Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Precisely. I'm glad that I have critical thinking skills that allow me to see through the bullshit and know when my country as made a giant fuck-up. Because I like to learn from my mistakes so I don't fucking make them again.

Also, if America is so exceptional, wouldn't that mean all Presidents are exceptional? I mean, if the overwhelming majority of the exceptional citizens of the exceptional nation voted him into power, that makes him exceptional too, right?

So we have ourselves the first Black, Exceptional Kenyan-Commie-Socialist-Sharia President.
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Precisely. I'm glad that I have critical thinking skills that allow me to see through the bullshit and know when my country as made a giant fuck-up. Because I like to learn from my mistakes so I don't fucking make them again.

Also, if America is so exceptional, wouldn't that mean all Presidents are exceptional? I mean, if the overwhelming majority of the exceptional citizens of the exceptional nation voted him into power, that makes him exceptional too, right?

So we have ourselves the first Black, Exceptional Kenyan-Commie-Socialist-Sharia President.

American exceptionalism is now almost entirely an ideology to separate the "real" Americans from the liberals rather than an all inclusive term for how we as a nation should deal with other nations as it was originally intended. It is now defined as a general willingness to accept any atrocity as long as it is presented with enough miniature American flags and other symbolic trappings of Americanism.
American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Precisely. I'm glad that I have critical thinking skills that allow me to see through the bullshit and know when my country as made a giant fuck-up. Because I like to learn from my mistakes so I don't fucking make them again.

Also, if America is so exceptional, wouldn't that mean all Presidents are exceptional? I mean, if the overwhelming majority of the exceptional citizens of the exceptional nation voted him into power, that makes him exceptional too, right?

So we have ourselves the first Black, Exceptional Kenyan-Commie-Socialist-Sharia President.

American exceptionalism is now almost entirely an ideology to separate the "real" Americans from the liberals rather than an all inclusive term for how we as a nation should deal with other nations as it was originally intended. It is now defined as a general willingness to accept any atrocity as long as it is presented with enough miniature American flags and other symbolic trappings of Americanism.

It's like Richard Nixon said, "Well, if the President does it, it's not illegal."
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all that is holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?
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Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all this holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?

Apparently, while we all thought the far right was hanging off a cliff ... we've moved far right - I don't know where that leaves me. Minnesota, apparently. That works. I do love the lakes. And the trees are all the right height.
Okay, okay, it has been a very long thread, but let's continue to work for an amicable divorce by treating each other nicely.

Since the argument for American exceptionalism goes unanswered by the liberals who simply cannot be liberal and also buy into the concept of American exceptionalism, I think the issue of the flag, Pledge, National Anthem, and Constitution is settled? I will give one more opportunity to the liberals to make a case for that, but honestly you need to come up with your own thing that reflects your point of view there. The Constitution was written to create and protect American Exceptionalism and our flag, Pledge, and National Anthem are all based on that concept. Modern Day liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of that concept.

(It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with a gemeral philosophical attitude and point of view re what our nation should be. In one respect it is the absolute foundation of the nation, and the one area that is most non negotiable and therefore creates our irreconciliable differences.)

American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

If the important part, the intent to guarantee equal protection and freedom for the people, gets left behind what good are they? They would be worthless rubbish to a purist conservative government.
As for what is wrong with America, yes, it is an imperfect nation populated by imperfect people. Nobdy pretends it is anything other than that. We have gotten some things very right along the way and we have gotten some things very wrong. Many of the wrongs we have corrected. And in the process we have sometimes created new wrongs.

The divorce however is not based on what is wrong with America, but rather on irreconcilable differences of what is right. The divorce is not made necessary because we have problems, but because we have irreconcilable differences on how to deal with them.
American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all that is holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?

It has been discussed exhaustively in pages back in the thread. Perhaps if you read more of the thread you might get educated. I really don't want to repost all that lest we thoroughly bore and frustrate those who have kept up.

Simply type Classical Liberalism into your browser and read up. Even Wikipedia's definition is a pretty good one, and you'll come up with that and numerous other sources discussing who were the Classical Liberals and what that is.
As for what is wrong with America, yes, it is an imperfect nation populated by imperfect people. Nobdy pretends it is anything other than that. We have gotten some things very right along the way and we have gotten some things very wrong. Many of the wrongs we have corrected. And in the process we have sometimes created new wrongs.

The divorce however is not based on what is wrong with America, but rather on irreconcilable differences of what is right. The divorce is not made necessary because we have problems, but because we have irreconcilable differences on how to deal with them.

This unnecessary thread is only here because you seem to think it is a route to greater perfection by purging the real America of impure liberal influences. Funny how you have neglected to define the line between us. Explain in detail how you would decide who is who and what information you would use for that decision since you have defined the terms of what is fair.
American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all that is holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.

