Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
What percentage of chronically unemployed Americans do you think are self-described liberals?

What percentage of able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of government assistance?

Can you answer those two questions Rotty?
What percentage of chronically unemployed Americans do you think are self-described liberals?

What percentage of able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of government assistance?

Can you answer those two questions Rotty?

The myth of the lazy liberal welfare queen should have died years ago but still lingers on the minds of those who still think prosperity trickles down and that republicans care about the working man.
BTW, the source material for the Blaze article had this to say:

Calculating the median salary for each gender required some assumptions to be made based on the employee names. When unclear, every effort was taken to determine the appropriate gender.

Gotta love the scientific nature of nutter "studies".

Yeah - you do have to love the fact that, unlike the lying liberals, conservatives are HONEST and give the FULL facts, like they may have one single person they didn't properly identify based solely on a name. And I love how you liberals try to redirect the conversation to that, rather than the fact that the Obama Administration is waging a war on women and is paying them 18% less than the men they hire.

As far as your weak and very lame argument that "they are not doing the same job" - well that just means the Obama Administration feels women are too inferior to hold the higher and more important jobs. Either way, you lose and the Obama Administration is exposed.

I understand now. You are a dummy. Thanks for the clarification.

Negative. She led a jackass to water and he refuses to drink. Do you really think she's obligated to shove his head in the water and force his ignorant mouth open? What am I thinking, of course you do. Liberals can't do anything without someone in authority deciding what's good for them.
Gallup, certainly nobody's idea of a conservative or Republican institution, scores it this way this year:

TIM MAK | 1/12/12 4:28 PM EST

Conservatives continue to make up the largest segment of political views in the country, outnumbering liberals nearly two-to-one, according to a new poll Thursday.

The Gallup survey found that 40 percent of Americans consider themselves conservative; 35 percent consider themselves moderate; and 21 percent see themselves as liberal. The figures did not change from 2010.

For the third straight year, conservatives outnumbered both moderates and liberals.

Conservatives began outstripping moderates in 2008, and the percentage of moderates has declined steadily over the past two decades, from 43 percent 1992 to 35 percent in 2011.

Read more: Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -

Per Rasmussen if you narrow it down to fiscal analysis alone, it is even worse for liberals:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are fiscal conservatives when it comes to issues such as taxes, government spending and business regulation. Just as many (42%) describe themselves as fiscal moderates. Only 11% are fiscal liberals. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
42% Are Fiscal Conservatives, 11% Liberal on Money Issues - Rasmussen Reports™

And because it is mostly a crisis of fiscal sanity, created by liberalism's inability to understand that and exacerbated by liberalism's view that social programs are the responsibility of government that makes it necessary to divorce, it is pretty much a given that mostly only that 11% will choose to live in Liberalland.

Returning to constitutional roots in Conservativeland, the pure Libtertarians with a big L--fiscal conservatives/sociall liberals--will be able to organize their local communities to reflect however theiy perceive that should go while allowing others to do that differently if they so choose. Again according to Rasmussen polls over the last several years, if you break down the moderates, issue by issue, as a group they will choose far more conservative values, socially and fiscally, than they will choose liberal ones.

So the divorce probably won't be as painful or require anywhere near as much separation as our liberal friends worry about. They will have a population equating roughly that of Canada which seems to be plenty to have a viable country.
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Negative. She led a jackass to water and he refuses to drink. Do you really think she's obligated to shove his head in the water and force his ignorant mouth open? What am I thinking, of course you do. Liberals can't do anything without someone in authority deciding what's good for them.

Of course that won't be a problem in Conservativeland. We will of course have our share of the truly helpless and we'll take care of them as any moral society does. We just won't do it through the federal government as we have all witnessed how that too easily turns morally commendable intentions into immorality and destruction.

We will return to the society that once was when all Americans were willing to do what they had to do to earn what they get and in which taking charity was received with gratitude and a sense of obligation to pay back. Charity was not seen as one's right purely because he or she is breathing. In Conservativeland, being able bodied or capable and not paying one's own way lowers self esteem And at the state or local level, it will be seen as proper and important that those receiving public assistance are required to work as they are able to receive it, and they will be required to show that they are not spending it on non essentials. If they want their booze, pot, tats, cigs, potato chips, and cable, they will know they'll have to get a real job.

And in Conservativeland there will be work for any who need it.

Negative. She led a jackass to water and he refuses to drink. Do you really think she's obligated to shove his head in the water and force his ignorant mouth open? What am I thinking, of course you do. Liberals can't do anything without someone in authority deciding what's good for them.

