Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
They tried splitting the states in half. It didn't work too well. But then, I'm not surprised a Republican would float this idea again.

And as for Liberal Comedians vs. Conservative Comedians...One George Carlin would destroy a million Dennis "9/11 Turned Me From Flaming Liberal to Tea-Bagger" Miller.

And besides that, who exactly IS a Conservative Comedian? I thought you had to be fucking funny to be a comedian?

They love Jeff Dunham, nuff said.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. Ventriloquists.

Seriously? The man is brilliant, ventriloquism notwithstanding.

[ame=]Spark Of Insanity - "Achmed the dead terrorist" by Jeff Dunham. - YouTube[/ame]
If you want to have an enjoyable, creative, interesting and thought-provoking discussion, you ought to begin it with something less insulting.......more creative and more interesting than what you started this thread with.

You basically took a shit and want others to play with it and smile. Try might just get what you seek.

You know, for some of you, I doubt there IS anything short of left wing looney land that would not be insulting to you.

I wrote the divorce agreement tongue-in-cheek that a conservative would want because I am conservative. But of course that is not acceptable to a liberal who hates all or most conservative concepts.

When anybody has questioned anything specific on the list, I have defend each point. Such as why Conservativeland should have the Constitution as it was intended to be by the Founders, the Pledge, the National Anthem, and the flag. I spelled out that we would USE the Pledge, our school children would memorize and recite it, and we would teach our children what the flag symbolizes and why it should not be disrespected and teach them the proper protocol to respect it. And how the National Anthem addresses that flag and why it brings a lump to the throat of every conservative when they stand at attention when it is played.

Liberals reject most of the concepts of American exceptionalism that the Founders intended for the Constitution to promote and defend. I haven't found a liberal who even understands American exceptionalism, much less embraces it, so you guys need to write a Constitution that more closely reflects your views

Not a single liberal has been able to speak up for why they love, respect, or revere any of those things. You could have done that. But instead you continue to whine and object to the subject being brought up at all, and be offended even in a fun-to-do philosophical exercise. You seem incapable of conceiving and adopting symbols and rituals that more closely reflect your point of view of what a nation should be.

You are too far off base. The drudgery that we'd have to endure to bring enlightenment to you is far too great a price to pay. It could be done.........but you'd need to be deprogrammed first.

You know, that's part of the reason we want a divorce: you always feel compelled to share your "enlightenment" with us and try to "program" us to agree with you, and you refuse to take NO for an answer. It's just beyond you to understand that we don't WANT to think like you, we don't find anything desirable about it, and we're perfectly happy without it, SO STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT ON US.
They love Jeff Dunham, nuff said.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. Ventriloquists.

Seriously? The man is brilliant, ventriloquism notwithstanding.

[ame=]Spark Of Insanity - "Achmed the dead terrorist" by Jeff Dunham. - YouTube[/ame]

He could be twenty times funnier and it still would not be enough to overcome my revulsion and fear of ventriloquist dummies.
They tried splitting the states in half. It didn't work too well. But then, I'm not surprised a Republican would float this idea again.

And as for Liberal Comedians vs. Conservative Comedians...One George Carlin would destroy a million Dennis "9/11 Turned Me From Flaming Liberal to Tea-Bagger" Miller.

And besides that, who exactly IS a Conservative Comedian? I thought you had to be fucking funny to be a comedian?

They love Jeff Dunham, nuff said.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. Ventriloquists.

Bet you can't type that while drinking water.
You know, for some of you, I doubt there IS anything short of left wing looney land that would not be insulting to you.

I wrote the divorce agreement tongue-in-cheek that a conservative would want because I am conservative. But of course that is not acceptable to a liberal who hates all or most conservative concepts.

When anybody has questioned anything specific on the list, I have defend each point. Such as why Conservativeland should have the Constitution as it was intended to be by the Founders, the Pledge, the National Anthem, and the flag. I spelled out that we would USE the Pledge, our school children would memorize and recite it, and we would teach our children what the flag symbolizes and why it should not be disrespected and teach them the proper protocol to respect it. And how the National Anthem addresses that flag and why it brings a lump to the throat of every conservative when they stand at attention when it is played.

