Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.

You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.

Your business and private property can continue to be run under the new Liberalland government. You will finally have the government you have always wanted and can enjoy all the taxes and regulation and mandates and government benevolence that you crave. Oh it will be perfection. Just imagine how glorious, magnificent, magical it will be.

All that is required to realize it is just a wee bit of creativity, imagination, a sense of play and good humor, and a willingness to think in what if's. That has proved to be an impossible challenge for most of our liberal friends, but I continue to hold out hope that one or two will have the capacity to achieve it.

You do not have to worry about any of us in Conservativeland. The provisions of the divorce have already been settled that every one of us can choose which country we will live in. Those who choose Conservativeland will want to be there, but if it is not to their liking, they will be given our blessings to move to Liberalland.

In fact it will be interesting to see how many in each country will renounce their citizenship and move to the other during the decade of trial. We'll compare notes about that at the community picnic ten or so years down the line.

We can even write into the agreement that if one country should lose so many citizens that it becomes unviable, we can rejoin the countries and all will then live under the most successful system.

Read this carefully, I live in the area you have designated to be real America, as do a huge number of other liberals who have substantial holdings. Now is the time to sell this on the benefit of me leaving my extended family and property and moving out to a place where I start as a refugee. Why would I do that when I can stay and fight for what is mine in the country of my birth that is suddenly turned into Taliban America? The very idea remains ludicrous. It would take arrest and deportation to get me off my patch of ground.
You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.

Your business and private property can continue to be run under the new Liberalland government. You will finally have the government you have always wanted and can enjoy all the taxes and regulation and mandates and government benevolence that you crave. Oh it will be perfection. Just imagine how glorious, magnificent, magical it will be.

All that is required to realize it is just a wee bit of creativity, imagination, a sense of play and good humor, and a willingness to think in what if's. That has proved to be an impossible challenge for most of our liberal friends, but I continue to hold out hope that one or two will have the capacity to achieve it.

You do not have to worry about any of us in Conservativeland. The provisions of the divorce have already been settled that every one of us can choose which country we will live in. Those who choose Conservativeland will want to be there, but if it is not to their liking, they will be given our blessings to move to Liberalland.

In fact it will be interesting to see how many in each country will renounce their citizenship and move to the other during the decade of trial. We'll compare notes about that at the community picnic ten or so years down the line.

We can even write into the agreement that if one country should lose so many citizens that it becomes unviable, we can rejoin the countries and all will then live under the most successful system.

Read this carefully, I live in the area you have designated to be real America, as do a huge number of other liberals who have substantial holdings. Now is the time to sell this on the benefit of me leaving my extended family and property and moving out to a place where I start as a refugee. Why would I do that when I can stay and fight for what is mine in the country of my birth that is suddenly turned into Taliban America? The very idea remains ludicrous. It would take arrest and deportation to get me off my patch of ground.

So much arrogance. and judgmentalism. So little creativity, imagination, ability to think outside the box. A pity. I blame a liberal public education. It has really destroyed the ability of the younger generation to deal in any thought processes outside their indoctrination. How sad.
Your business and private property can continue to be run under the new Liberalland government. You will finally have the government you have always wanted and can enjoy all the taxes and regulation and mandates and government benevolence that you crave. Oh it will be perfection. Just imagine how glorious, magnificent, magical it will be.

All that is required to realize it is just a wee bit of creativity, imagination, a sense of play and good humor, and a willingness to think in what if's. That has proved to be an impossible challenge for most of our liberal friends, but I continue to hold out hope that one or two will have the capacity to achieve it.

You do not have to worry about any of us in Conservativeland. The provisions of the divorce have already been settled that every one of us can choose which country we will live in. Those who choose Conservativeland will want to be there, but if it is not to their liking, they will be given our blessings to move to Liberalland.

In fact it will be interesting to see how many in each country will renounce their citizenship and move to the other during the decade of trial. We'll compare notes about that at the community picnic ten or so years down the line.

We can even write into the agreement that if one country should lose so many citizens that it becomes unviable, we can rejoin the countries and all will then live under the most successful system.

Read this carefully, I live in the area you have designated to be real America, as do a huge number of other liberals who have substantial holdings. Now is the time to sell this on the benefit of me leaving my extended family and property and moving out to a place where I start as a refugee. Why would I do that when I can stay and fight for what is mine in the country of my birth that is suddenly turned into Taliban America? The very idea remains ludicrous. It would take arrest and deportation to get me off my patch of ground.