Limited Government of which todays liberals are totally against, and also free markets.
American Exceptionalism as a blinding nationalist ideology has been the sole property of conservatives all along, take it and good riddance to that ignorant crap they use to gain your consent to rule over you.

Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

If the important part, the intent to guarantee equal protection and freedom for the people, gets left behind what good are they? They would be worthless rubbish to a purist conservative government.

Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.
Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all that is holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.

Limited Government of which todays liberals are totally against, and also free markets.

And in the point of the view of the Founders, it also includes a concept of natural (unalienable) rights as coming from God and not assigned by any government whether it be monarch, feudal lord, dictator, or socialist/communist totalitarian regime or republic. American exceptionalism in a nutshell embraces the concept that the unalienable rights of the people will be secured and then the people will be totally free to govern themselves and form any sort of society they wish to have.

It is the first and only nation in the history of the world to be founded on such principles and to this day is the only one in which a majority of the people embrace such concepts. That is what makes America exceptional.
Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

If the important part, the intent to guarantee equal protection and freedom for the people, gets left behind what good are they? They would be worthless rubbish to a purist conservative government.

Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.

You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.
If the important part, the intent to guarantee equal protection and freedom for the people, gets left behind what good are they? They would be worthless rubbish to a purist conservative government.

Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.

You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.

Your business and private property can continue to be run under the new Liberalland government. You will finally have the government you have always wanted and can enjoy all the taxes and regulation and mandates and government benevolence that you crave. Oh it will be perfection. Just imagine how glorious, magnificent, magical it will be.

All that is required to realize it is just a wee bit of creativity, imagination, a sense of play and good humor, and a willingness to think in what if's. That has proved to be an impossible challenge for most of our liberal friends, but I continue to hold out hope that one or two will have the capacity to achieve it.

You do not have to worry about any of us in Conservativeland. The provisions of the divorce have already been settled that every one of us can choose which country we will live in. Those who choose Conservativeland will want to be there, but if it is not to their liking, they will be given our blessings to move to Liberalland.

In fact it will be interesting to see how many in each country will renounce their citizenship and move to the other during the decade of trial. We'll compare notes about that at the community picnic ten or so years down the line.

We can even write into the agreement that if one country should lose so many citizens that it becomes unviable, we can rejoin the countries and all will then live under the most successful system.
If the important part, the intent to guarantee equal protection and freedom for the people, gets left behind what good are they? They would be worthless rubbish to a purist conservative government.

Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.

You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.

We already are under the yolk of tyranny, because the minority (libs) are ruling this Nation.
Huge over blowen government with rules and regulations that give us no freedom.
Thank you. Absolutely American Exceptionalism is the exclusive property of modern day conservatives aka Classical Liberals aka Tea Partiers and similar groups and the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem as well as the U.S. Constitution are all based on that concept. Again modern day American liberalism is antithesis to all concepts of American Exceptionalism which is why it is an irreconcilable difference and why the divorce is necessary.

So good. That is settled then. Conservativeland gets American Exceptionalism and its documents and symbols and symbolic rituals.

Classical Liberals? Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you trying to say that the Conservatives of today are the Liberals of yore? Really? Can you please, for the love of all that is holy, explain this DOOZY of a thought, please?

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.

Limited Government of which todays liberals are totally against, and also free markets.

Ah, I see. You learn something new every day. But now that I know about it, it's just a weird hybrid of Conservative and Libertarian views. So to me, it's not really relevant anymore, as those beliefs have been adopted by those same two groups. Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, but I do see where free market types would suck at its teat since Adam Smith was such a key participant in the movement.

And isn't this discussion about modern politics, anyway?
Your opinion of course is why you will choose liberalland. And whatever Conservativeland does won't be your problem or your concern. Please re-read the OP. It is such irreconcilable differences that makes the divorce necessary.

You've said that already as I have already said that liberals care about stupid RW Americans also and do not wish to see them stupidly fall under the yoke of tyranny just because they feel they are too good to share their country with different kinds of people and beliefs. Also you never answered the question of what happens to my business and private property that happens to be located in real America.

We already are under the yolk of tyranny, because the minority (libs) are ruling this Nation.
Huge over blowen government with rules and regulations that give us no freedom.

You've got quite the ego to think that Conservatives are the majority. Even as a die-hard Commie-Pinko Liberal I think it's probably 40/40/20 in Conservative/Liberal/Independent ratios. Maybe 45/45/10. But neither ideological extreme really has the majority. Or have the splits of the popular votes in the last few Presidential elections taught you nothing?

It's why turnout is so important. Do you not know what "polarized" means?

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