Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
It's all good. You can continue your beliefs that all that is noble, honorable, and just is embodied in your modern day American liberalism, and we conservatives aka Classical Liberals can continue to want to be rid of your beliefs and concepts that we believe are destructive and harmful to our country.

Here we are giving you the chance to be rid of all the terrible conservatism that you rail against, accuse us of, insult us about, and condemn us for, and all you can think of to do is to continue to rail against, accuse, insult, and condemn. How childish, uncreative, unimaginative. Dull.

If there were no irreconcilable differences to merit the divorce, that alone would almost be enough for me to agree to the divorce.
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Stop saying Classical Liberals like it somehow means we stole YOUR movement. We obviously didn't, and Thomas Jefferson would be MUCH MORE comfortable aligning himself with our cause than yours. Because above all he valued personal freedom.

Considering we don't care who you fuck, what you smoke, or what God you believe or don't believe in, guess what? We're the ones who believe in freedom of the kind that he did. I highly doubt he'd have been in favor of his pet project being turned into an Oligarchy.
From another thread as stated by katzndogs:

"The very concept of liberalism has to go. It has to be destroyed like all the other harmful ideaologies had to be destroyed."

You may actually think your ideas are civilized and even nice but they are not. You may want liberals to just go away but there are too many jackasses who call themselves conservatives who would never be happy until we are dead.

Abandon this farcical attempt at a civilized final solution and instead just spew naked honest hatred like the rest of the hardcore conservatives, I can at least respect the honest part of it.
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No, he's just genuinely NOT funny. At all. Sick children are funnier than him. Famine is funnier than him. A shart is funnier than him.

And humor is in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty.

I assume you are aware that your perception is not the universal perception.

Betty, you seem like a fine lass. But Dunham is like herpes. In that he makes my dick burn.

Nothing that small can burn too much. :eusa_whistle:
Stop saying Classical Liberals like it somehow means we stole YOUR movement. We obviously didn't, and Thomas Jefferson would be MUCH MORE comfortable aligning himself with our cause than yours. Because above all he valued personal freedom.

Considering we don't care who you fuck, what you smoke, or what God you believe or don't believe in, guess what? We're the ones who believe in freedom of the kind that he did. I highly doubt he'd have been in favor of his pet project being turned into an Oligarchy.

You did not steal anybody's movement except perhaps that of Marx. Nor have we stolen anybody's movement though we are doing our damndest to ressurect the Classical Liberalism of our nation's founders. Even allowing for normal reading deficiencies, there are enough definitions of Classical Liberalism written in simple enough English that even you should be able to read it. The modern American liberalism/progressivism/leftism does not resemble Classical Liberalism in any respect. But when you are in your own country, you can write whatever definitions for anything that you want, and nobody will challenge you.
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Ha. I just read the part about how Liberals don't respect American "exceptionalism." (not a real word, like "strategery"

No, honey. We just know that for all its "exceptionalism" there is a fuck load that we do incredibly, incredibly wrong. We were born under the yoke of slavery and we still have a segment of the population who can't get married to another consenting adult if they so choose.

That said, Liberals actually love America more than Conservatives. It takes a great deal more love for something to love it in spite of all its flaws. We love America more because we can admit it's not perfect, but that there's room for improvement.

Well, that and we're not a bunch of soulless money worshipers who are convinced that we can be just like the rich guys one day if only we keep giving the rich guys more money.

Exceptionalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Exceptionalism - : the condition of being different from the norm; also: a theory expounding the exceptionalism especially of a nation or region

I don't think you need to be commenting on anyone else's grammar and vocabulary, Noah Webster. You're no one's idea of an expert in the field.

Furthermore, if you want to describe yourself as "knowing the US is exceptional, and just trying to point out flaws to improve them", which I assume was your goal here, it might help if once in a great while you took a break from bitching about how much America sucks and said something POSITIVE about it, and I don't mean talking about how great it COULD be if we'd just all fall in line with your utopian vision.

If your parents told you how much more they loved you than other parents loved their kids because it takes so much more work to love such a screwed-up piece of shit like you, would you believe they even LIKED you, let alone loved you? Because that's what you just offered as "proof" that you leftists love America, and it's about that convincing.

Note: This is not in any way a comment on Derrps' actual, real-life parents, nor his/her/its relationship with same. This is merely a generalized analogy, and any resemblance between it and actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your terrible fucking avatar.

And I am an expert in grammar, I don't know how you knew my real name, but I'm really pissed you let the cat out of the bag.

