Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
In Liberalland you can write history any way you want it to be CD. And you can ignore any facts that don't fit with your indoctrination. And you can build all the straw men and throw in as many red herring as you can think up. And there will be nobody to challenge you when you whine, bitch, accuse, blame, and judge conservatives/Classical Liberals.

And we still want a Conservativeland and we still want a divorce.l
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Tell that to:

Steve Jobs
Richard Branson
Warren Buffet

Jobs, Branson, and Buffet got off of their asses, worked, took risks, and made themselves successful through innoation, hard work, and sheer determination.

And they're all (Jobs WAS I should say) flaming Liberals. Totally debunking the fucking stupid, hyperbolic rhetoric that Liberals don't work hard. Thanks for playing, Shitnose.

Which proves that they're not perfect.

In Liberalland you can write history any way you want it to be CD. And you can ignore any facts that don't fit with your indoctrination. And you can build all the straw men and throw in as many red herring as you can think up. And there will be nobody to challenge you when you whine, bitch, accuse, blame, and judge conservatives/Classical Liberals.

And we still want a Conservativeland and we still want a divorce.l

You're a total idiot and officially not worth responding to anymore. Fucking history revisionist.
Jobs, Branson, and Buffet got off of their asses, worked, took risks, and made themselves successful through innoation, hard work, and sheer determination.

And they're all (Jobs WAS I should say) flaming Liberals. Totally debunking the fucking stupid, hyperbolic rhetoric that Liberals don't work hard. Thanks for playing, Shitnose.

Which proves that they're not perfect.


Or it completely flies in the face of your total bullshit assertion that Liberals don't work hard, fuckface.
Where are you getting that number from? It sounds highly trumped-up. And even if it's not, what do you think the underlying ROOT cause of that statistic is, you dope? It's called upward wealth redistribution. You as a Conservative will deny, deny, deny, but that's exactly what Reaganomics is.

Do you have access to what those numbers were in the 1950s and 60s, when probably the most "Liberal" or "Progressive" economic policies were in place? I don't, but I would guess that it's probably much, much lower. Why? Because the Middle Class didn't have to take help; and there was more than enough to go around.

That's the fucking fallacy of what you're preaching. Show me one point in our country's history when Reaganomics or Bushonomics were in place that the middle class was thriving. But I know, as a Conservative you really, truly don't give a fuck about the Middle Class because you've all been programmed to believe you'll be rich one day.

The tax code is not the only symptom of what ails the country. Conservatives/Classical Liberals are mostly students of history and know that you can't pluck out a few short years of history and hold them up as defnitive any more than you can pluck one verse out of the Bible and hold it up as all that JudeoChristianity is.

We can define modern American conservatism aka Classical Liberalism and embrace the principles embodied within it. Most liberals won't even admit such a thing existed, can't define it, won't look it up. You have to look at history over at least three centuries to understand Classical Liberalism/Conservatism. And you have to look at the effect of policy over the long haul to understand how modern American liberalism bears no resemblance to Classical liberalism.

In the case of modern American liberalism, you have to go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, where the seeds of modern liberalism were planted, and come forward to see how the snowball started small when the seeds took root under FDR and has gradually gained momentum, size, and mass until it is now mowing down everything in its path to the detriment of everybody. The nation now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, the result of roughly 80 years of modern American liberalism, and the liberals won't or can't see it.

We don't ask that you liberals understand, appreciate, or embrace modern day American conservatism/Classical Liberalism. We understand that you think we are delusional, evil, hateful, wrong, stupid or insert the uncomplimentary adjective of your choice. You are allowed to despise us. That actually makes the divorce easier.

We aren't asking you to read, study, learn, or understand anything that doesn't fit with your indoctrination as liberals. We are allowing you all the liberal concepts, ideas, notions, and policy that you want.

We just want you to have them away from us so that we can restore our great nation to the original concepts that the Founders gave us. We want a divorce.

Christianity in a nutshell:
And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus said to him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)

I would argue that the state of the Economy today is more due to 30 years of trickle down voodoo economics than 80 years of liberalism. At the End of Clinton's second term we had a budget surplus and could have paid off the debt had things continued. Of course, Bush got selected. He gave tax cuts rather than pay down the debt. He ignored the PDB warning of imminent attack by Bin Laden. We got 911 as a result. Then 2 wars off the books plus an unfunded Medicare drug benefit with the Gov unable to negotiate prices with big pharma. Add in a housing bubble burst, repug obstruction of any meaningful changes, and here we are.

