbanding the same country you spend so much time telling people you love.
So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is?

We actually love our country?

Some of you flag wavers are full of shit.

BTW, I don't think the "founders envisioned" dividing the nation based on how people vote.

No. But the Founders envisioned a nation based on specific principles that did not include modern day American social liberalism. Conservatives want to return to those principles put forth b the Founders. Liberals don't like them just as you don't like any of us who express them. Conservatibves also enjoy exploring concepts and possibilities and having fun with them. That seems to be beyond the capabilities of liberals who seem to resent and hate everything that doesn't fit THEIR sociopolitical philosophy and mindset.

For instance I have spelled out how conservatives feel about their country and American exceptionalism, their flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem. So far liberals have whined that their patriotism is unassailable, but not one has offered an argument for why liberals want and respect all those things as much.

Liberals love that part of their country that is liberal. Just as conservatives love that part of their country that is conservative. That is the basis for the divorce. That each get the country they want.

Conservatives know what they want. So far liberals seem only to resent that Conservatives want it and seek to deny them that.

So thank you for your service. But you will probably find some other thread more to your liking than this one.
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.

So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.

So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

True liberty accepts change when practical and when it doesn't infringe on the liberty of others for some percieved LOSS of a 'right' in the process.
So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is?

We actually love our country?

Some of you flag wavers are full of shit.

BTW, I don't think the "founders envisioned" dividing the nation based on how people vote.

No. But the Founders envisioned a nation based on specific principles that did not include modern day American social liberalism. Conservatives want to return to those principles put forth b the Founders. Liberals don't like them just as you don't like any of us who express them. Conservatibves also enjoy exploring concepts and possibilities and having fun with them. That seems to be beyond the capabilities of liberals who seem to resent and hate everything that doesn't fit THEIR sociopolitical philosophy and mindset.

For instance I have spelled out how conservatives feel about their country and American exceptionalism, their flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem. So far liberals have whined that their patriotism is unassailable, but not one has offered an argument for why liberals want and respect all those things as much.

Liberals love that part of their country that is liberal. Just as conservatives love that part of their country that is conservative. That is the basis for the divorce. That each get the country they want.

Conservatives know what they want. So far liberals seem only to resent that Conservatives want it and seek to deny them that.

So thank you for your service. But you will probably find some other thread more to your liking than this one.

"Dear Liberals: We are pissed that you won't let us exercise my 2nd amendment rights by purchasing an Abrams Tank, So we have decided to take my ball and go home. Fuck the veterans and their sacrifices. Those dupes probably wouldn't have volunteered if they were smart enough to understand the founders true intent like us. We are leaving, because that's what true patriots do. Abandon ship. P.S.: You need to give us a forwarding address to ship the remains from Arlington National Cemetary. We are going to convert it to strip malls and Mega Churches"
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.

So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

But don't you see? That would not be your problem. You would have the Utopia that you are certain liberalism would produce, and whatever we screwed up would be our problem. One reason we want the divorce is just the dynamics you are expressing here. Rather than tend to your own business and do your own thing, you are focused on us and our sins. There is no live and let live in America as it exists today.

So, let's each take what we like most and part company. Again we can have a community picnic and compare notes after a decade or two. Then we'll know which one of us has the superior concepts of government and society.

We Conservatives already pretty much know and agree on how we will organize things and get it done, because we pretty much universally like the original intent of the Constitution as the Founders interpreted it, and we will go with the freedoms of self governance as they envisioned American exceptionalism would allow. We are pretty unified on the principles and concepts of conservatism.

You guys need to get cracking to write a Constitution that would provide and protect liberal concepts assuming you can agree on what those concepts are.
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So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

True liberty accepts change when practical and when it doesn't infringe on the liberty of others for some percieved LOSS of a 'right' in the process.

There is no such thing as true liberty as long as you live in a society of other self interested humans, or maybe if you become emperor, conservastan is going to have one, maybe you can apply.
So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

But don't you see? That would not be your problem. You would have the Utopia that you are certain liberalism would produce, and whatever we screwed up would be our problem. One reason we want the divorce is just the dynamics you are expressing here. Rather than tend to your own business and do your own thing, you are focused on us and our sins. There is no live and let live in America as it exists today.

So, let's each take what we like most and part company. Again we can have a community picnic and compare notes after a decade or two. Then we'll know which one of us has the superior concepts of government and society.

Pretty horrible way to attempt to answer a question we already have the answer to.
So far it only seems to offend liberals. Why do you think that is? I think it underscores why we need the divorce. Conservative perceptions and concepts are offensive to liberals. I have the neg reps to prove it. All you have to do is read this thread (and hundreds of others) to see it. I KNOW that conservatism is distasteful and hateful to liberals. Conservatives don't like liberalism any better. That's why we need the divorce.

We need it because you liberals continue to attack me or anybody else who dares express a conviction that they don't like or appreciate liberalism while supporting and promoting conservatism. I am very much personally resented and despised for even suggesting the exercise to explore it. But even as you refuse or are unable to support or defend liberal concepts, you would deny us the right to have the Conservativeland that we want. It is on such irreconcilable differences that mutual divorces are based.

You guys hate everything about conservatism. I understand and accept that.

What I don't understand is why the ideal of a Liberalland that includes every liberal concept that you guys keep saying is the right ideal is apparently so terrifying to you.

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

True liberty accepts change when practical and when it doesn't infringe on the liberty of others for some percieved LOSS of a 'right' in the process.

And true traitors never have the balls to be honest about their action.

You are obviously upset. What's next? A flag burning in protest?

