Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
I took it more as an ultimatum than anything resembling an agreement, she just left off the part that says "or else". Why would any liberal agree to such ruinous terms without the real threat of an "or else" situation that is much worse than the insulting OP?

It truly was not a workable offer.

As I said very early in the thread, I think the idea is foolish, but it was meant to be a joke.

To be honest with you, if it really did happen, I would not want to be a part of either nation. Both would literally suck. America is America because of our diversity and I wouldn't have it any other way.


It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. Re-establishing self governance and individual liberty and busting the government back to what the Constitution intended that it be will not in any way remove diversity from the equation. The Founders themselves were so diverse that it took them eight long years of debate, negotiation, and compromise to come up with the Constitution that we have.

But if neither concept is to your liking you can always move to the UK or France or Greece or some other place that may be more to your liking. And you will be welcomed home at such time as you decide being American as the Founders envisioned America would be might not be so bad after all. Or I suspect Liberalland will be needing more people there too as I don't think a whole lot of them are going to much like a nation modeled after modern day liberal concepts.

"But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't. "

Tell that to just about anyone who wasn't White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. I'm sure the Indians enjoyed being wiped out. I'm sure the blacks thought being slaves was just wonderful. Since the country is only 236 years old this July 4th, I guess you think the USA sucks now and has sucked since 1946. Ah, right about the time of the beginning of the civil rights movement. Couldn't be the Korean War, Viet Nam, or any of the other wars since then since conservatives like war. Lets see, what else was going on... Rock and Roll music, anti war movements, hippies, gays gradually becoming accepted in society although they still aren't there yet. So, I guess you think the USA sucks now because Jim Crow laws and segregation were repealed? That women now have a right to an abortion? Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.
Did you edit where you told him if he didn't like it he could move?

Nope, because that is not the same thing as saying he should move or telling him to move. The freedom to do what we need to do to be happy is a strong concept in Conservativeland. I suggested that those who won't be happy in Conservativeland (or Liberalland for that matter since that didn't appeal to him any better) could always check out other places to see if they might not like those better. And I also assured him he would be welcomed home in Conservativeland at such time as he decided that was the best place to be after all.

Perhaps you have a different idea of what freedom looks like.
Absolutely. Freedom is living in your country and laughing at some twit on the internet that wants to destroy it.

Well when you find that person, please point him or her out to me. I personally don't think wanting to restore the original purpose and power to a country that is being destroyed is the same thing as wanting to destroy it. But then I'm not a liberal. And that's why I want the divorce in the first place.
Nope, because that is not the same thing as saying he should move or telling him to move. The freedom to do what we need to do to be happy is a strong concept in Conservativeland. I suggested that those who won't be happy in Conservativeland (or Liberalland for that matter since that didn't appeal to him any better) could always check out other places to see if they might not like those better. And I also assured him he would be welcomed home in Conservativeland at such time as he decided that was the best place to be after all.

Perhaps you have a different idea of what freedom looks like.
Absolutely. Freedom is living in your country and laughing at some twit on the internet that wants to destroy it.

Well when you find that person, please point him or her out to me. I personally don't think wanting to restore the original purpose and power to a country that is being destroyed is the same thing as wanting to destroy it. But then I'm not a liberal. And that's why I want the divorce in the first place.

So do I. We don't WANT people in Conservativeland who don't want to be there. But as long as they obey they laws, we won't tell them to leave. Nor did I. But of course you, being a liberal, won't have the honesty to retract your previous statement.
Did you edit where you told him if he didn't like it he could move?

Nope, because that is not the same thing as saying he should move or telling him to move. The freedom to do what we need to do to be happy is a strong concept in Conservativeland. I suggested that those who won't be happy in Conservativeland (or Liberalland for that matter since that didn't appeal to him any better) could always check out other places to see if they might not like those better. And I also assured him he would be welcomed home in Conservativeland at such time as he decided that was the best place to be after all.

Perhaps you have a different idea of what freedom looks like.

I think Rati's idea of freedom looks like this;

so you're honestly claiming that nixon didn't have anything to do with escalating the vietnam war, huh?

sure he did.......kind of like how obama "inherited" bush's economy and tripled down with failing policies. It was lbj's fault, nixon inherited it and had to deal with it. See how that works? :eusa_whistle:

hmm. Yeah. No. Business has been improving pretty much since about half-way through obama's first term. that's fact. Everything else you hear is bullshit spin from the right. I will grant you it's not as fast as your side wants, but y'alls is some impatient motherfuckers.

The public execution channel and the Saturday night death fights would kill football in corporate land, give it up.

Those would be better than any reality show that's ever been on TV.

Yes too bad it would be cast with wrongfully convicted people who did no more than blaspheme or fornicate.

Come on, be honest. I think you're afraid we'd kill ignorant people and you'd be the first to go. :eusa_whistle:
sure he did.......kind of like how obama "inherited" bush's economy and tripled down with failing policies. It was lbj's fault, nixon inherited it and had to deal with it. See how that works? :eusa_whistle:

hmm. Yeah. No. Business has been improving pretty much since about half-way through obama's first term. that's fact. Everything else you hear is bullshit spin from the right. I will grant you it's not as fast as your side wants, but y'alls is some impatient motherfuckers.

What exactly makes me a moron? The fact that I'm aware of the DOW doubling since Obama took office? 26 straight months of jobs growth? The lowest corporate tax rates in our country's history? The lowest capital gains rates in our country's history? What exactly makes me a moron? Business has been improving steadily since about halfway through his first year in office.

I know Fox News probably doesn't give you THAT narrative, so let someone who's not inside the bubble of idiocy tell you: Business has been doing much better since Obama took office.
I'm all for dividing up - basically along the same lines as the civil war.