Modern day conservatism is warmed over fascism. Marraige of corporatism and government - check. Extreme nationalism - check. Distain for human rights - check. Identification of enemies and scapegoats - It's da libruls -check. Corporate power protected - check. Labor power suppressed - check. Distain for intellectuals and the arts -check. Seig heil and have a nice day.
Where are you getting that number from? It sounds highly trumped-up. And even if it's not, what do you think the underlying ROOT cause of that statistic is, you dope? It's called upward wealth redistribution. You as a Conservative will deny, deny, deny, but that's exactly what Reaganomics is.

Do you have access to what those numbers were in the 1950s and 60s, when probably the most "Liberal" or "Progressive" economic policies were in place? I don't, but I would guess that it's probably much, much lower. Why? Because the Middle Class didn't have to take help; and there was more than enough to go around.

That's the fucking fallacy of what you're preaching. Show me one point in our country's history when Reaganomics or Bushonomics were in place that the middle class was thriving. But I know, as a Conservative you really, truly don't give a fuck about the Middle Class because you've all been programmed to believe you'll be rich one day.

The tax code is not the only symptom of what ails the country. Conservatives/Classical Liberals are mostly students of history and know that you can't pluck out a few short years of history and hold them up as defnitive any more than you can pluck one verse out of the Bible and hold it up as all that JudeoChristianity is.

We can define modern American conservatism aka Classical Liberalism and embrace the principles embodied within it. Most liberals won't even admit such a thing existed, can't define it, won't look it up. You have to look at history over at least three centuries to understand Classical Liberalism/Conservatism. And you have to look at the effect of policy over the long haul to understand how modern American liberalism bears no resemblance to Classical liberalism.

In the case of modern American liberalism, you have to go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, where the seeds of modern liberalism were planted, and come forward to see how the snowball started small when the seeds took root under FDR and has gradually gained momentum, size, and mass until it is now mowing down everything in its path to the detriment of everybody. The nation now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, the result of roughly 80 years of modern American liberalism, and the liberals won't or can't see it.

We don't ask that you liberals understand, appreciate, or embrace modern day American conservatism/Classical Liberalism. We understand that you think we are delusional, evil, hateful, wrong, stupid or insert the uncomplimentary adjective of your choice. You are allowed to despise us. That actually makes the divorce easier.

We aren't asking you to read, study, learn, or understand anything that doesn't fit with your indoctrination as liberals. We are allowing you all the liberal concepts, ideas, notions, and policy that you want.

We just want you to have them away from us so that we can restore our great nation to the original concepts that the Founders gave us. We want a divorce.

Christianity in a nutshell:
And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus said to him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)

I would argue that the state of the Economy today is more due to 30 years of trickle down voodoo economics than 80 years of liberalism. At the End of Clinton's second term we had a budget surplus and could have paid off the debt had things continued. Of course, Bush got selected. He gave tax cuts rather than pay down the debt. He ignored the PDB warning of imminent attack by Bin Laden. We got 911 as a result. Then 2 wars off the books plus an unfunded Medicare drug benefit with the Gov unable to negotiate prices with big pharma. Add in a housing bubble burst, repug obstruction of any meaningful changes, and here we are.

Modern day conservatism is warmed over fascism. Marraige of corporatism and government - check. Extreme nationalism - check. Distain for human rights - check. Identification of enemies and scapegoats - It's da libruls -check. Corporate power protected - check. Labor power suppressed - check. Distain for intellectuals and the arts -check. Seig heil and have a nice day.

But don't you see? In your own Liberalland you will be able to interpret the Bible any way you want and draw any conclusions from it that you want and make it as liberal as you want it to be. You won't have to put up with any evil or nonsensical or distasteful conservative concepts re religion, economics, society, or politics.

Anybody who dislikes living in Conservativeland will be free to leave with our blessings and I am sure will be welcomed with open arms in Liberalland, so you don't have to be concerned about anybody being mistreated or disadvantaged in Conservativeland.