They'd have to belive in individual responsibility first. :eusa_shhh:

Negative. She led a jackass to water and he refuses to drink. Do you really think she's obligated to shove his head in the water and force his ignorant mouth open? What am I thinking, of course you do. Liberals can't do anything without someone in authority deciding what's good for them.

They'd have to belive in individual responsibility first. :eusa_shhh:

Folks bound for Liberalland seem to not place much importance on individual reponsibility. For them it is all collective effort to extend compassion and understanding to the less unfortunate. And they don't seem to care how or why the ranks of the less fortunate continue to swell and multiply. They are better people than those in Conservativeland--nicer, more compassionate, more caring, more in touch with humanity, etc. etc. etc. It will be wonderful for them to have their own country.

They will still have us in Conservativeland to accuse of all sorts of evil things, but blessedly, once the divorce is finalized, we won't have to hear it anymore.

The only downside is our Conservative friends who thoroughly enjoy and seem to live for insulting liberals are going to have to make a tough decision--here where there won't be much of anybody for them to insult? Or there?
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Negative. She led a jackass to water and he refuses to drink. Do you really think she's obligated to shove his head in the water and force his ignorant mouth open? What am I thinking, of course you do. Liberals can't do anything without someone in authority deciding what's good for them.

They'd have to belive in individual responsibility first. :eusa_shhh:

Folks bound for Liberalland seem to not place much importance on individual reponsibility. For them it is all collective effort to extend compassion and understanding to the less unfortunate. And they don't seem to care how or why the ranks of the less fortunate continue to swell and multiply. They are better people than those in Conservativeland--nicer, more compassionate, more caring, more in touch with humanity, etc. etc. etc. It will be wonderful for them to have their own country.

They will still have us in Conservativeland to accuse of all sorts of evil things, but blessedly, once the divorce is finalized, we won't have to hear it anymore.

The only downside is our Conservative friends who thoroughly enjoy and seem to live for insulting liberals are going to have to make a tough decision--here where there won't be much of anybody for them to insult? Or there?

Nope not really...but then as in every 'Community'? There's going to be disagreement and dissention...outcome depends upon how it's dealt with from the start?
I support the divorce and it's terms.
Let the Blue States become a third-world country.
Can we have a wall so we do not have to look at it?
I support the divorce and it's terms.
Let the Blue States become a third-world country.
Can we have a wall so we do not have to look at it?

We won't need a wall in a no fault amicable divorce. In fact there will likely be trade between the two countries. They are going to need some products that they won't be able to build under the restrictive 'green laws' that they will almost certainly have, and they are going to have some artists and actors that I do enjoy their work and will probably need to go there to obtain those niceties.

Once the divorce agreement is finalized there really won't be any need for animosity or ugliness. It is after all irreconcilable differences, including those that produce animosity and ugliness, that makes the divorce necessary. Once each group has the country that they want, such disagreements won't exist any more.
PSSST one more time to the clueless:

This is not a REAL proposal. It is a philosophical exercise. Those so lacking in mental capacity, creativity, and ability for critical and analytical thinking that they cannot understand it and have fun with it are strongly advised to find threads more to their liking.
Another divisive thread from a conservative. A civil war solution.

Far from it. Did YOU take a couple of days to read though it?

Obviously NOT.:eusa_shhh:

You want to split the country in two. I think that's ridiculous.

This thread takes divisiveness to an absurd level.

Oh geez! Another "literal" liberal who lacks the creativity to do an interesting thought exercise. This isn't reality dear. It isn't a suggestion or a proposal. It's a thought exercise. A what if that has certain parameters to work inside of. So far, every liberal has done nothing but wet their pants of the thought of the conservatives and liberals divorcing. Why?
Far from it. Did YOU take a couple of days to read though it?

Obviously NOT.:eusa_shhh:

You want to split the country in two. I think that's ridiculous.

This thread takes divisiveness to an absurd level.

Oh geez! Another "literal" liberal who lacks the creativity to do an interesting thought exercise. This isn't reality dear. It isn't a suggestion or a proposal. It's a thought exercise. A what if that has certain parameters to work inside of. So far, every liberal has done nothing but wet their pants of the thought of the conservatives and liberals divorcing. Why?

That IS an interesting question. Not one liberal has presumed to offer an argument for a superior Liberalland. And not one has come in here with any sense of fun or in any spirit other than one of accusation, anger, and butt hurt.

An interesting phenomenon no? I know some liberals in real life who would have had a ball with this. How come USMB is blessed with so many who seem incapable of that?

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