Liberals reject most of the concepts of American exceptionalism that the Founders intended for the Constitution to promote and defend. I haven't found a liberal who even understands American exceptionalism, much less embraces it, so you guys need to write a Constitution that more closely reflects your views

Not a single liberal has been able to speak up for why they love, respect, or revere any of those things. You could have done that. But instead you continue to whine and object to the subject being brought up at all, and be offended even in a fun-to-do philosophical exercise. You seem incapable of conceiving and adopting symbols and rituals that more closely reflect your point of view of what a nation should be.

You are too far off base. The drudgery that we'd have to endure to bring enlightenment to you is far too great a price to pay. It could be done.........but you'd need to be deprogrammed first.

You know, that's part of the reason we want a divorce: you always feel compelled to share your "enlightenment" with us and try to "program" us to agree with you, and you refuse to take NO for an answer. It's just beyond you to understand that we don't WANT to think like you, we don't find anything desirable about it, and we're perfectly happy without it, SO STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT ON US.

Well, no one ever accused conservatives of being open minded. Conservatives are always ready to share with us how much better, more patriotic, more Christian, etc they are than everyone else. Apparently conservative's shit doesn't stink. Well, we will continue to voice our opinions and maybe it will someday sink into thick conservative skulls. I won't hold my breath though. Conservatives are so resistant to any outside ideas that they might as well hang a sign around their necks saying "ignorant and proud of it".
You are too far off base. The drudgery that we'd have to endure to bring enlightenment to you is far too great a price to pay. It could be done.........but you'd need to be deprogrammed first.

You know, that's part of the reason we want a divorce: you always feel compelled to share your "enlightenment" with us and try to "program" us to agree with you, and you refuse to take NO for an answer. It's just beyond you to understand that we don't WANT to think like you, we don't find anything desirable about it, and we're perfectly happy without it, SO STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT ON US.

Well, no one ever accused conservatives of being open minded. Conservatives are always ready to share with us how much better, more patriotic, more Christian, etc they are than everyone else. Apparently conservative's shit doesn't stink. Well, we will continue to voice our opinions and maybe it will someday sink into thick conservative skulls. I won't hold my breath though. Conservatives are so resistant to any outside ideas that they might as well hang a sign around their necks saying "ignorant and proud of it".

Liberals are just as Closed Minded as the Biggest Right wing Idiot out there. They only want to here people that agree with them. They want to label Everyone who does not agree with them as Stupid.

Kinda like you just did.
Ha. I just read the part about how Liberals don't respect American "exceptionalism." (not a real word, like "strategery"

No, honey. We just know that for all its "exceptionalism" there is a fuck load that we do incredibly, incredibly wrong. We were born under the yoke of slavery and we still have a segment of the population who can't get married to another consenting adult if they so choose.

That said, Liberals actually love America more than Conservatives. It takes a great deal more love for something to love it in spite of all its flaws. We love America more because we can admit it's not perfect, but that there's room for improvement.

Well, that and we're not a bunch of soulless money worshipers who are convinced that we can be just like the rich guys one day if only we keep giving the rich guys more money.
Oh Jesus Fucking Christ. Ventriloquists.

Seriously? The man is brilliant, ventriloquism notwithstanding.

[ame=]Spark Of Insanity - "Achmed the dead terrorist" by Jeff Dunham. - YouTube[/ame]

He could be twenty times funnier and it still would not be enough to overcome my revulsion and fear of ventriloquist dummies.

No, he's just genuinely NOT funny. At all. Sick children are funnier than him. Famine is funnier than him. A shart is funnier than him.
Seriously? The man is brilliant, ventriloquism notwithstanding.