I am beginning to get a little worried about you folks in Liberalland. Rather than focusing on how you will set up your government and socioeconomic systems, you seem to be unable to stop condemning, whining, complaining, accusing, and judging conservatives.

But, oh well. Just as we won't be your problem, neither will you be ours.

And I still want a divorce.
Where are you getting that number from? It sounds highly trumped-up. And even if it's not, what do you think the underlying ROOT cause of that statistic is, you dope? It's called upward wealth redistribution. You as a Conservative will deny, deny, deny, but that's exactly what Reaganomics is.

Do you have access to what those numbers were in the 1950s and 60s, when probably the most "Liberal" or "Progressive" economic policies were in place? I don't, but I would guess that it's probably much, much lower. Why? Because the Middle Class didn't have to take help; and there was more than enough to go around.

That's the fucking fallacy of what you're preaching. Show me one point in our country's history when Reaganomics or Bushonomics were in place that the middle class was thriving. But I know, as a Conservative you really, truly don't give a fuck about the Middle Class because you've all been programmed to believe you'll be rich one day.

The tax code is not the only symptom of what ails the country. Conservatives/Classical Liberals are mostly students of history and know that you can't pluck out a few short years of history and hold them up as defnitive any more than you can pluck one verse out of the Bible and hold it up as all that JudeoChristianity is.

We can define modern American conservatism aka Classical Liberalism and embrace the principles embodied within it. Most liberals won't even admit such a thing existed, can't define it, won't look it up. You have to look at history over at least three centuries to understand Classical Liberalism/Conservatism. And you have to look at the effect of policy over the long haul to understand how modern American liberalism bears no resemblance to Classical liberalism.

In the case of modern American liberalism, you have to go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, where the seeds of modern liberalism were planted, and come forward to see how the snowball started small when the seeds took root under FDR and has gradually gained momentum, size, and mass until it is now mowing down everything in its path to the detriment of everybody. The nation now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, the result of roughly 80 years of modern American liberalism, and the liberals won't or can't see it.

We don't ask that you liberals understand, appreciate, or embrace modern day American conservatism/Classical Liberalism. We understand that you think we are delusional, evil, hateful, wrong, stupid or insert the uncomplimentary adjective of your choice. You are allowed to despise us. That actually makes the divorce easier.

We aren't asking you to read, study, learn, or understand anything that doesn't fit with your indoctrination as liberals. We are allowing you all the liberal concepts, ideas, notions, and policy that you want.

We just want you to have them away from us so that we can restore our great nation to the original concepts that the Founders gave us. We want a divorce.

The tax code is not the only symptom of what ails the country. Conservatives/Classical Liberals are mostly students of history and know that you can't pluck out a few short years of history and hold them up as defnitive any more than you can pluck one verse out of the Bible and hold it up as all that JudeoChristianity is.

We can define modern American conservatism aka Classical Liberalism and embrace the principles embodied within it. Most liberals won't even admit such a thing existed, can't define it, won't look it up. You have to look at history over at least three centuries to understand Classical Liberalism/Conservatism. And you have to look at the effect of policy over the long haul to understand how modern American liberalism bears no resemblance to Classical liberalism.

In the case of modern American liberalism, you have to go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, where the seeds of modern liberalism were planted, and come forward to see how the snowball started small when the seeds took root under FDR and has gradually gained momentum, size, and mass until it is now mowing down everything in its path to the detriment of everybody. The nation now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, the result of roughly 80 years of modern American liberalism, and the liberals won't or can't see it.

We don't ask that you liberals understand, appreciate, or embrace modern day American conservatism/Classical Liberalism. We understand that you think we are delusional, evil, hateful, wrong, stupid or insert the uncomplimentary adjective of your choice. You are allowed to despise us. That actually makes the divorce easier.

We aren't asking you to read, study, learn, or understand anything that doesn't fit with your indoctrination as liberals. We are allowing you all the liberal concepts, ideas, notions, and policy that you want.

We just want you to have them away from us so that we can restore our great nation to the original concepts that the Founders gave us. We want a divorce.