So much arrogance. So little creativity, imagination, ability to think outside the box. A pity. I blame a liberal public education. It has really destroyed the ability of the younger generation to deal in any thought processes outside their indoctrination. How sad.

You've said that too and I have answered that a social thought experiment totally devoid of ties to human nature and the present reality is worthless.
Read this carefully, I live in the area you have designated to be real America, as do a huge number of other liberals who have substantial holdings. Now is the time to sell this on the benefit of me leaving my extended family and property and moving out to a place where I start as a refugee. Why would I do that when I can stay and fight for what is mine in the country of my birth that is suddenly turned into Taliban America? The very idea remains ludicrous. It would take arrest and deportation to get me off my patch of ground.

So much arrogance. So little creativity, imagination, ability to think outside the box. A pity. I blame a liberal public education. It has really destroyed the ability of the younger generation to deal in any thought processes outside their indoctrination. How sad.

You've said that too and I have answered that a social thought experiment totally devoid of ties to human nature and the present reality is worthless.

And yet you continue to make post after post after post in the worthless thought experiment without any glimmer of hope that you even understand what the thought experiement is.

It really is astounding.
So much arrogance. So little creativity, imagination, ability to think outside the box. A pity. I blame a liberal public education. It has really destroyed the ability of the younger generation to deal in any thought processes outside their indoctrination. How sad.

You've said that too and I have answered that a social thought experiment totally devoid of ties to human nature and the present reality is worthless.

And yet you continue to make post after post after post in the worthless thought experiment without any glimmer of hope that you even understand what the thought experiement is.

It really is astounding.

I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.
You've said that too and I have answered that a social thought experiment totally devoid of ties to human nature and the present reality is worthless.

And yet you continue to make post after post after post in the worthless thought experiment without any glimmer of hope that you even understand what the thought experiement is.

It really is astounding.

I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.

And yet you haven't offered a single nut or bolt of wisdom of anything that needs to be done. All you have done is 1) Whine that the thread exists 2) Whine that conservatives exist 3) Sanctimoniously declare all the evils in the world that are due to conservatism, 4) Accuse conservatives of all sorts of idiotic things, and 5) Whine some more that the thread exists and how worthless the exercise is.

Is it any wonder that we need this divorce.
You've said that too and I have answered that a social thought experiment totally devoid of ties to human nature and the present reality is worthless.

And yet you continue to make post after post after post in the worthless thought experiment without any glimmer of hope that you even understand what the thought experiement is.

It really is astounding.

I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.

For me, this exercise has been a very depressing experience so far. I have always felt that one of this country's strengths has been the diversity of people and ideas. the country's motto "E Pluribus Unum" out of many - one. Sadly, it seems that conservatives don't want any diversity. They seem to want some kind of homogenous society where everyone just marches in lockstep. Sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.
And yet you continue to make post after post after post in the worthless thought experiment without any glimmer of hope that you even understand what the thought experiement is.

It really is astounding.

I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.

For me, this exercise has been a very depressing experience so far. I have always felt that one of this country's strengths has been the diversity of people and ideas. the country's motto "E Pluribus Unum" out of many - one. Sadly, it seems that conservatives don't want any diversity. They seem to want some kind of homogenous society where everyone just marches in lockstep. Sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.

Just once I wish you liberals would read the thread and the arguments already made before you get all depressed or whatever. We have discussed ad nauseum the difference in Conservative concepts--that it took the Founders themselves eight years of heated arguments, debates, negotiations, and compromises before they were able to arrive at a Constitution that all could agree to and accept.

Isn't that enough diversity for you? Why should they have included the failed concepts of feudal kingdoms and monarchies or authoritarian theocracies into the mix when they founded the United States? It was the vision of freedom that drove them to form their own country where they could be free of such failed and oppressive concepts. But they sure as hell didn't agree on everything. There was plenty to work out and deal with and that continued for more than a century and a half before modern day liberalism gained a foothold here.

So now why should Conservativeland include the failed polices of modern day American liberalism? We will have enough stuff to work out without including the very failed and oppressive concepts that we wish to escape.

And why would you want to continue any conservative policies that you have been railing against and condemning for decades now? There is zero evidence that liberalism is tolerant of or embraces or wishes to include conservative concepts.

It is the irreconcilable differences in our philosophies that makes the divorce necessary.
I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.

