Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters

I live in the Pacific NW! Can we trade out Oregon for Massachusetts?

I really have no strong opinions on that, so write it up and we can sure put it to a vote. Actually the conservatives could use a bit of Pacific coastline and that would also give the other side a bit of Atlantic coastline so that should be a win-win proposition., I have already acknowledged that you hate the so-called 'trickle down' part which is why I assigned it to the conservative side. You guys would be free to put together any economy that you wanted to have with nobody to stop you. Don't you like that idea?

Of course they don't like that idea Foxfyre - it requires them to actually DO something instead of mooching off hard working conservatives as they do now. Why do you think Obamacare unconstitutionally FORCES all of us to buy healthcare when they could voluntarily create their own healthcare organization for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us. Why do you think they unconstitutionally FORCE us to be a part of Social Security when they can voluntarily create a Social Security type organizaiton for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us.
Well we'll see. As long as you can keep the plantation folks in Liberalland oblivious to the situation of what you will call 'minorities' in Conservativeland, you'll probably be able to keep them there though I don't know why since you don't need them to keep liberals in power any longer.

But in Conservativeland there won't be any 'minorities' based on race or ethnicity. There will just be people. And I think those who would be considered 'minorities' in your country will see how much better off everybody is when there are no minorities.

If I'm wrong, it should be obvious within a decade. I would make a huge bet that I am not wrong, however. And even if I am, it shouldn't concern you folks in Liberalland in the least. Those who don't like liberty and opportunities earned on merit will be going over to your side anyway, leaving lots of room for any folks from Liberalland who don't like it there.

You are dead wrong, can you explain why a purist conservative government would keep one of the signature achievements of liberalism in America? You have already stated that the new deal is in trash, why would they keep something that they stood against from day one? Equal rights would not be an issue in conservative land because it would never be a consideration in any decision, they would revel in regaining their long lost right to be a racist jackass.

You really are well suited for Liberalland and the history that will be taught there. I am not even going to dignify this with further response as it has been thoroughly hashed out on other threads. But your perception of how and why 'equal rights' has become law is so skewed that I don't want to take up the time and space on this thread to set you straight - again.

(I will send you to do the research though. You will see that a majority of liberal Democrats voted against those laws while a majority of evil Republicans voted for them. You have to use real history instead of assigned liberal talking points to know stuff like that though.)

The Dixiecrats that fought against civil rights were hardly liberals, they left the democratic party and joined the GOP mainly because they hated liberals and their yankee equal rights, maybe you should go back and look again. The parties used to both have liberal and conservative wings.
Every time I see something like this I wonder how conservatives think they can stay free in a country of their own design where those in the ruling class are unencumbered by taxation, regulation and accountability and the freely exploited working class is on its own and works for practically nothing. No social mobility, no access to medical care, crappy bible based education and no way on earth to get a fair hearing of grievances.

It's truly sad what an entitled class of lazy bums you liberals have become. Having a job used to be the highest of priviliges. Now, you lazy bums consider being employed "being exploited". Furthermore, if you lazy bums feel you are being "exploited", then START YOUR OWN DAMN COMPANY and work for yourself. Oh, that's right, you can't because you're all too damn lazy.
You are dead wrong, can you explain why a purist conservative government would keep one of the signature achievements of liberalism in America? You have already stated that the new deal is in trash, why would they keep something that they stood against from day one? Equal rights would not be an issue in conservative land because it would never be a consideration in any decision, they would revel in regaining their long lost right to be a racist jackass.

You really are well suited for Liberalland and the history that will be taught there. I am not even going to dignify this with further response as it has been thoroughly hashed out on other threads. But your perception of how and why 'equal rights' has become law is so skewed that I don't want to take up the time and space on this thread to set you straight - again.

(I will send you to do the research though. You will see that a majority of liberal Democrats voted against those laws while a majority of evil Republicans voted for them. You have to use real history instead of assigned liberal talking points to know stuff like that though.)

The Dixiecrats that fought against civil rights were hardly liberals, they left the democratic party and joined the GOP mainly because they hated liberals and their yankee equal rights, maybe you should go back and look again. The parties used to both have liberal and conservative wings.