Christianity in a nutshell:
And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus said to him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)

I would argue that the state of the Economy today is more due to 30 years of trickle down voodoo economics than 80 years of liberalism. At the End of Clinton's second term we had a budget surplus and could have paid off the debt had things continued. Of course, Bush got selected. He gave tax cuts rather than pay down the debt. He ignored the PDB warning of imminent attack by Bin Laden. We got 911 as a result. Then 2 wars off the books plus an unfunded Medicare drug benefit with the Gov unable to negotiate prices with big pharma. Add in a housing bubble burst, repug obstruction of any meaningful changes, and here we are.

Modern day conservatism is warmed over fascism. Marraige of corporatism and government - check. Extreme nationalism - check. Distain for human rights - check. Identification of enemies and scapegoats - It's da libruls -check. Corporate power protected - check. Labor power suppressed - check. Distain for intellectuals and the arts -check. Seig heil and have a nice day.

But don't you see? In your own Liberalland you will be able to interpret the Bible any way you want and draw any conclusions from it that you want and make it as liberal as you want it to be. You won't have to put up with any evil or nonsensical or distasteful conservative concepts re religion, economics, society, or politics.

Anybody who dislikes living in Conservativeland will be free to leave with our blessings and I am sure will be welcomed with open arms in Liberalland, so you don't have to be concerned about anybody being mistreated or disadvantaged in Conservativeland.

I am beginning to get a little worried about you folks in Liberalland. Rather than focusing on how you will set up your government and socioeconomic systems, you seem to be unable to stop condemning, whining, complaining, accusing, and judging conservatives.

But, oh well. Just as we won't be your problem, neither will you be ours.

And I still want a divorce.

Why reinvent the wheel? We already have a government and socioeconomic system. All we need is more cooperation and consensus. If I could only make one change to the system we have, it would be to get rid of the filibuster or at least make them actually get up and debate. Eliminating political parties or at least allowing for the participation of multiple parties would help to eliminate the log jam we have now. To only have two extremes that can't even agree on when to break for lunch is getting ridiculous. Both sides are putting party and ideology over the good of the country.
Where are you getting that number from? It sounds highly trumped-up. And even if it's not, what do you think the underlying ROOT cause of that statistic is, you dope? It's called upward wealth redistribution. You as a Conservative will deny, deny, deny, but that's exactly what Reaganomics is.

Do you have access to what those numbers were in the 1950s and 60s, when probably the most "Liberal" or "Progressive" economic policies were in place? I don't, but I would guess that it's probably much, much lower. Why? Because the Middle Class didn't have to take help; and there was more than enough to go around.

That's the fucking fallacy of what you're preaching. Show me one point in our country's history when Reaganomics or Bushonomics were in place that the middle class was thriving. But I know, as a Conservative you really, truly don't give a fuck about the Middle Class because you've all been programmed to believe you'll be rich one day.

The tax code is not the only symptom of what ails the country. Conservatives/Classical Liberals are mostly students of history and know that you can't pluck out a few short years of history and hold them up as defnitive any more than you can pluck one verse out of the Bible and hold it up as all that JudeoChristianity is.

We can define modern American conservatism aka Classical Liberalism and embrace the principles embodied within it. Most liberals won't even admit such a thing existed, can't define it, won't look it up. You have to look at history over at least three centuries to understand Classical Liberalism/Conservatism. And you have to look at the effect of policy over the long haul to understand how modern American liberalism bears no resemblance to Classical liberalism.

In the case of modern American liberalism, you have to go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, where the seeds of modern liberalism were planted, and come forward to see how the snowball started small when the seeds took root under FDR and has gradually gained momentum, size, and mass until it is now mowing down everything in its path to the detriment of everybody. The nation now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, the result of roughly 80 years of modern American liberalism, and the liberals won't or can't see it.

We don't ask that you liberals understand, appreciate, or embrace modern day American conservatism/Classical Liberalism. We understand that you think we are delusional, evil, hateful, wrong, stupid or insert the uncomplimentary adjective of your choice. You are allowed to despise us. That actually makes the divorce easier.

We aren't asking you to read, study, learn, or understand anything that doesn't fit with your indoctrination as liberals. We are allowing you all the liberal concepts, ideas, notions, and policy that you want.

We just want you to have them away from us so that we can restore our great nation to the original concepts that the Founders gave us. We want a divorce.

