Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Not acceptable.

I'll be doggoned if you get the NFL. You can have that sissy sport known as the NBA, but no way on the NFL!


The public execution channel and the Saturday night death fights would kill football in corporate land, give it up.

Heh, kind of like that old Arnold movie "The Running Man".

That was a terrible treatment of a brilliant work of fiction that we will never speak of again, a better example would be "Rollerball" the original of course.
Look, you condescending fool. This entire thread was based on a bullshit proposition that your political ideology is so morally superior to ours that you deserve to be allowed to secede. Yes, that is what you're advocating, secession. Then you've spent page after page stupidly and blindly repeating the same condescending, bullshit arguments.

Funny, I read it the other way. It seemed to me that she was suggesting that you secede. I mean her offer included conservatives keeping the Constitution and the halls of our government and you would be taking the smaller porporation of land (if the initial offer were accepted that is). Yes, it seemed to me that it was you who would be seceding rather than conservatives.


I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, you want a divorce. I read the agreement. I live east of the Mississippi. We'll take Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island too. I would also like south Philadelphia and Boston as well as my native Pittsburgh. Conservatives can have all the rural areas populated by Fundamentalists, Snake Handlers, militia groups, gun nuts and Rednecks.

I would like custody of baseball, the National Football League and college football (with the exception of the SEC). Conservatives can have NASCAR.

If we Liberals have custody of the EPA and the Conservatives believe they can get along without one, I would insist on a tall hedge. It would be like having the hillbilly family move next door. They proudly place a 1979 Ford F-150 up on blocks and tie a pit bull to the bumper. They would burn their garbage instead of having a service haul it away. Our property values would suffer as a result. So please keep all the resulting pollution to yourselves.

Our children would not be available to do your lawn work as we would insist on paying them a fair wage for a fair day's work. Since Conservatives look at labor as merely a commodity, you will have to import immigrants or go back to slavery. Good luck with that.

As marriage equality would never exist in a Conservative America, we insist that the marriage contract issued in Liberal America be honored here, could you provide reciprocity?

Not acceptable.

I'll be doggoned if you get the NFL. You can have that sissy sport known as the NBA, but no way on the NFL!

I don't want the NBA either! No team in Pittsburgh.

I'll compromise with you. We'll take the AFC. And the New York Giants and the San Fransico 49ers. I'll give you the Cleveland Browns and the Kansas City Chiefs in exchange.
So, you want a divorce. I read the agreement. I live east of the Mississippi. We'll take Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island too. I would also like south Philadelphia and Boston as well as my native Pittsburgh. Conservatives can have all the rural areas populated by Fundamentalists, Snake Handlers, militia groups, gun nuts and Rednecks.

I would like custody of baseball, the National Football League and college football (with the exception of the SEC). Conservatives can have NASCAR.

If we Liberals have custody of the EPA and the Conservatives believe they can get along without one, I would insist on a tall hedge. It would be like having the hillbilly family move next door. They proudly place a 1979 Ford F-150 up on blocks and tie a pit bull to the bumper. They would burn their garbage instead of having a service haul it away. Our property values would suffer as a result. So please keep all the resulting pollution to yourselves.

Our children would not be available to do your lawn work as we would insist on paying them a fair wage for a fair day's work. Since Conservatives look at labor as merely a commodity, you will have to import immigrants or go back to slavery. Good luck with that.

As marriage equality would never exist in a Conservative America, we insist that the marriage contract issued in Liberal America be honored here, could you provide reciprocity?

Not acceptable.

I'll be doggoned if you get the NFL. You can have that sissy sport known as the NBA, but no way on the NFL!

I don't want the NBA either! No team in Pittsburgh.

I'll compromise with you. We'll take the AFC. And the New York Giants and the San Fransico 49ers. I'll give you the Cleveland Browns and the Kansas City Chiefs in exchange.

The Niners is a deal killer!

No deal, you can have the Cowturds... er Cowboys, in place of the Niners. :eusa_whistle:

Funny, I read it the other way. It seemed to me that she was suggesting that you secede. I mean her offer included conservatives keeping the Constitution and the halls of our government and you would be taking the smaller porporation of land (if the initial offer were accepted that is). Yes, it seemed to me that it was you who would be seceding rather than conservatives.


I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Very well put.
Not acceptable.

I'll be doggoned if you get the NFL. You can have that sissy sport known as the NBA, but no way on the NFL!

I don't want the NBA either! No team in Pittsburgh.

I'll compromise with you. We'll take the AFC. And the New York Giants and the San Fransico 49ers. I'll give you the Cleveland Browns and the Kansas City Chiefs in exchange.

The Niners is a deal killer!

No deal, you can have the Cowturds... er Cowboys, in place of the Niners. :eusa_whistle:


I think someone has already pointed out that all pro sports would go to Libertopia because all the pro athletes are unionized. Can't have any of that in Conservastan. You'd still have the SEC though, if any athletes want to go to Conservastani schools.
That's a bit of a bugger, isn't it? One the one hand, the federal reserve may not be entirely constitutional.

That whole amendment thingy has you confused, doesn't it? No wonder you're a leftist.

On the other hand, who wants to give politicians the controls to the printing press?

The founding fathers, that's why they wrote it into the constitution.

I don't have a better answer than the Fed.

Well, you're not exactly James Madison, are you now?

Perhaps they can base their currency on "Unobtainium".

