Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.


Been trying to explain since page one that keeping the country in one piece and working together trumps any selfish desire for Utopian fantasies.
Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.

HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.

Those with the capacity to think independently, to be able to ask and explore the 'what if's', who have ability to imagine and create possibilities in their minds will get it. So far those have all been on the conservative side of the ledger.

All liberals seem to come up with is intolerance and rage toward those doing the exercise and they remain focused on us and our sins while not having any concept of what or why they want something different.

Again, a real pity.

As per my PM yesterday to you?

Absolutely transparent they are. ;)

Unfortunately yes. They are. Glaringly so.

A script, an exercise that writes itself under the premise you eloquently laid out.
HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.


Been trying to explain since page one that keeping the country in one piece and working together trumps any selfish desire for Utopian fantasies.

Utopia would presume no pitfalls in life. Conservatives understand and live in RealVille and know it NOT to be so.

You should be careful NOT to project so much.
What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

I am unwilling to treat our country as an abstraction, it's a real thing with real problems and not some specimen to perform experiments on.

Translation: "I Occupado, am NOT willing to discuss differences but want it MY way or else..."

Kindly turn in your DD 214 on your way out the door as well.
HINT TO THOSE WHO STILL MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A CLUE: This isn't real. It is an exercise to explore concepts, values, and what is important to liberals and conservatives in modern day America.


Been trying to explain since page one that keeping the country in one piece and working together trumps any selfish desire for Utopian fantasies.

Utopia would presume no pitfalls in life. Conservatives understand and live in RealVille and know it NOT to be so.

You should be careful NOT to project so much.

In the Realville I inhabit this "exercise" is far from being real enough to be of value as a thought experiment and much too hateful to be a funny joke.
What, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own Utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

What you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that I am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.

Can you see someone trying to sell this to the masses? Now that's funny to think about.

I think they should adopt it as a campaign platform. Neo secessionist will sell well to Mainstreet, America.

At least the cons are finally being honest about their agenda.
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels? Conservativeland will agree to exercise due restraint to keep all the noxious fumes etc. on our side of the border, but Liberalland will need to agree to allow our fossil fueled vehicles to cross their border if we make any treaties allowing trade between the countries.
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Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

All for it...and we will ensure good stewardship too...
Oh gawd, another humorless, stick up the butt, offended liberal who takes this all seriously. It is an exercise, a fantasy construct. .

I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.[\quote]

yes. Dividing the union is treason. If the shoe fits, then wear it.


No shit. The sentiments, though, are real enough and have continually manifested themselves on this forum in various forms since 2004.
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

Talk about glossing over the flaws in your argument, I have answered all your questions from many angles but you just didn't want to hear them, they were not in any form that you could easily ridicule so they must not exist in Conservative land.
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

All for it...and we will ensure good stewardship too...

Yep. Because despite how much Liberalland folks want to make us the devils of all that is evil re energy, we Conservatives don't want dirty air, soil, or water any more than they do, we appreciate aesthetic beauty just as much, and with our unfettered free market system, we will come up with ever more fuel efficient and effective vehicles without giving up the fun, and we will solve the problem of what we do for energy if and when the fossil fuels are finally exhausted.
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what, and leave you to deal with all the conservative stuff that you guys hate? We aren't suggesting anybody leave. We are suggesting an amicable divorce. We take all the conservative concepts that you guys hate. Y'all create your own utopia with all the liberal concepts that you love.

Every single conservative understands that concept.

So far liberals seem to be clueless, unimaginative, humorless, and thoroughly antagonistic and focused on us and how evil we are. Not one has had the creativity or imagination to get into the spirit of the exercise. Is there any wonder that the differences are now recognized as irreconcilable and this divorce is necessary?

The only mystery is why you guys are contesting it so vigorously. Except that you don't want what we want, but you are unwilling to allow us to have it either. Which is why we want the divorce in the first place.

what you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that i am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.

can you see someone trying to sell this to the masses? Now that's funny to think about.

View attachment 19344
what you don't understand is that you are free to leave. You just don't get to take the real estate with you. Someone else died to pay for that, and you don't get to trump that simply because you are a bunch of incessant whiners.

To compare it with you divorce analogy, if you want to walk out on the barrage then fine. But you don't get to keep the house.

You are wrong that i am humorless. I find right wing hypocrisy hysterical.

can you see someone trying to sell this to the masses? Now that's funny to think about.

i think they should adopt it as a campaign platform. Neo secessionist will sell well to mainstreet, america.

At least the cons are finally being honest about their agenda.

View attachment 19345
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

All for it...and we will ensure good stewardship too...