Well you're welcome to teach that version of history in Liberalland once we finalize the divorce. You'll probably need to leave out the well documented part in which the Republicans mostly supported civil rights laws though to convince them that those Dixiecrats left the Democratic party and joined the Republicans who gave rights to the people they hated.

We will be teaching honest history in Conservativeland.

I live in the Pacific NW! Can we trade out Oregon for Massachusetts?

I really have no strong opinions on that, so write it up and we can sure put it to a vote. Actually the conservatives could use a bit of Pacific coastline and that would also give the other side a bit of Atlantic coastline so that should be a win-win proposition., I have already acknowledged that you hate the so-called 'trickle down' part which is why I assigned it to the conservative side. You guys would be free to put together any economy that you wanted to have with nobody to stop you. Don't you like that idea?

Of course they don't like that idea Foxfyre - it requires them to actually DO something instead of mooching off hard working conservatives as they do now. Why do you think Obamacare unconstitutionally FORCES all of us to buy healthcare when they could voluntarily create their own healthcare organization for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us. Why do you think they unconstitutionally FORCE us to be a part of Social Security when they can voluntarily create a Social Security type organizaiton for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us.

Yes, all those things are why we need the divorce, but I still don't know why the liberals are so resistant to the opportunity to have a Liberalland with everything in it that they say they want. In a no fault amicable divorce, nobody is denied anything they love and everybody gets everything they want.

So far we haven't made a lot of progress, but we've made some. Everything so far that we want are those things the liberals have expressed very low opinions and it is safe to believe they don't like or want them, but for whatever reason they don't want us to have them either.
I really have no strong opinions on that, so write it up and we can sure put it to a vote. Actually the conservatives could use a bit of Pacific coastline and that would also give the other side a bit of Atlantic coastline so that should be a win-win proposition., I have already acknowledged that you hate the so-called 'trickle down' part which is why I assigned it to the conservative side. You guys would be free to put together any economy that you wanted to have with nobody to stop you. Don't you like that idea?

Of course they don't like that idea Foxfyre - it requires them to actually DO something instead of mooching off hard working conservatives as they do now. Why do you think Obamacare unconstitutionally FORCES all of us to buy healthcare when they could voluntarily create their own healthcare organization for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us. Why do you think they unconstitutionally FORCE us to be a part of Social Security when they can voluntarily create a Social Security type organizaiton for liberals? Because they need to mooch off of us.

Yes, all those things are why we need the divorce, but I still don't know why the liberals are so resistant to the opportunity to have a Liberalland with everything in it that they say they want. In a no fault amicable divorce, nobody is denied anything they love and everybody gets everything they want.

So far we haven't made a lot of progress, but we've made some. Everything so far that we want are those things the liberals have expressed very low opinions and it is safe to believe they don't like or want them, but for whatever reason they don't want us to have them either.

Haven't you already stated your opinion regarding this question? Have you had second thoughts? Or...........are you being passive aggressive?

Indeed. I am so effing sick of the complaining and whining from the right while they do absolutely nothing to help the president in his efforts to create jobs. The rw's all hate that President Obama has created more than 4 MILLION jobs while the Rs have done nothing at all for more than 10 years. Unless you count the filibustering and obstructing and constant lying.

Don't like it?

Don't let the screen door ........... you know the rest.

I love the misinformation from your side. Here is the FACTS: Under Obama, the US has LOST 5 MILLION jobs. Under Obama, the US has gained 4 million jobs. Giving a grand total of 1 MILLION jobs lost under Obama. Add to that nearly $6 TRILLION in debt. You guys would rather see the US collapse and everyone live in poverty than admit your ideology is a FAILED one.
Are those facts like the ones you stated earlier? You know, the ones about liberals being too lazy to work or start businesses? Facts like that?

Bullshit is bullshit.
You really are well suited for Liberalland and the history that will be taught there. I am not even going to dignify this with further response as it has been thoroughly hashed out on other threads. But your perception of how and why 'equal rights' has become law is so skewed that I don't want to take up the time and space on this thread to set you straight - again.

(I will send you to do the research though. You will see that a majority of liberal Democrats voted against those laws while a majority of evil Republicans voted for them. You have to use real history instead of assigned liberal talking points to know stuff like that though.)