For me, this exercise has been a very depressing experience so far. I have always felt that one of this country's strengths has been the diversity of people and ideas. the country's motto "E Pluribus Unum" out of many - one. Sadly, it seems that conservatives don't want any diversity. They seem to want some kind of homogenous society where everyone just marches in lockstep. Sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.

Just once I wish you liberals would read the thread and the arguments already made before you get all depressed or whatever. We have discussed ad nauseum the difference in Conservative concepts--that it took the Founders themselves eight years of heated arguments, debates, negotiations, and compromises before they were able to arrive at a Constitution that all could agree to and accept.

Isn't that enough diversity for you? Why should they have included the failed concepts of feudal kingdoms and monarchies or authoritarian theocracies into the mix when they founded the United States? It was the vision of freedom that drove them to form their own country where they could be free of such failed and oppressive concepts. But they sure as hell didn't agree on everything. There was plenty to work out and deal with and that continued for more than a century and a half before modern day liberalism gained a foothold here.

So now why should Conservativeland include the failed polices of modern day American liberalism? We will have enough stuff to work out without including the very failed and oppressive concepts that we wish to escape.

And why would you want to continue any conservative policies that you have been railing against and condemning for decades now? There is zero evidence that liberalism is tolerant of or embraces or wishes to include conservative concepts.

It is the irreconcilable differences in our philosophies that makes the divorce necessary.

You are the only one here who is being dense and refusing to understand, I have been explaining the prevailing liberal attitude towards trash like this for these thousand plus posts in this thread but you have no interest in anything that does not conform to your ignorant stereotypes. Still you just can't see why it is insulting in it's erroneous assumption of fairness and in it's assumption of how liberals think and what they treasure. I have been attempting to draw you out to the cold light of reality while you stubbornly refuse to deal in anything but fantasy. It's almost like a doctor trying cure an asylum inmate who thinks they are Napoleon.
For me, this exercise has been a very depressing experience so far. I have always felt that one of this country's strengths has been the diversity of people and ideas. the country's motto "E Pluribus Unum" out of many - one. Sadly, it seems that conservatives don't want any diversity. They seem to want some kind of homogenous society where everyone just marches in lockstep. Sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.

Just once I wish you liberals would read the thread and the arguments already made before you get all depressed or whatever. We have discussed ad nauseum the difference in Conservative concepts--that it took the Founders themselves eight years of heated arguments, debates, negotiations, and compromises before they were able to arrive at a Constitution that all could agree to and accept.

Isn't that enough diversity for you? Why should they have included the failed concepts of feudal kingdoms and monarchies or authoritarian theocracies into the mix when they founded the United States? It was the vision of freedom that drove them to form their own country where they could be free of such failed and oppressive concepts. But they sure as hell didn't agree on everything. There was plenty to work out and deal with and that continued for more than a century and a half before modern day liberalism gained a foothold here.

So now why should Conservativeland include the failed polices of modern day American liberalism? We will have enough stuff to work out without including the very failed and oppressive concepts that we wish to escape.

And why would you want to continue any conservative policies that you have been railing against and condemning for decades now? There is zero evidence that liberalism is tolerant of or embraces or wishes to include conservative concepts.

It is the irreconcilable differences in our philosophies that makes the divorce necessary.

You are the only one here who is being dense and refusing to understand, I have been explaining the prevailing liberal attitude towards trash like this for these thousand plus posts in this thread but you have no interest in anything that does not conform to your ignorant stereotypes. Still you just can't see why it is insulting in it's erroneous assumption of fairness and in it's assumption of how liberals think and what they treasure. I have been attempting to draw you out to the cold light of reality while you stubbornly refuse to deal in anything but fantasy. It's almost like a doctor trying cure an asylum inmate who thinks they are Napoleon.

All the more reason you should want the divorce. You would be rid of terrible people like me. And I won't lose any sleep over you moving to liberalland either.

But then such a concept does require a sense of creativity, imagination, and ability to think outside of the box of indoctrination. At least in your own Liberalland, there won't be anybody who notices that you don't have and/or can't do any of those things.
Oh my god. Stupid "joke" premise based on a stupid and intentionally ignorant summation of Liberal thought concocted by a Conservative Zealot = Stupid Fucking Thread Filled With More Stupid Conservative Idolatry.
Oh my god. Stupid "joke" premise based on a stupid and intentionally ignorant summation of Liberal thought concocted by a Conservative Zealot = Stupid Fucking Thread Filled With More Stupid Conservative Idolatry.

