Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
You know Foxfyre I have thought about this several times through the years and I would support (and relocate to) a better America without all of this left-wing garbage if one was available. It seems that every generation has to ask themselves "What is happening to my country?" as things spiral out of control into a future of government excess and social depravity.

As a liberal, I have been asking myself "What is happening to my country" for the past 30 years. We have gone from being the greatest creditor nation to being the greatest debtor nation thanks to Reagonomics. The middle class has shrunk and wages have remained stagnant. We now have a huge security apparatus thanks to Bush. Social depravity? Torture and extraordinary rendition now acceptable to conservatives. Open talk of "2nd amendment remedies" and assassination attempts encouraged. Praying for the death of our president? Secession from the USA? All this crap from the right and you think the left is causing the problems? Remove the beam from your own eye before you worry about the speck in mine.
You know Foxfyre I have thought about this several times through the years and I would support (and relocate to) a better America without all of this left-wing garbage if one was available. It seems that every generation has to ask themselves "What is happening to my country?" as things spiral out of control into a future of government excess and social depravity.

Well of course we have to make do with the America we have, but at least you understand the concept here and kudos to you for that. We cannot have the America we want so long as the government is addicted to liberal philosophy and is aided and abetted by a left leaning media that controls the message for a large segment of society.

So you have people like Conservaderp who can't or won't even look up a simple definition that doesn't fit his brainwashing and prefers to believe that certain concepts never existed and/or don't exist. Nor will there be any honest attempt to think outside the box or consider any point of view other than the assigned talking points or the mindset that has been brainwashed into him. Alas too many of our liberal friends are beset by that particular phenomenon which, of course, is what makes the divorce necessary.

Conservatism, being practiced by imperfect people, has of course produced many mistakes over the decades. We sometimes got it very wrong and no doubt we will sometimes continue to do so. But the basic core concepts are fundamentally sound and, in my opinion, are the only hope to restore the nation that the Founders gave us at great cost in blood and treasure. I would like to think we have learned from our mistakes and are capable of doing it better and better.
The thinking exercise here is intended to remind us of what is really important and hopefully might even begin educating a few who aren't too hopelessly brainwashed. I am convinced that modern day American liberalism really is a mental disorder and includes philosophy that will eventually doom any nation to mediocrity at best and utter failure at worst. I do not believe we can have the liberty and American exceptionalism that the Founders gave us with liberals in control.

Thus, I want a divorce.
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You know Foxfyre I have thought about this several times through the years and I would support (and relocate to) a better America without all of this left-wing garbage if one was available. It seems that every generation has to ask themselves "What is happening to my country?" as things spiral out of control into a future of government excess and social depravity.

As a liberal, I have been asking myself "What is happening to my country" for the past 30 years. We have gone from being the greatest creditor nation to being the greatest debtor nation thanks to Reagonomics. The middle class has shrunk and wages have remained stagnant. We now have a huge security apparatus thanks to Bush. Social depravity? Torture and extraordinary rendition now acceptable to conservatives. Open talk of "2nd amendment remedies" and assassination attempts encouraged. Praying for the death of our president? Secession from the USA? All this crap from the right and you think the left is causing the problems? Remove the beam from your own eye before you worry about the speck in mine.

But you aren't willing to even look at liberal concepts and policies as having any part of the decline in America and any attempt to discuss such prompts more and more insults from you with your warped images of what American conservatism is.

I am willing to acknowledge that we have irreconcilable differences. I want a chance for the people to govern themselves under the modern day Conservative freedom concepts the Founders gave us. And because you do not believe in those concepts, and can't see anything other than really bad and hateful things in conservatism, I want you liberals to shake hands, part company, and you do your own thing however you want to do it, and leave us alone.

I want a divorce.
Here is results of conservative ordering of society and conservative notion of "freedom".


According to Foxy that is from the time when we "didn't suck"

It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't.

It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.
Here is results of conservative ordering of society and conservative notion of "freedom".


According to Foxy that is from the time when we "didn't suck"

It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't.

It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.

Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.
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According to Foxy that is from the time when we "didn't suck"

It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.

Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

OH look everyone! She's telling us we're uneducated because we're finding a MYRIAD of examples where a more Conservative nation still massively fucked up! That's a brilliant tactic, but we can see it a mile away in a cab.
It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.

Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

OH look everyone! She's telling us we're uneducated because we're finding a MYRIAD of examples where a more Conservative nation still massively fucked up! That's a brilliant tactic, but we can see it a mile away in a cab.

Oh look everyone! Conservaderp still hasn't offered a single suggestion of what a Liberalland might look like, has not looked up a single definition, has a woefully inadequate grasp of history, but he thinks building straw men, throwing out red herrings, and otherwise deflecting to irrelevent topis as well as insulting me is intelligent debate.

I want a divorce.
According to Foxy that is from the time when we "didn't suck"

It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.

Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

Well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the PDB saying Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "My Pet Goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive Gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, I guess I've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.
Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

OH look everyone! She's telling us we're uneducated because we're finding a MYRIAD of examples where a more Conservative nation still massively fucked up! That's a brilliant tactic, but we can see it a mile away in a cab.

Oh look everyone! Conservaderp still hasn't offered a single suggestion of what a Liberalland might look like, has not looked up a single definition, has a woefully inadequate grasp of history, but he thinks building straw men, throwing out red herrings, and otherwise deflecting to irrelevent topis as well as insulting me is intelligent debate.

I want a divorce.

1. I don't owe you view of LiberaLand would look like because this is a dumb exercise brought on by chain-email level humor. It's stupid, inane, and useless. You're advocating secession, whether you admit it or not. That's what your goal is. "Divorce" is just a SUPER LAME obfuscation of the fact that you are looking for secession. At best you're ASKING Liberals to secede. It's stupid, dumb, lame, unnecessary, and so is bringing up Classical Liberalism in an attempt to co-opt the Founders as Conservatives. You've been told time and again why your assertions in that regard are bullshit, and all you've done is tell us we don't know what we're talking about.

You're a shill. A hack, a stooge, a puppet, and a whore for the Conservative movement. This thread is evidence of that. You make wild fucking assumptions about my intellect. But here's a clue, vata loca, I respond in kind. If what you're saying is actually WORTHY of respectful debate, I'll toss some your way. If I don't, you get a lot of expletives and easily-divined examples of your words being nothing more than hot air and bullshit.

2. See #1
It also apparently didn't suck during WWII when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and put them into internment camps. Or was that all done because we had an EVIL LIBERAL in the White House?

I'd like FoxyChurchLady to answer that.

Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

Well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the PDB saying Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "My Pet Goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive Gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, I guess I've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.

I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.
Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

Well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the PDB saying Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "My Pet Goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive Gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, I guess I've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.

I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

ha ha. No, you just cherry pick the beliefs of the founders to back up your idiotic claim that they were Conservatives.


Classical Liberalism!
I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate.



:) Because the wrong choice or decision that any one person or even a group of people might make is not the same thing as an ideology or concept of government, self governance, or liberty. Our juvenile friends here stuck in schoolyard insult mold of course are incapable of articulating an ideology or concept of government or self governance or liberty. They can dutifully spout their assigned talking points re any given issue or event or person. They can be tenacious in demonstrating childish, spoiled brat behavior.

But they are incapable of grown up debate and they want to stay that way.

I want a divorce.
It's not a grown up debate. It's a stupid chain-letter. Also, it's not a grown-up debate when YOU cannot admit that your ideological brethren are capable of mistakes. You're a tool and a shill.
Well depends on how you would classify FDR since it was by his order that it was done. He is also the one who liberals applaud as a 'savior of the world' with his New Deal. It also depends on how you view how the government should handle a surprise attack by another nation when they don't know what else is coming and have no way of knowing who is friend or foe. Consider the extreme measures taken in the wake of 9/11 when again we didn't know what else was coming or who was friend or foe. Wrong choice in the opinion of most, and unfair to many innocent people, but understandable just the same under the circumstances.

But educated people don't cherry pick one circumstance or incident out of the whole and hold it up as all a group of people are. I prefer a country populated with educated people.

I want a divorce.

Well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the PDB saying Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "My Pet Goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive Gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, I guess I've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.

I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

Yes, we see your attitude at work by Repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.
well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the pdb saying bin laden determined to attack within the us. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "my pet goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, i guess i've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.

i don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals i don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

yes, we see your attitude at work by repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to conservative = good, liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

thread win. Lock this shit down.
Better yet Conservaderp, why don't you go find something else to do and let the grown ups have this thread? I am really weary of your childishness.
I'm also beginning to think that Conservaderp, borillar, and Occupied are all the same person. It is difficult for me to believe there could be three liberal using the identical same tactic, the identical talking points and language and being equally clueless who would not be related in some way.
i don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals i don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

yes, we see your attitude at work by repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to conservative = good, liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

thread win. Lock this shit down.
Fox-idjit attacks you with more proof of the imbecility of right wingers?

too funny

Better yet Conservaderp, why don't you go find something else to do and let the grown ups have this thread? I am really weary of your childishness.

Too fucking bad. Bring something else to the table besides co-opting, lying and denying your group's culpability in some of the worst mistakes this country has made, or fuck off. I'm sorry that I don't fit your standard or mold of someone to debate with, but you don't fit my mold of an intellectual, rather a pseudo-intellectual who thinks because she uses a few cute little buzzwords (CLASSICAL LIBERALISM!) it makes her smarter than us.

Tell me, is there ANYTHING in the entire HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE that Conservatives have fucked up, in your opinion? Do they have any culpability for ANYTHING? Have they ever, ever, ever done something wrong?

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