Yep. Because despite how much Liberalland folks want to make us the devils of all that is evil re energy, we Conservatives don't want dirty air, soil, or water any more than they do, we apprecviate aesthetic beauty just as much, and with our unfettered free market system, we will come up with ever more fuel efficient and effective vehicles without giving up the fun, and we will solve the probabem of what we do for energy if and when the fossil fuels are finally exhausted.

And even encourage some promising inventor through the free market to come up with hybrids of even SOME 'greentech' that won't be forced on the populace...but will judge on practicality/economics and freely accepted sans coercion.
I guess fantasies of treason just rub me the wrong way...

Seriously, no one is keeping you guys here.

Yalu guys act like you are being forced to live in some oppressive regime of liberals.

It sounds like you might be happy elsewhere.

I certainly value your happiness.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Treason? Wow. No wonder liberals hate us so much. They can't even define the words that we use.[\quote]

yes. Dividing the union is treason. If the shoe fits, then wear it.


No shit. The sentiments, though, are real enough and have continually manifested themselves on this forum in various forms since 2004.

So, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

Talk about glossing over the flaws in your argument, I have answered all your questions from many angles but you just didn't want to hear them, they were not in any form that you could easily ridicule so they must not exist in Conservative land.

No you haven't. What you have done repeatedly is piss your pants in fear you would be attacked and thinking this is a real proposal. :lol:
Okay moving along now, we've settled the land distribution and, as the Liberalland folks have made no argument for why they deserve the Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or National Anthem, nor has one said they want the guns, cops, and military, those go to the Conservativeland side of the ledger.

So now for energy. Liberals have long resisted new exploration or expanded use of fossil fuels and they have been the ones pushing the bio fuels, wind, solar, and other 'green' industries.

So are we in agreement that Conservativeland takes the oil, coal, and natural gas and Liberalland gets all the wind, solar, and biofuels?

All for it...and we will ensure good stewardship too...

Yep. Because despite how much Liberalland folks want to make us the devils of all that is evil re energy, we Conservatives don't want dirty air, soil, or water any more than they do, we apprecviate aesthetic beauty just as much, and with our unfettered free market system, we will come up with ever more fuel efficient and effective vehicles without giving up the fun, and we will solve the problem of what we do for energy if and when the fossil fuels are finally exhausted.

Now that's funny, no thought to alternative energy until conservative America finally realizes that the oil is running out? By then more progressive countries will own every patent and manufacturing facility for non fossil fuel energy production. That, in fact, seems to be the problem at present. When the big strike that makes oil production obsolete inevitably comes, America will not have a piece of it.
All for it...and we will ensure good stewardship too...

Yep. Because despite how much Liberalland folks want to make us the devils of all that is evil re energy, we Conservatives don't want dirty air, soil, or water any more than they do, we apprecviate aesthetic beauty just as much, and with our unfettered free market system, we will come up with ever more fuel efficient and effective vehicles without giving up the fun, and we will solve the problem of what we do for energy if and when the fossil fuels are finally exhausted.

Now that's funny, no thought to alternative energy until conservative America finally realizes that the oil is running out? By then more progressive countries will own every patent and manufacturing facility for non fossil fuel energy production. That, in fact, seems to be the problem at present. When the big strike that makes oil production obsolete inevitably comes, America will not have a piece of it.

Wrong again hockey puck.

Yep. Because despite how much Liberalland folks want to make us the devils of all that is evil re energy, we Conservatives don't want dirty air, soil, or water any more than they do, we apprecviate aesthetic beauty just as much, and with our unfettered free market system, we will come up with ever more fuel efficient and effective vehicles without giving up the fun, and we will solve the problem of what we do for energy if and when the fossil fuels are finally exhausted.

Now that's funny, no thought to alternative energy until conservative America finally realizes that the oil is running out? By then more progressive countries will own every patent and manufacturing facility for non fossil fuel energy production. That, in fact, seems to be the problem at present. When the big strike that makes oil production obsolete inevitably comes, America will not have a piece of it.

Wrong again hockey puck.


Are you forgetting that you ran all the fossil fuel heretics off to liberal land? No one who works in the field would stay in a country made up of people who are openly hostile to their line of research. Liberal land would have all of the good tech minded researchers.
Now that's funny, no thought to alternative energy until conservative America finally realizes that the oil is running out? By then more progressive countries will own every patent and manufacturing facility for non fossil fuel energy production. That, in fact, seems to be the problem at present. When the big strike that makes oil production obsolete inevitably comes, America will not have a piece of it.

Wrong again hockey puck.


Are you forgetting that you ran all the fossil fuel heretics off to liberal land? No one who works in the field would stay in a country made up of people who are openly hostile to their line of research. Liberal land would have all of the good tech minded researchers.

Thus why you are failing at this exercise. :eusa_shhh:

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