Hey CD. Good to see you got your brown nose out of Occupied's behind long enough to contribute something. Way to go.
Just once I wish you liberals would read the thread and the arguments already made before you get all depressed or whatever. We have discussed ad nauseum the difference in Conservative concepts--that it took the Founders themselves eight years of heated arguments, debates, negotiations, and compromises before they were able to arrive at a Constitution that all could agree to and accept.

Isn't that enough diversity for you? Why should they have included the failed concepts of feudal kingdoms and monarchies or authoritarian theocracies into the mix when they founded the United States? It was the vision of freedom that drove them to form their own country where they could be free of such failed and oppressive concepts. But they sure as hell didn't agree on everything. There was plenty to work out and deal with and that continued for more than a century and a half before modern day liberalism gained a foothold here.

So now why should Conservativeland include the failed polices of modern day American liberalism? We will have enough stuff to work out without including the very failed and oppressive concepts that we wish to escape.

And why would you want to continue any conservative policies that you have been railing against and condemning for decades now? There is zero evidence that liberalism is tolerant of or embraces or wishes to include conservative concepts.

It is the irreconcilable differences in our philosophies that makes the divorce necessary.

You are the only one here who is being dense and refusing to understand, I have been explaining the prevailing liberal attitude towards trash like this for these thousand plus posts in this thread but you have no interest in anything that does not conform to your ignorant stereotypes. Still you just can't see why it is insulting in it's erroneous assumption of fairness and in it's assumption of how liberals think and what they treasure. I have been attempting to draw you out to the cold light of reality while you stubbornly refuse to deal in anything but fantasy. It's almost like a doctor trying cure an asylum inmate who thinks they are Napoleon.

All the more reason you should want the divorce. You would be rid of terrible people like me. And I won't lose any sleep over you moving to liberalland either.

But then such a concept does require a sense of creativity, imagination, and ability to think outside of the box of indoctrination. At least in your own Liberalland, there won't be anybody who notices that you don't have and/or can't do any of those things.

So why are you unable to think outside the box you have made of this thread? All this time you have stuck to the original post as if it was an unalterable ultimatum rather than what you have called a mutual agreement. You say I have contributed nothing? I have presented the counter argument again and again to your silence. It is time for you to say why this is a good idea for liberal and conservative alike or give it up as a failed experiment and admit the very idea is a dud.
Oh my god. Stupid "joke" premise based on a stupid and intentionally ignorant summation of Liberal thought concocted by a Conservative Zealot = Stupid Fucking Thread Filled With More Stupid Conservative Idolatry.

Hey CD. Good to see you got your brown nose out of Occupied's behind long enough to contribute something. Way to go.

Agreement with logic and reason doesn't make going up one's ass. This is a terrible, unfunny joke, this post. How about instead of bringing up a ridiculous, impossible solution to gridlock, why don't you suggest to your party that they stop being so immovable on tax hikes for the rich?

Oh, because Rich people are Gods. My bad.
Oh my god. Stupid "joke" premise based on a stupid and intentionally ignorant summation of Liberal thought concocted by a Conservative Zealot = Stupid Fucking Thread Filled With More Stupid Conservative Idolatry.

Hey CD. Good to see you got your brown nose out of Occupied's behind long enough to contribute something. Way to go.

Agreement with logic and reason doesn't make going up one's ass. This is a terrible, unfunny joke, this post. How about instead of bringing up a ridiculous, impossible solution to gridlock, why don't you suggest to your party that they stop being so immovable on tax hikes for the rich?

Oh, because Rich people are Gods. My bad.

I don't know how far back you have read on this thread but I have rarely spoken to one so far removed from reality. This person is so much the closet neo-nazi that it makes my skin crawl and I have been much nicer to them than the horrid ideas presented deserve.
I never said it was not interesting, It's been a lot of fun to point out the fact that conservatives deal with politics as fantasy so much easier than liberals. To me politics is not a collection of economic myths and urban legends but a nuts and bolts process of rallying support to do things that need to done.

For me, this exercise has been a very depressing experience so far. I have always felt that one of this country's strengths has been the diversity of people and ideas. the country's motto "E Pluribus Unum" out of many - one. Sadly, it seems that conservatives don't want any diversity. They seem to want some kind of homogenous society where everyone just marches in lockstep. Sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.