Christianity in a nutshell:
And one of them, a doctor of the Law, putting him to the test, asked him, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus said to him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40)

I would argue that the state of the Economy today is more due to 30 years of trickle down voodoo economics than 80 years of liberalism. At the End of Clinton's second term we had a budget surplus and could have paid off the debt had things continued. Of course, Bush got selected. He gave tax cuts rather than pay down the debt. He ignored the PDB warning of imminent attack by Bin Laden. We got 911 as a result. Then 2 wars off the books plus an unfunded Medicare drug benefit with the Gov unable to negotiate prices with big pharma. Add in a housing bubble burst, repug obstruction of any meaningful changes, and here we are.

Modern day conservatism is warmed over fascism. Marraige of corporatism and government - check. Extreme nationalism - check. Distain for human rights - check. Identification of enemies and scapegoats - It's da libruls -check. Corporate power protected - check. Labor power suppressed - check. Distain for intellectuals and the arts -check. Seig heil and have a nice day.

But don't you see? In your own Liberalland you will be able to interpret the Bible any way you want and draw any conclusions from it that you want and make it as liberal as you want it to be. You won't have to put up with any evil or nonsensical or distasteful conservative concepts re religion, economics, society, or politics.

Anybody who dislikes living in Conservativeland will be free to leave with our blessings and I am sure will be welcomed with open arms in Liberalland, so you don't have to be concerned about anybody being mistreated or disadvantaged in Conservativeland.

I am beginning to get a little worried about you folks in Liberalland. Rather than focusing on how you will set up your government and socioeconomic systems, you seem to be unable to stop condemning, whining, complaining, accusing, and judging conservatives.

But, oh well. Just as we won't be your problem, neither will you be ours.

And I still want a divorce.

Why reinvent the wheel? We already have a government and socioeconomic system. All we need is more cooperation and consensus. If I could only make one change to the system we have, it would be to get rid of the filibuster or at least make them actually get up and debate. Eliminating political parties or at least allowing for the participation of multiple parties would help to eliminate the log jam we have now. To only have two extremes that can't even agree on when to break for lunch is getting ridiculous. Both sides are putting party and ideology over the good of the country.

The filibuster is not the problem. The problem is that liberalism has allowed elected leaders to increase their power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes by using the people's money to promote liberalism. And as all that is heady stuff, it eventually crowds out everything else and becomes a politician's only purpose in being elected and a bureaucrat's only goal. Just as all what appears to be federal government benevolence quickly assumes the status of entitlement and creates dependency among those who receive it. And the people then become militant in their determination to keep getting it.

In Conservativeland the federal government will not be allowed to use the people's money for ANY benefit to any person, group, entity, or demographic unless the benefit is extended to all without regard to political loyalities or socioeconomic status. By that one simple rule/law, we eliminate 90% of the corruption in both government and in those who benefit from it, we eliminate any purpose for corporate welfare, lobbying, or self-serving organizations who work to buy elections. Our elected and appointed national leaders will again be public servants who serve to make things better rather than to benefit themselves. And they will serve for awhile and then return home to live under the laws they pass for everybody else.

Such is the government the Founders envisioned. Such is the government Conservativeland will have. It in no way is reinventing the wheel. It is restoring the government to the original wheel the Founders designed for us. One that secures our rights and then promotes liberty to control our own destiny and allows us to reach for whatever we wish to accomplish. A nation in which the people govern themselves and the government does not assign us our rights nor control our success.
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Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Conservatives shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level.


Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


You are quite welcome to banning the filibuster in liberalland. I honestly don't know whether we would retain it is Conservativeland, but if you liberals think the filibuster has created all the problems that we have, you really REALLY need to have your own country.

Sign the divorce agreement already.
You're the problem with this country. You are. Not the politicians. Idiots like you who'd rather seriously and genuinely believe that your side is the side who has done everything right, and the other has done nothing wrong than be actually honest about it.

I'm not surprised. You're probably also one of those "The Bible is the word of God" morons too, right? Yay Dogma!

Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Conservatives shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level.


Uhh. I just said about four posts back that I can see where Reid should at least put the bills up for vote that he's sitting on, even if they aren't really jobs bills.

Try keeping up you massive fucking failure of a life form.

Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


You are quite welcome to banning the filibuster in liberalland. I honestly don't know whether we would retain it is Conservativeland, but if you liberals think the filibuster has created all the problems that we have, you really REALLY need to have your own country.