The Dixiecrats that fought against civil rights were hardly liberals, they left the democratic party and joined the GOP mainly because they hated liberals and their yankee equal rights, maybe you should go back and look again. The parties used to both have liberal and conservative wings.

Well you're welcome to teach that version of history in Liberalland once we finalize the divorce. You'll probably need to leave out the well documented part in which the Republicans mostly supported civil rights laws though to convince them that those Dixiecrats left the Democratic party and joined the Republicans who gave rights to the people they hated.

We will be teaching honest history in Conservativeland.

I lived that version of history, I could hardly miss it living where I do when the sons of the confederacy suddenly embraced the party of Lincoln. Where did all these republicans come from if they were not former democrats? Civil rights lost the south for the democrats and honestly they were not that sad to see this national embarrassment become the republican's problem and it is from these closet segregationists you continue to hear most of the noise about secession.
Are those facts like the ones you stated earlier? You know, the ones about liberals being too lazy to work or start businesses? Facts like that?

Bullshit is bullshit.

Well, you could look it up for yourselves. But since you liberals are so fucking lazy, you won't even do something that simple...
Will there be equal pay for women in Conservistan?

Well we know there is not in liberalism. The Obama Administration pays women 18% less than men. Since you'll cry "dumb comment" and be too lazy to look up the facts for yourself, here is a link (lets hope your not too lazy to click - then again, you liberals actually like being misinformed and living in the lies):

Report Shows White House Pays Women 18% Less than Men, Despite Democrat ‘War on Women’ Criticism of Republicans |
Will there be equal pay for women in Conservistan?

Well we know there is not in liberalism. The Obama Administration pays women 18% less than men. Since you'll cry "dumb comment" and be too lazy to look up the facts for yourself, here is a link (lets hope your not too lazy to click - then again, you liberals actually like being misinformed and living in the lies):

Report Shows White House Pays Women 18% Less than Men, Despite Democrat ‘War on Women’ Criticism of Republicans |

The link did not say anything about unequal pay for the same jobs. You might be smart enough to understand why that is an important omission, but i kind of doubt it.

Can you provide evidence that women who hold the same positions with the same seniority as men get paid less in the Obama White House?

If so, please do.
BTW, the source material for the Blaze article had this to say:

Calculating the median salary for each gender required some assumptions to be made based on the employee names. When unclear, every effort was taken to determine the appropriate gender.

Gotta love the scientific nature of nutter "studies".
BTW, the source material for the Blaze article had this to say:

Calculating the median salary for each gender required some assumptions to be made based on the employee names. When unclear, every effort was taken to determine the appropriate gender.

Gotta love the scientific nature of nutter "studies".

Yeah - you do have to love the fact that, unlike the lying liberals, conservatives are HONEST and give the FULL facts, like they may have one single person they didn't properly identify based solely on a name. And I love how you liberals try to redirect the conversation to that, rather than the fact that the Obama Administration is waging a war on women and is paying them 18% less than the men they hire.

As far as your weak and very lame argument that "they are not doing the same job" - well that just means the Obama Administration feels women are too inferior to hold the higher and more important jobs. Either way, you lose and the Obama Administration is exposed.
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Are those facts like the ones you stated earlier? You know, the ones about liberals being too lazy to work or start businesses? Facts like that?

Bullshit is bullshit.

Well, you could look it up for yourselves. But since you liberals are so fucking lazy, you won't even do something that simple...

We are lazy? :lol:
Tell that to my feet and back after last week...
Are those facts like the ones you stated earlier? You know, the ones about liberals being too lazy to work or start businesses? Facts like that?

Bullshit is bullshit.

Well, you could look it up for yourselves. But since you liberals are so fucking lazy, you won't even do something that simple...

We are lazy? :lol:
Tell that to my feet and back after last week...

Well, there is an exception to every rule. But yes, by and large, your side of the aisle is extrodinarily lazy. Did you see the video of the idiot liberals at all of the OWS protests who refuse to work, want to smoke pot, and expect everyone else to provide for them? Or your fellow liberal poster who thinks having a job is "being exploited"??? If the left had any pride, they would refuse government assistance and make it on their own. Instead, they demand more government assistance and refuse to work.

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