Sorry, you're right, it is a real word. But I'm also sorry that I have to look at that terrible fucking avatar.

It's OK if you're gay. We accept you as you are.
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Precisely. I'm glad that I have critical thinking skills that allow me to see through the bullshit and know when my country as made a giant fuck-up. Because I like to learn from my mistakes so I don't fucking make them again.
Also, if America is so exceptional, wouldn't that mean all Presidents are exceptional? I mean, if the overwhelming majority of the exceptional citizens of the exceptional nation voted him into power, that makes him exceptional too, right?

So we have ourselves the first Black, Exceptional Kenyan-Commie-Socialist-Sharia President.

Then why do you keep posting after getting your ass kicked repeatedly? Move along. Look for some threads created by Truthmatters. You'll think you've died and gone to heaven.
Precisely. I'm glad that I have critical thinking skills that allow me to see through the bullshit and know when my country as made a giant fuck-up. Because I like to learn from my mistakes so I don't fucking make them again.

Also, if America is so exceptional, wouldn't that mean all Presidents are exceptional? I mean, if the overwhelming majority of the exceptional citizens of the exceptional nation voted him into power, that makes him exceptional too, right?

So we have ourselves the first Black, Exceptional Kenyan-Commie-Socialist-Sharia President.

American exceptionalism is now almost entirely an ideology to separate the "real" Americans from the liberals rather than an all inclusive term for how we as a nation should deal with other nations as it was originally intended. It is now defined as a general willingness to accept any atrocity as long as it is presented with enough miniature American flags and other symbolic trappings of Americanism.

It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."

Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!
American exceptionalism is now almost entirely an ideology to separate the "real" Americans from the liberals rather than an all inclusive term for how we as a nation should deal with other nations as it was originally intended. It is now defined as a general willingness to accept any atrocity as long as it is presented with enough miniature American flags and other symbolic trappings of Americanism.

It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."

Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

Why don't you give Foxfire some hate lessons, he/she seems to think conservatism can be nice and civilized, set them straight will you?
American exceptionalism is now almost entirely an ideology to separate the "real" Americans from the liberals rather than an all inclusive term for how we as a nation should deal with other nations as it was originally intended. It is now defined as a general willingness to accept any atrocity as long as it is presented with enough miniature American flags and other symbolic trappings of Americanism.

It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."

Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?
It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."

Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.
Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.
HA HA HA!! LoneLaughter seriously made me crack the fuck up. Which is better than Cecille "I think I'm Betty Page" and kw57's avatars have ever done. And K-dub, just as an Fizzle-Yizzle-Izzle, I'm straight as an arrow, but you don't have to be gay, straight or bi to know a SHITTTTTYYYY avatar when you see one.
You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

Yes, we do divide people with sexual orientation and race.

We divide them into two categories:

Bigots and Non-Conservatives
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You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

For someone who seems to know everything liberals want out of life you are abysmally clueless about the cold black heart of a reactionary conservative or what they would do without a pesky lib to stand in their way.
You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

That’s strange because it was conservatives who fought to keep segregation in place, it was conservatives who fought to keep discrimination in place, and it was conservatives who fought to keep miscegenation laws in place. That conservative tradition of hate is alive and well today as conservatives fight to deny same-sex couples equal access to the law.
No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

That’s strange because it was conservatives who fought to keep segregation in place, it was conservatives who fought to keep discrimination in place, and it was conservatives who fought to keep miscegenation laws in place. That conservative tradition of hate is alive and well today as conservatives fight to deny same-sex couples equal access to the law.

Don't try to frighten poor Foxfyre with the reality of things, it is quite clear by now that he/she lives in a fantasy world where a voting record is an infallible indicator of a person's inherent righteousness.
No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

That’s strange because it was conservatives who fought to keep segregation in place, it was conservatives who fought to keep discrimination in place, and it was conservatives who fought to keep miscegenation laws in place. That conservative tradition of hate is alive and well today as conservatives fight to deny same-sex couples equal access to the law.

And boom goes the dynamite.
You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

There will be room for anybody who wishes to live in a country with Conservative laws, policy, and values. Such things as race, sexual orientation,and other issues liberals use to divide people will be of no more influence or importance than eye color or freckles.

Yeah, right. Project much? Conservatives have been dividing people on basis of race, creed, class, color,religion, sexual orientation, and whatever else they can think of. If Conservatives had their way, queers would be wearing the little pink triangles as they get herded into the cattle cars on the way to the camps.

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