Sign the divorce agreement already.

Obviously, the filibuster is not the root of all evil in this country. Is is a major impediment to anything getting done though. All these bills and appointments the republicans have filibustered deserve to come to a vote. All the legislation that Reid has bottled up deserves to come to a vote. Congresscritters should be there to do something besides make speeches that nobody sees. Of course, in your hypothetical world, there would be no need for either side to have a filibuster. Everyone would just follow the established dogma like lemmings rather then actually working problems out.

Pull out guys, this one's totally fucking loony. Can't even see that the filibuster is the problem.

Hey, idiot, the fact that you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Liberals shows that you are not worthy conversing with on any level. At least I can admit that Reid should at least be putting the bills up to a vote.


You are quite welcome to banning the filibuster in liberalland. I honestly don't know whether we would retain it is Conservativeland, but if you liberals think the filibuster has created all the problems that we have, you really REALLY need to have your own country.

Sign the divorce agreement already.

Obviously, the filibuster is not the root of all evil in this country. Is is a major impediment to anything getting done though. All these bills and appointments the republicans have filibustered deserve to come to a vote. All the legislation that Reid has bottled up deserves to come to a vote. Congresscritters should be there to do something besides make speeches that nobody sees. Of course, in your hypothetical world, there would be no need for either side to have a filibuster. Everyone would just follow the established dogma like lemmings rather then actually working problems out.

The filibuster has been around since 1917. And yet we have passed several Consitutional amendments, passed the New Deal, engaged in congressionally approved military engagements several times, passed the Great Society initiatives and much civil rights legislation, passed TARP, passed the Stimulus Package, passed Obamacare, and many hundreds of other congressional initiatives, all which had heavy opposition.

Now naivete will be your prerogative in Liberalland. But if you are convinced that the filibuster is the root of all evil in this country, you will find out once you eliminate it won't you?

Again, we conservatives will work out the details and I don't know if the consensus will be to keep the filibuster or not. But I'm pretty damn sure not one of us thinks the filibuster is the reason for all our problems.
Was the Tea Party in power in 1917?

There were lots of people holding Tea Party views then. In fact most Americans held Tea Party views then. It wasn't until we had to admit that we had to deal with the liberalism that is destroying our great nation that we voted the incompetent Republicans out of power in Congress in 2006, were finding our voices through 2008, and were organizing as a visible movement by 2009.
Was the Tea Party in power in 1917?

There were lots of people holding Tea Party views then. In fact most Americans held Tea Party views then. It wasn't until we had to admit that we had to deal with the liberalism that is destroying our great nation that we voted the incompetent Republicans out of power in Congress in 2006, were finding our voices through 2008, and were organizing as a visible movement by 2009.

Oh really? Most Americans huh? Do you have some 100+ year old opinion polls you can point to? No. You don't. Because you are literally re-writing history to fit your viewpoints.

Goddamnit. I need to stop responding, but it's really hard not to refute your total LIES about history.
Was the Tea Party in power in 1917?

There were lots of people holding Tea Party views then. In fact most Americans held Tea Party views then. It wasn't until we had to admit that we had to deal with the liberalism that is destroying our great nation that we voted the incompetent Republicans out of power in Congress in 2006, were finding our voices through 2008, and were organizing as a visible movement by 2009.

Oh really? Most Americans huh? Do you have some 100+ year old opinion polls you can point to? No. You don't. Because you are literally re-writing history to fit your viewpoints.

Goddamnit. I need to stop responding, but it's really hard not to refute your total LIES about history.

Nope. All I have is extensive reading as an avid student of history and the human condition plus writing curriculum on the subject. All I have are extensive polling data, referred to many pages back, showing that on any given issue, a fairly large majority of Americans will choose the conservative side even if they think of themselves as liberal.

And if I had nothing else to go on, it would be the liberals' constant insulting, whining, unimaginative, uncreative, and thoroughly uneducated bitching with absolutely nothing constructive to contribute or with which to defend their point of view that would convince me that conservatives have the correct concepts. They may not always accomplish their goals efficiently or effectively because imperfect people will always make mistakes, but by gosh we know why we want what we want and, given opportunity and incentive to do so, we will figure out ways to get it done.

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