Spark Of Insanity - "Achmed the dead terrorist" by Jeff Dunham. - YouTube

He could be twenty times funnier and it still would not be enough to overcome my revulsion and fear of ventriloquist dummies.

No, he's just genuinely NOT funny. At all. Sick children are funnier than him. Famine is funnier than him. A shart is funnier than him.

And humor is in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty.

I assume you are aware that your perception is not the universal perception.
He could be twenty times funnier and it still would not be enough to overcome my revulsion and fear of ventriloquist dummies.

No, he's just genuinely NOT funny. At all. Sick children are funnier than him. Famine is funnier than him. A shart is funnier than him.

And humor is in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty.

I assume you are aware that your perception is not the universal perception.

Betty, you seem like a fine lass. But Dunham is like herpes. In that he makes my dick burn.
No, he's just genuinely NOT funny. At all. Sick children are funnier than him. Famine is funnier than him. A shart is funnier than him.

And humor is in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty.

I assume you are aware that your perception is not the universal perception.

Betty, you seem like a fine lass. But Dunham is like herpes. In that he makes my dick burn.

Okay, well. That CAN'T be normal.
Ha. I just read the part about how Liberals don't respect American "exceptionalism." (not a real word, like "strategery"

No, honey. We just know that for all its "exceptionalism" there is a fuck load that we do incredibly, incredibly wrong. We were born under the yoke of slavery and we still have a segment of the population who can't get married to another consenting adult if they so choose.

That said, Liberals actually love America more than Conservatives. It takes a great deal more love for something to love it in spite of all its flaws. We love America more because we can admit it's not perfect, but that there's room for improvement.

Well, that and we're not a bunch of soulless money worshipers who are convinced that we can be just like the rich guys one day if only we keep giving the rich guys more money.

Liberals love this country enough to be embarrassed by the hideous lawn ornaments we have on the national front lawn. That giant granny fanny called GWB should have been grounds for divorce but we kept you once again.
You are too far off base. The drudgery that we'd have to endure to bring enlightenment to you is far too great a price to pay. It could be done.........but you'd need to be deprogrammed first.

You know, that's part of the reason we want a divorce: you always feel compelled to share your "enlightenment" with us and try to "program" us to agree with you, and you refuse to take NO for an answer. It's just beyond you to understand that we don't WANT to think like you, we don't find anything desirable about it, and we're perfectly happy without it, SO STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT ON US.

Well, no one ever accused conservatives of being open minded. Conservatives are always ready to share with us how much better, more patriotic, more Christian, etc they are than everyone else. Apparently conservative's shit doesn't stink. Well, we will continue to voice our opinions and maybe it will someday sink into thick conservative skulls. I won't hold my breath though. Conservatives are so resistant to any outside ideas that they might as well hang a sign around their necks saying "ignorant and proud of it".

Telling you what we think is one thing, Sparkles. Feeling compelled and justified to force you to agree with us is something else entirely. That's strictly YOUR department. Contemplate the difference . . . just as soon as you get someone to diagram it in crayon for you.

And before you come back with "I'm rubber and you're glue", don't bother. Until conservatives make a habit of bypassing the ballot box to get laws passed by judicial fiat, "reprogramming" will remain a leftist tool.
You know, that's part of the reason we want a divorce: you always feel compelled to share your "enlightenment" with us and try to "program" us to agree with you, and you refuse to take NO for an answer. It's just beyond you to understand that we don't WANT to think like you, we don't find anything desirable about it, and we're perfectly happy without it, SO STOP TRYING TO FORCE IT ON US.

Well, no one ever accused conservatives of being open minded. Conservatives are always ready to share with us how much better, more patriotic, more Christian, etc they are than everyone else. Apparently conservative's shit doesn't stink. Well, we will continue to voice our opinions and maybe it will someday sink into thick conservative skulls. I won't hold my breath though. Conservatives are so resistant to any outside ideas that they might as well hang a sign around their necks saying "ignorant and proud of it".