The only southern state that has an economy that's worth a damn is Texas and that's only because they sit on an ocean of oil - otherwise they'd be as poor as Alabama.

Florida was built on the money of Northern retirees and tourists - now that that's dried up, Florida is bust.

I see the south as nothing but a dead weight that's holding this country back.

The blue states have all the heavy industry, the high tech industry and most of the high tech military industry.

There's only one good thing that comes from the south - southern musicians!

Whatever gets you thru the night cupcake.

Detroit's Beautiful, Horrible Decline - Photo Essays - TIME
hmm. Yeah. No. Business has been improving pretty much since about half-way through obama's first term. that's fact. Everything else you hear is bullshit spin from the right. I will grant you it's not as fast as your side wants, but y'alls is some impatient motherfuckers.

What exactly makes me a moron? The fact that I'm aware of the DOW doubling since Obama took office? 26 straight months of jobs growth? The lowest corporate tax rates in our country's history? The lowest capital gains rates in our country's history? What exactly makes me a moron? Business has been improving steadily since about halfway through his first year in office.

I know Fox News probably doesn't give you THAT narrative, so let someone who's not inside the bubble of idiocy tell you: Business has been doing much better since Obama took office.

What makes you a moron? Well, the fact that you spew ignorant assed shit in every post. I'm guessing you're about 17 years old tops. I'm not a fan of Fox News, but I can tell by the "information" you share, it comes straight from the Whitehouse.......hint, they're lying to you.
Well the liberal children continue to spew leftists propaganda of how terrible Conservativeland will be and continue to focus on all the sins of Conservatives. But it is such behavior coupled with irreconcilable differences that make the divorce necessary.

Not one has described a country populated with all liberals or those willing to go along with a liberal construct and ideology. Even I could do that through their eyes. But then the Conservatives have been able to have the imagination and vision to do this exercise which almost all of the liberals have not.

What exactly makes me a moron? The fact that I'm aware of the DOW doubling since Obama took office? 26 straight months of jobs growth? The lowest corporate tax rates in our country's history? The lowest capital gains rates in our country's history? What exactly makes me a moron? Business has been improving steadily since about halfway through his first year in office.

I know Fox News probably doesn't give you THAT narrative, so let someone who's not inside the bubble of idiocy tell you: Business has been doing much better since Obama took office.

What makes you a moron? Well, the fact that you spew ignorant assed shit in every post. I'm guessing you're about 17 years old tops. I'm not a fan of Fox News, but I can tell by the "information" you share, it comes straight from the Whitehouse.......hint, they're lying to you.

Well, Dummy, you're wrong by about half on your assessment of my age. And if you're telling me that the White House lies, I'm going to assume that George W. Bush's White House, George H.W. Bush's White House, Ronald Reagan's White House, and Dick Nixon's White House also lied to me. See how that works?

Oh, and the fact that we have actual historical record that proves that all of those administrations absolutely lied to the American people. You have bullshit conspiracy theories about his record of birth (a subject even a Conservative-slanted SCOTUS isn't touching with a ten foot pole), and lame assertions that he's trying to take down the economy.

Here's a news-flash for you Gramma, just because you don't like who's reporting the story, doesn't make them true. Instead of spitting out dumb and vague criticism of the information I post, why don't you refute those data points? Why don't you link me to some proof that the DOW hasn't doubled since Obama took office. How about you link me to a site that shows that corporate and capital gains taxes are the lowest they've ever been? Why don't you link me to data showing that jobs haven't grown for 26 straight months?

Oh, I forgot, you can't. Because you can't refute truth, Dummy.
Well the liberal children continue to spew leftists propaganda of how terrible Conservativeland will be and continue to focus on all the sins of Conservatives. But it is such behavior coupled with irreconcilable differences that make the divorce necessary.

Not one has described a country populated with all liberals or those willing to go along with a liberal construct and ideology. Even I could do that through their eyes. But then the Conservatives have been able to have the imagination and vision to do this exercise which almost all of the liberals have not.

Are you sure it's not CLASSICAL LIBERALISM that you need to bring up again?

Well the liberal children continue to spew leftists propaganda of how terrible Conservativeland will be and continue to focus on all the sins of Conservatives. But it is such behavior coupled with irreconcilable differences that make the divorce necessary.

Not one has described a country populated with all liberals or those willing to go along with a liberal construct and ideology. Even I could do that through their eyes. But then the Conservatives have been able to have the imagination and vision to do this exercise which almost all of the liberals have not.

Are you sure it's not CLASSICAL LIBERALISM that you need to bring up again?


Well I'm bright enough, old enough, and educated enough to know what Classical Liberalis is. You seem to be immature enough, ignorant enough, and dumb enough to think there is no such thing and too clueless to look it up or even read the definitions we have already posted.

I really do want a divorce.
Here is results of conservative ordering of society and conservative notion of "freedom".


According to Foxy that is from the time when we "didn't suck"

It was offered as a philosophical thinking exercise, Immie. Almost all the conservatives got that immediately. So far only one liberal has and he is considering living in Conservativeland. It is a fun thing to do with those who can get into the spirit of it. But it does require imagination, some light hearted creativity, and ability to think in possibilities rather than absolutes.

But you see, in the 170 or so years before there was modern American liberalism as we know it today, the nation didn't suck. The liberals think it did, but history shows that it didn't.
You know Foxfyre I have thought about this several times through the years and I would support (and relocate to) a better America without all of this left-wing garbage if one was available. It seems that every generation has to ask themselves "What is happening to my country?" as things spiral out of control into a future of government excess and social depravity.

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