Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
A lot of liberals sure don't seem to understand how divorces work. Odd, since 50% of marriages end in divorce in the US. You'd think everyone gets the concept. Oh wait, I get guys are the bitter partner that wants to punish the other side. Perhaps you missed where the parameters of this exercise is that it is an amicable, no fault divorce. Try it from that angle and see if you can play the game.

If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

what part of the exercise was it ever stated there would be no government? That's right NO WHERE.

A lot of liberals sure don't seem to understand how divorces work. Odd, since 50% of marriages end in divorce in the US. You'd think everyone gets the concept. Oh wait, I get guys are the bitter partner that wants to punish the other side. Perhaps you missed where the parameters of this exercise is that it is an amicable, no fault divorce. Try it from that angle and see if you can play the game.

If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.
"Dear Liberals: We are pissed that you won't let us exercise my 2nd amendment rights by purchasing an Abrams Tank, So we have decided to take my ball and go home. Fuck the veterans and their sacrifices. Those dupes probably wouldn't have volunteered if they were smart enough to understand the founders true intent like us. We are leaving, because that's what true patriots do. Abandon ship. P.S.: You need to give us a forwarding address to ship the remains from Arlington National Cemetary. We are going to convert it to strip malls and Mega Churches"

A lot of liberals sure don't seem to understand how divorces work. Odd, since 50% of marriages end in divorce in the US. You'd think everyone gets the concept. Oh wait, I get guys are the bitter partner that wants to punish the other side. Perhaps you missed where the parameters of this exercise is that it is an amicable, no fault divorce. Try it from that angle and see if you can play the game.

If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. The liberals and conservatives have come to a place in their relationship where they find it necessary to divorce. It is an amicable, no fault divorce and all we have to do is divide up the stuff by justifying why our side should get it over the other side. Fox has done a good job of explaining what she believes the conservatives should get in the settlement and why. So far, not a single liberal has been willing to do so. All they have done is talk about how offended they are and how fearful they are that they will be attacked by conservativeland. If you guys find the exercise stoopid or childish, fine.......move on. There are a lot of threads here I don't participate in like "What Song Are You Listening To" because I'm sitting at my desk and I'm not listening to music. I don't go in there and argue that country is the best music in the world and that rock sucks. That isn't the purpose of that thread. If you don't want to participate in the exercise as designed, go in peace and find something more to your liking. But we'd really like to know what you'd want i nthe divorce and why. It's really simple.
Yep. Once it goes through? Have a happy life. See ya.

Conservative America will not tolerate a socialist country on this continent no matter what agreements they may have made. They would immediately set to undermining liberal land politically and economically to insure that it failed as it was set up to do.

Your liberal paranoia is kicking into high gear here. Conservatives certainly have not objected to any other socialist countries who leave us alone and do not threaten us. Why would we care in any way what you do?

Yep. What's done is done and WE wish you Godspeed in the process...sorry it didn't workout.
Yep. Once it goes through? Have a happy life. See ya.

Conservative America will not tolerate a socialist country on this continent no matter what agreements they may have made. They would immediately set to undermining liberal land politically and economically to insure that it failed as it was set up to do.

I bet you wear shoulder pads when you're playing baseball don't you? The things you keep whining about are not part of the exercise. The exercise has NOTHING to do with what keeps you awake at night after the divorce. It has EVERYTHING to do with how we split the sheets to go our own ways. Look, if you are incapable of playing by the game rules and insist on tackling the runner at first base, you probably need to go back to the bench. In other words, quit being such an ass.

My position from go is that there should be no split and that the OP is a horribly vindictive piece of thoughtless propaganda. You are saying that we should talk of our very real country in the same terms a couple of nerds would use to decide which is better, "star wars" or "star trek", or Goku vs. Superman. I deal in reality, you should try it.
A lot of liberals sure don't seem to understand how divorces work. Odd, since 50% of marriages end in divorce in the US. You'd think everyone gets the concept. Oh wait, I get guys are the bitter partner that wants to punish the other side. Perhaps you missed where the parameters of this exercise is that it is an amicable, no fault divorce. Try it from that angle and see if you can play the game.

If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

Seems like your still clueless.
If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.

What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.
Conservative America will not tolerate a socialist country on this continent no matter what agreements they may have made. They would immediately set to undermining liberal land politically and economically to insure that it failed as it was set up to do.