I suspect you in Leftopia will base your constitution on Das Kapital, and your laws on the arbitrary whims of your rulers. It's the leftist way.
Just pointing out sterling examples of conservative ideals in action today and in history. Hate sites are mostly conservative, and hate is mostly what the conservatives are putting out in this thread. If anyone is a sheep, it's you poor deluded fools on the right.

So, are you on the same level as conservaderrps? Are you an utterly banal fool, who is incapable of any semblance of thought? Or can you carry on a basic conversation?
Funny, I read it the other way. It seemed to me that she was suggesting that you secede. I mean her offer included conservatives keeping the Constitution and the halls of our government and you would be taking the smaller porporation of land (if the initial offer were accepted that is). Yes, it seemed to me that it was you who would be seceding rather than conservatives.


I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.
Just pointing out sterling examples of conservative ideals in action today and in history. Hate sites are mostly conservative, and hate is mostly what the conservatives are putting out in this thread. If anyone is a sheep, it's you poor deluded fools on the right.

So, are you on the same level as conservaderrps? Are you an utterly banal fool, who is incapable of any semblance of thought? Or can you carry on a basic conversation?

I appear to be on a substantially higher level than you at least. I haven't resorted to attacking the messenger rather than the message as you do. Go on back to your conservative circle jerk.
I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.

Yeah...segregation didn't suck at all did it? I guess in Conservistan since everybody would be lilly white and Reich...errr I mean rich...there wouldn't be any need for the segregated bathrooms, schools, etc...
I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.
This is the most awesomest post on the thread! She's telling a conservative to move away from his country.

You can't make this shit up.
It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.
This is the most awesomest post on the thread! She's telling a conservative to move away from his country.

You can't make this shit up.

No but you can have reading comprehension when flawed reading comprehension makes it look very much like you're making it up. You will find no place in which I tell a conservative (or anybody else) to move away from his country. I do suggest that a person who doesn't like his country will have complete freedom to leave it and complete freedom to return if he decides that is in his best interest.

It was not me, but that 'conservative' who said he wanted no part of it.
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It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.
This is the most awesomest post on the thread! She's telling a conservative to move away from his country.

You can't make this shit up.

No but you can have reading comprehension. You will find no place in which I tell a conservative (or anybody else) to move away from his country. I do suggest that a person who doesn't like his country will have complete freedom to leave it in Conservativeland and complete freedom to return if he decides that is in his best interest.

It was not me, but that 'conservative' who said he wanted no part of it.

He wants no part of your idiotic nasty idea, and I applaud him for it.

This is the most awesomest post on the thread! She's telling a conservative to move away from his country.

You can't make this shit up.

No but you can have reading comprehension. You will find no place in which I tell a conservative (or anybody else) to move away from his country. I do suggest that a person who doesn't like his country will have complete freedom to leave it in Conservativeland and complete freedom to return if he decides that is in his best interest.

It was not me, but that 'conservative' who said he wanted no part of it.

He wants no part of your idiotic nasty idea, and I applaud him for it.


So do I. We don't WANT people in Conservativeland who don't want to be there. But as long as they obey they laws, we won't tell them to leave. Nor did I. But of course you, being a liberal, won't have the honesty to retract your previous statement.
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No but you can have reading comprehension. You will find no place in which I tell a conservative (or anybody else) to move away from his country. I do suggest that a person who doesn't like his country will have complete freedom to leave it in Conservativeland and complete freedom to return if he decides that is in his best interest.

It was not me, but that 'conservative' who said he wanted no part of it.

He wants no part of your idiotic nasty idea, and I applaud him for it.


So do I. We don't WANT people in Conservativeland who don't want to be there. But as long as they obey they laws, we won't tell them to leave. Nor did I. But of course you, being a liberal, won't have the honesty to retract your previous statement.
Did you edit where you told him if he didn't like it he could move?

He wants no part of your idiotic nasty idea, and I applaud him for it.


So do I. We don't WANT people in Conservativeland who don't want to be there. But as long as they obey they laws, we won't tell them to leave. Nor did I. But of course you, being a liberal, won't have the honesty to retract your previous statement.
Did you edit where you told him if he didn't like it he could move?

Nope, because that is not the same thing as saying he should move or telling him to move. The freedom to do what we need to do to be happy is a strong concept in Conservativeland. I suggested that those who won't be happy in Conservativeland (or Liberalland for that matter since that didn't appeal to him any better) could always check out other places to see if they might not like those better. And I also assured him he would be welcomed home in Conservativeland at such time as he decided that was the best place to be after all.

Perhaps you have a different idea of what freedom looks like.
So do I. We don't WANT people in Conservativeland who don't want to be there. But as long as they obey they laws, we won't tell them to leave. Nor did I. But of course you, being a liberal, won't have the honesty to retract your previous statement.
Did you edit where you told him if he didn't like it he could move?

Nope, because that is not the same thing as saying he should move or telling him to move. The freedom to do what we need to do to be happy is a strong concept in Conservativeland. I suggested that those who won't be happy in Conservativeland (or Liberalland for that matter since that didn't appeal to him any better) could always check out other places to see if they might not like those better. And I also assured him he would be welcomed home in Conservativeland at such time as he decided that was the best place to be after all.

Perhaps you have a different idea of what freedom looks like.
Absolutely. Freedom is living in your country and laughing at some twit on the internet that wants to destroy it.

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