Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Huh..I hear people disappear from occuppiers camps with some regularity.

You guys seem to prey upon each other..

Perhaps. Or they may have simply gotten tired and gone home. Doubt it is the government "disappearing" them. And after all I was referring to a dream, a better world. Not the reality we live in today.

Not sure what she is even talking about, just another jackass that likes to shit all over things they will never understand.
Think about this premise for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a conservative?

and comments here:
Think about this premise for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a conservative?

and comments here:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.
Think about this premise for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a conservative?

and comments here:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.

Jesus you're so full of shit you probably sneeze and cause plants to grwo.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Conservatives at their core despise change and were the stubborn loyalists in the American colonies and have no part in founding anything. No conservative ever marched in a civil rights march and have no solution to any problem other than close ranks, close the wallet, close the mind.
Think about this premise for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a conservative?

and comments here:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.

So...Washington was a Conservative now?
Think about this premise for a second, no nation was ever founded by a conservative, no conservative has ever been able to answer my simple question naming one accomplishment of a so called conservative that has helped America or the world, none nada never. So where does that leave you? Well the only answer is the obvious one, conservatives exist only to whine. Think about it? No accomplishments. Now look just a bit deeper, Coolidge/Hoover = Great depression; Reagan/Bush = S&L Bailout, It's the economy Stupid!; Bush Jr = Great Recession, an almost complete collapse of the economy, two unnecessary wars, and 911. All created massive deficits, all had negative or marginal job creation. Now tell me how anyone could ever claim to be a conservative?

and comments here:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.

So...Washington was a Conservative now?

He was a Classical Liberal who held all the views that modern American conservatives now hold.

The Classical Liberalism that was the foundation core of the Founder's beliefs and convictions bears no resemblance to modern day American liberalism.
Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.

So...Washington was a Conservative now?

He was a Classical Liberal who held all the views that modern American conservatives now hold.

The Classical Liberalism that was the foundation core of the Founder's beliefs and convictions bears no resemblance to modern day American liberalism.

If you want to take credit for the early American visionaries then you need to abandon the word conservative, conservative is the opposite of what they were.
So...Washington was a Conservative now?

He was a Classical Liberal who held all the views that modern American conservatives now hold.

The Classical Liberalism that was the foundation core of the Founder's beliefs and convictions bears no resemblance to modern day American liberalism.

If you want to take credit for the early American visionaries then you need to abandon the word conservative, conservative is the opposite of what they were.

In some ways they were model conservatives. No rights for anyone except white men. But in most ways; you're right; religious freedom was a very liberal idea back then. Again; anyone who claims to speak for the founders on the topics of today is full of shit and they should really know better. Just point at these shit-for-brains losers; chuckle, and be on your way.
He was a Classical Liberal who held all the views that modern American conservatives now hold.

The Classical Liberalism that was the foundation core of the Founder's beliefs and convictions bears no resemblance to modern day American liberalism.

If you want to take credit for the early American visionaries then you need to abandon the word conservative, conservative is the opposite of what they were.

In some ways they were model conservatives. No rights for anyone except white men. But in most ways; you're right; religious freedom was a very liberal idea back then. Again; anyone who claims to speak for the founders on the topics of today is full of shit and they should really know better. Just point at these shit-for-brains losers; chuckle, and be on your way.

The very impulse to risk their lives and possessions to change their world is alien to the conservative mind. They may like some of the things the founders accomplished but they continue to spit on the same liberal impulse to change the world for the better.

This new definition for the word "conservative" kind of irritates me, I am compulsive for clarity, they should say "right wing authoritarian" or "white nationalist" or "christian dominionist" or "plutocratic loyalist".
Name a nation founded by conservatives?

The United States of America. The Founders were to a man Classical Liberals which by definition is what modern day American conservatives are.

Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?

The Founders' policy and intention that the federal government would acknowledge unalienable rights as coming from God, i.e. are natural rights, and the role of the federal government is to secure them and then allow the people to govern themselves.

Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

You give Presidents far too much credit, but I'll start with George Washington.

So...Washington was a Conservative now?

He was a Classical Liberal who held all the views that modern American conservatives now hold.

The Classical Liberalism that was the foundation core of the Founder's beliefs and convictions bears no resemblance to modern day American liberalism.

Hmm. I think I'm going to have to call bullshit. Let me call him real quick.

Hi, Bullshit, it's me CP. Yeah, there's some crazy person claiming that the founders were all Conservatives. What? Yeah, I'll tell her.

He says you're full of him.
A liberal utopia? Poor choice of words...............................but I'll play.


All citizens well fed, with access to health care, well educated and possessing the ability to think critically. An end to rewarding politicians for mastering the art of bullshit. Bipartisanship.

"A place to stay. Enough to eat. A place where old heroes shuffle safely up and down the street. Where you can speak out loud about your doubts and fears. And what's more, no one ever disappears. You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door. You can relax, on both sides of the tracks, and maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control. Where everyone has recourse to the law. And no one kills the children anymore." - Roger Waters

Good job on the Floyd quote, awesome. I'd give you some more rep if they would let me.

Thanks for the kind words. The song popped into my mind immediately when the question of what a liberal utopia would look like. Of course the song doesn't describe a paradise, but rather a society that cares about its citizens, sees to their basic needs, and isn't a fascist police state. I think that would be a good basis.
"A place to stay. Enough to eat. A place where old heroes shuffle safely up and down the street. Where you can speak out loud about your doubts and fears. And what's more, no one ever disappears. You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door. You can relax, on both sides of the tracks, and maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control. Where everyone has recourse to the law. And no one kills the children anymore." - Roger Waters

Good job on the Floyd quote, awesome. I'd give you some more rep if they would let me.

Thanks for the kind words. The song popped into my mind immediately when the question of what a liberal utopia would look like. Of course the song doesn't describe a paradise, but rather a society that cares about its citizens, sees to their basic needs, and isn't a fascist police state. I think that would be a good basis.

Listening to the final cut right now thanks to you, hadn't listened to the whole thing in years and took me a while to place the quote. Real lifelong PF fan.
Good job on the Floyd quote, awesome. I'd give you some more rep if they would let me.

Thanks for the kind words. The song popped into my mind immediately when the question of what a liberal utopia would look like. Of course the song doesn't describe a paradise, but rather a society that cares about its citizens, sees to their basic needs, and isn't a fascist police state. I think that would be a good basis.

Listening to the final cut right now thanks to you, hadn't listened to the whole thing in years and took me a while to place the quote. Real lifelong PF fan.

I've been a fan of PF since the early 70's. The song is called "The Gunner's Dream".
It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."

Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

Why don't you give Foxfire some hate lessons, he/she seems to think conservatism can be nice and civilized, set them straight will you?

It isn't hate. I just realize that while you can educate a semi-intelligent person, you just can't fix stoopid. You have blinders on and won't listen to facts, reason or logic. Therefore, I have given up on wasting time on you other than to make fun of you and your new found friend. You're a troll incapable of understanding the simple concept of this thread. In short, you took something fun seriously and got offended. Tough shitsky for you.
Looks like a budding romance! Congrats on finding one another guys!

You know, none of my real life friends are on USMB, but I think I'll show this thread to a couple of my friends who happen to be gay AND, while not flaming liberals, aren't exactly hard core conservative either. Both are intelligent, creative, and will catch on to the concept of the exercise quickly.

I wonder which country they will choose? Conservativeland where folks with some screwy ideas about gays will be in a small minority but they will exist. . . .

. . .or. . .

A country wite LoneLaugher, Conservaderrps, and Occupied in it?

No room for gays in conservative land either, not live ones anyway.

This will make your tiny head explode.

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