I bet you wear shoulder pads when you're playing baseball don't you? The things you keep whining about are not part of the exercise. The exercise has NOTHING to do with what keeps you awake at night after the divorce. It has EVERYTHING to do with how we split the sheets to go our own ways. Look, if you are incapable of playing by the game rules and insist on tackling the runner at first base, you probably need to go back to the bench. In other words, quit being such an ass.

My position from go is that there should be no split and that the OP is a horribly vindictive piece of thoughtless propaganda. You are saying that we should talk of our very real country in the same terms a couple of nerds would use to decide which is better, "star wars" or "star trek", or Goku vs. Superman. I deal in reality, you should try it.

Propaganda Gracie? It's an exercise in thought based upon irreconsilable differences between two ideoligies that just can't seem to find common ground without damage physical or otherwise one unto the other.
conservative america will not tolerate a socialist country on this continent no matter what agreements they may have made. They would immediately set to undermining liberal land politically and economically to insure that it failed as it was set up to do.

i bet you wear shoulder pads when you're playing baseball don't you? The things you keep whining about are not part of the exercise. The exercise has nothing to do with what keeps you awake at night after the divorce. It has everything to do with how we split the sheets to go our own ways. Look, if you are incapable of playing by the game rules and insist on tackling the runner at first base, you probably need to go back to the bench. In other words, quit being such an ass.

my position from go is that there should be no split and that the op is a horribly vindictive piece of thoughtless propaganda. You are saying that we should talk of our very real country in the same terms a couple of nerds would use to decide which is better, "star wars" or "star trek", or goku vs. Superman. I deal in reality, you should try it.

View attachment 19342
Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. .

I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
If you guys want to leave, you should just leave.

You don't get to take the real estate.

Someone else paid for that and you don't own it.

Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

Seems like your still clueless.

She's a follower that refuses to get out of the way and gets under foot.
Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. .

I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

See post 849.
Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.

What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

I am unwilling to treat our country as an abstraction, it's a real thing with real problems and not some specimen to perform experiments on.
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Seems to me that they would like Somolia. No government interferance, no government services, no government of any kind. Whoever has the most weapons rules. Basically the set-up they want; right?

If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.

What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

What you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that I am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.
If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.

What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

I am unwilling to treat our country as an abstraction, it's a real thing with real problems and not some specimen to perform experiments on.

Translation: "I Occupado, am NOT willing to discuss differences but want it MY way or else..."
Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. .

I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.

HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.

Those with the capacity to think independently, to be able to ask and explore the 'what if's', who have ability to imagine and create possibilities in their minds will get it. So far those have all been on the conservative side of the ledger.

All liberals seem to come up with is intolerance and rage toward those doing the exercise and they remain focused on us and our sins while not having any concept of what or why they want something different.

Again, a real pity.
If not there, then I am sure they can find their utopia.

Seriously, after 4 years of listening to conservative neo-secessionist bullshit like this, I am starting to wonder when they are going to stop flapping their gums and just fucking leave.

Seriously, guys, if you are so unhappy in the USA, no one is stopping you from leaving.

What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

What you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that I am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.

Can you see someone trying to sell this to the masses? Now that's funny to think about.
Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. .

I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.

HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.

Those with the capacity to think independently, to be able to ask and explore the 'what if's', who have ability to imagine and create possibilities in their minds will get it. So far those have all been on the conservative side of the ledger.

All liberals seem to come up with is intolerance and rage toward those doing the exercise and they remain focused on us and our sins while not having any concept of what or why they want something different.

Again, a real pity.

As per my PM yesterday to you?

Absolutely transparent they are. ;)
What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

What you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that I am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.

Can you see someone trying to sell this to the masses? Now that's funny to think about.

No one selling it to but those on USMB...YOU chose to participate...and try to dictate what will and won't be after the thought exercise...

It's apparent YOU want to be and don't want to be a participant IN the exercise. Make up your mind shall you?
I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.

HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.

Those with the capacity to think independently, to be able to ask and explore the 'what if's', who have ability to imagine and create possibilities in their minds will get it. So far those have all been on the conservative side of the ledger.

All liberals seem to come up with is intolerance and rage toward those doing the exercise and they remain focused on us and our sins while not having any concept of what or why they want something different.

Again, a real pity.

As per my PM yesterday to you?

Absolutely transparent they are. ;)

Unfortunately yes. They are. Glaringly so.

I probably should have included a disclaimer and explanation in the OP, but I honestly thought most people were smart enough to see what the purpose of the thread was. Guess not. I keep giving too much credit to the liberals I guess.
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