The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

But don't you see? That would not be your problem. You would have the Utopia that you are certain liberalism would produce, and whatever we screwed up would be our problem. One reason we want the divorce is just the dynamics you are expressing here. Rather than tend to your own business and do your own thing, you are focused on us and our sins. There is no live and let live in America as it exists today.

So, let's each take what we like most and part company. Again we can have a community picnic and compare notes after a decade or two. Then we'll know which one of us has the superior concepts of government and society.

Pretty horrible way to attempt to answer a question we already have the answer to.

The problem with free and fair elections is that sometimes you lose.

What's the point of that?
The problem we are having here is that I correctly see government as a process and you see it as a mere symbol. Liberal land (left alone of course) would build a government over a period of decades that matched whatever political, environmental or resource situation they happened to be facing at the time, in other words, practicality. Your impractical, rigid , un-adaptable conservastan would be starting out stuck in the mud of an ideology that allows no change.

True liberty accepts change when practical and when it doesn't infringe on the liberty of others for some percieved LOSS of a 'right' in the process.

There is no such thing as true liberty as long as you live in a society of other self interested humans, or maybe if you become emperor, conservastan is going to have one, maybe you can apply.

What do you think true Liberty is? Go back to school and read the Federalists.
Every time I see something like this I wonder how conservatives think they can stay free in a country of their own design where those in the ruling class are unencumbered by taxation, regulation and accountability and the freely exploited working class is on its own and works for practically nothing. No social mobility, no access to medical care, crappy bible based education and no way on earth to get a fair hearing of grievances.

Agreeing with California Girl that the left has little sense of humor and virtually no imagination. But let's keep trying for awhile.

Don't worry about us Occupied. I am offering you the chance for your own Utopia unencumbered by all those evil conservatives. Doesn't the idea appeal to you?

It should appeal to him in both theory and practice. Until, that is, he realises that there'll be no conservatives taxpayers to pay for any of it. An embarrassing and rather revealing Catch 22 for the DNC's disciples.
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.


The actual political environment is multi-colored, but in general, in our two part environment, FoxFyre is correct in her breakdown of what kind of world the conservatives think they want and what kind of world the liberals think they want. She has listed the items that the liberals here constantly and consistently say they want. Her's is a fantasy construct of course, so quit taking it so damn literal. What exactly in her scenario of each country do you find offensive? Are there elements of liberalland that you don't find desirable? Are you against the healthcare, education, hand up, etc. that liberals are always figting for?
We actually love our country?

Some of you flag wavers are full of shit.

BTW, I don't think the "founders envisioned" dividing the nation based on how people vote.

No. But the Founders envisioned a nation based on specific principles that did not include modern day American social liberalism. Conservatives want to return to those principles put forth b the Founders. Liberals don't like them just as you don't like any of us who express them. Conservatibves also enjoy exploring concepts and possibilities and having fun with them. That seems to be beyond the capabilities of liberals who seem to resent and hate everything that doesn't fit THEIR sociopolitical philosophy and mindset.

For instance I have spelled out how conservatives feel about their country and American exceptionalism, their flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem. So far liberals have whined that their patriotism is unassailable, but not one has offered an argument for why liberals want and respect all those things as much.

Liberals love that part of their country that is liberal. Just as conservatives love that part of their country that is conservative. That is the basis for the divorce. That each get the country they want.

Conservatives know what they want. So far liberals seem only to resent that Conservatives want it and seek to deny them that.

So thank you for your service. But you will probably find some other thread more to your liking than this one.

"Dear Liberals: We are pissed that you won't let us exercise my 2nd amendment rights by purchasing an Abrams Tank, So we have decided to take my ball and go home. Fuck the veterans and their sacrifices. Those dupes probably wouldn't have volunteered if they were smart enough to understand the founders true intent like us. We are leaving, because that's what true patriots do. Abandon ship. P.S.: You need to give us a forwarding address to ship the remains from Arlington National Cemetary. We are going to convert it to strip malls and Mega Churches"

Perfect post.

Conservistan would be a fun place to watch from a distance but I wouldn't want to live there.
Rinos are padding your numbers, if they are not even welcome in conservative land then your numbers drop to about 15-20 percent, Since the country will be cut up by population then it looks like you just get part of the south, looking bad for you getting the lions share of the country.


RINO's are probably 10% of the republican party.... The Tea Party is doing a good job bouncing them...

So, who are you going to whine about after the libruls are all gone? who is going to be the scapegoat for all the bad things that happen? Not sure the TP is ready for that kind of responsibility, be like working without a net.

According to many, they've nominated RINO's in the last two elections (counting this one). I'd say it's more like 60%....either that or republicans are just unprincipled idiots in general.
Everyone gets the premise by now Foxfyre, it just offends the hell out of some.


The actual political environment is multi-colored, but in general, in our two part environment, FoxFyre is correct in her breakdown of what kind of world the conservatives think they want and what kind of world the liberals think they want. She has listed the items that the liberals here constantly and consistently say they want. Her's is a fantasy construct of course, so quit taking it so damn literal. What exactly in her scenario of each country do you find offensive? Are there elements of liberalland that you don't find desirable? Are you against the healthcare, education, hand up, etc. that liberals are always figting for?

Three things mainly offend me about this thing Foxfyre has posted. First of all the idea of breaking up the union should offend practically everyone who actually loves this country. Secondly it is an insultingly raw deal for liberals that this person is continuing to claim is fair and equitable. Thirdly it is a load of bull that asks liberals to just accept that they will be allowed to live in peace on what is essentially a reservation in the same land that slaughtered the indians.

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