Telling you what we think is one thing, Sparkles. Feeling compelled and justified to force you to agree with us is something else entirely. That's strictly YOUR department. Contemplate the difference . . . just as soon as you get someone to diagram it in crayon for you.

And before you come back with "I'm rubber and you're glue", don't bother. Until conservatives make a habit of bypassing the ballot box to get laws passed by judicial fiat, "reprogramming" will remain a leftist tool.

How about I come back with: "Your avatar is stupid unless you're the actual Betty Page which would explain why you have political views from the 1950s."
Ha. I just read the part about how Liberals don't respect American "exceptionalism." (not a real word, like "strategery"

No, honey. We just know that for all its "exceptionalism" there is a fuck load that we do incredibly, incredibly wrong. We were born under the yoke of slavery and we still have a segment of the population who can't get married to another consenting adult if they so choose.

That said, Liberals actually love America more than Conservatives. It takes a great deal more love for something to love it in spite of all its flaws. We love America more because we can admit it's not perfect, but that there's room for improvement.

Well, that and we're not a bunch of soulless money worshipers who are convinced that we can be just like the rich guys one day if only we keep giving the rich guys more money.

Exceptionalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Exceptionalism - : the condition of being different from the norm; also: a theory expounding the exceptionalism especially of a nation or region

I don't think you need to be commenting on anyone else's grammar and vocabulary, Noah Webster. You're no one's idea of an expert in the field.

Furthermore, if you want to describe yourself as "knowing the US is exceptional, and just trying to point out flaws to improve them", which I assume was your goal here, it might help if once in a great while you took a break from bitching about how much America sucks and said something POSITIVE about it, and I don't mean talking about how great it COULD be if we'd just all fall in line with your utopian vision.

If your parents told you how much more they loved you than other parents loved their kids because it takes so much more work to love such a screwed-up piece of shit like you, would you believe they even LIKED you, let alone loved you? Because that's what you just offered as "proof" that you leftists love America, and it's about that convincing.

Note: This is not in any way a comment on Derrps' actual, real-life parents, nor his/her/its relationship with same. This is merely a generalized analogy, and any resemblance between it and actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended.
Ha. I just read the part about how Liberals don't respect American "exceptionalism." (not a real word, like "strategery"

No, honey. We just know that for all its "exceptionalism" there is a fuck load that we do incredibly, incredibly wrong. We were born under the yoke of slavery and we still have a segment of the population who can't get married to another consenting adult if they so choose.

That said, Liberals actually love America more than Conservatives. It takes a great deal more love for something to love it in spite of all its flaws. We love America more because we can admit it's not perfect, but that there's room for improvement.

Well, that and we're not a bunch of soulless money worshipers who are convinced that we can be just like the rich guys one day if only we keep giving the rich guys more money.

Exceptionalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Exceptionalism - : the condition of being different from the norm; also: a theory expounding the exceptionalism especially of a nation or region

I don't think you need to be commenting on anyone else's grammar and vocabulary, Noah Webster. You're no one's idea of an expert in the field.

Furthermore, if you want to describe yourself as "knowing the US is exceptional, and just trying to point out flaws to improve them", which I assume was your goal here, it might help if once in a great while you took a break from bitching about how much America sucks and said something POSITIVE about it, and I don't mean talking about how great it COULD be if we'd just all fall in line with your utopian vision.

If your parents told you how much more they loved you than other parents loved their kids because it takes so much more work to love such a screwed-up piece of shit like you, would you believe they even LIKED you, let alone loved you? Because that's what you just offered as "proof" that you leftists love America, and it's about that convincing.

Note: This is not in any way a comment on Derrps' actual, real-life parents, nor his/her/its relationship with same. This is merely a generalized analogy, and any resemblance between it and actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your terrible fucking avatar.

And I am an expert in grammar, I don't know how you knew my real name, but I'm really pissed you let the cat out of the bag.

Sorry, you're right, it is a real word. But I'm also sorry that I have to look at that terrible fucking avatar.
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