Just once I wish you liberals would read the thread and the arguments already made before you get all depressed or whatever. We have discussed ad nauseum the difference in Conservative concepts--that it took the Founders themselves eight years of heated arguments, debates, negotiations, and compromises before they were able to arrive at a Constitution that all could agree to and accept.

Isn't that enough diversity for you? Why should they have included the failed concepts of feudal kingdoms and monarchies or authoritarian theocracies into the mix when they founded the United States? It was the vision of freedom that drove them to form their own country where they could be free of such failed and oppressive concepts. But they sure as hell didn't agree on everything. There was plenty to work out and deal with and that continued for more than a century and a half before modern day liberalism gained a foothold here.

So now why should Conservativeland include the failed polices of modern day American liberalism? We will have enough stuff to work out without including the very failed and oppressive concepts that we wish to escape.

And why would you want to continue any conservative policies that you have been railing against and condemning for decades now? There is zero evidence that liberalism is tolerant of or embraces or wishes to include conservative concepts.

It is the irreconcilable differences in our philosophies that makes the divorce necessary.

What failed liberal policies are you referring to? Abolition of slavery? Women's sufferage? End of Jim Crow laws? Social Security? Medicare? Unemployment insurance? 40 hour work week? Child labor laws?

What conservative policies have we been "railing" against? The War on (some) drugs? Prostitution? Warrantless wiretapes and searches? Torture? Corporate welfare? Money = speech? Corporations = people?

I think we have valid reason to be against many of these conservative things. I think we have valid reason to be for all of those liberal things. But perhaps you're right. I don't think liberals will tolerate conservative intolerance. Conservatives certainly don't want or tolerate liberal ideas. So perhaps this "divorce" is inevitable. The analogy to me seems closer to siblings arguing over their dead parent's estate though. I just hope that this "thought exercise" never becomes a reality.
It could not become a reality without a tremendous amount of big government force against those who are getting the shitty end of the stick. I am sure there are to be found somewhat pleasant arguments in favor of every ethic/political gulag, prison camp, wall, DMZ, reservation that any group has ever been exiled to. This person has clearly stated that to them liberals would be out of sight and out of mind if they would just go away, why not just kill us all and keep the west coast? It's all a matter of degree and a more final solution to the problem of icky liberals polluting their country.
Oh my god. Stupid "joke" premise based on a stupid and intentionally ignorant summation of Liberal thought concocted by a Conservative Zealot = Stupid Fucking Thread Filled With More Stupid Conservative Idolatry.

Hey CD. Good to see you got your brown nose out of Occupied's behind long enough to contribute something. Way to go.

Agreement with logic and reason doesn't make going up one's ass. This is a terrible, unfunny joke, this post. How about instead of bringing up a ridiculous, impossible solution to gridlock, why don't you suggest to your party that they stop being so immovable on tax hikes for the rich?

Oh, because Rich people are Gods. My bad.

I am just curious. Would you feel the same way if the joke were aimed at conservatives? You state, "This is a terrible, unfunny joke", and you and Occupied seem to be offended by the OP, yet looking at your avatar, I have to believe that if it were aimed at conservatives, you would think it was hilarious.

And for the record, I'm with you on raising taxes on the rich. Ain't gonna happen because both parties are bought and paid for by those very people, but I think raising taxes on the rich and cutting spending across to board is the fastest way out of the predictament we have found ourselves in.

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Hey CD. Good to see you got your brown nose out of Occupied's behind long enough to contribute something. Way to go.

Agreement with logic and reason doesn't make going up one's ass. This is a terrible, unfunny joke, this post. How about instead of bringing up a ridiculous, impossible solution to gridlock, why don't you suggest to your party that they stop being so immovable on tax hikes for the rich?

Oh, because Rich people are Gods. My bad.

I am just curious. Would you feel the same way if the joke were aimed at conservatives? You state, "This is a terrible, unfunny joke", and you and Occupied seem to be offended by the OP, yet looking at your avatar, I have to believe that if it were aimed at conservatives, you would think it was hilarious.

And for the record, I'm with you on raising taxes on the rich. Ain't gonna happen because both parties are bought and paid for by those very people, but I think raising taxes on the rich and cutting spending across to board is the fastest way out of the predictament we have found ourselves in.


I for one explained in no uncertain terms early on that I find nothing funny about the subject of secession. On the subject of whiners packing up and going to some other country that more closely matches their ideology I am neutral.

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