Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Better yet Conservaderp, why don't you go find something else to do and let the grown ups have this thread? I am really weary of your childishness.

Too fucking bad. Bring something else to the table besides co-opting, lying and denying your group's culpability in some of the worst mistakes this country has made, or fuck off. I'm sorry that I don't fit your standard or mold of someone to debate with, but you don't fit my mold of an intellectual, rather a pseudo-intellectual who thinks because she uses a few cute little buzzwords (CLASSICAL LIBERALISM!) it makes her smarter than us.

Tell me, is there ANYTHING in the entire HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE that Conservatives have fucked up, in your opinion? Do they have any culpability for ANYTHING? Have they ever, ever, ever done something wrong?
buzzwords is correct. most of her ilk not only sound alike, they use the same talking points and buzzwords.

all you have to do is a search for the phrases and they come up on top of a list of right wing lunatic posts all over the www. not many original thoughts emanating out of the right
Well, if you are a conservative, you believe in ignoring the PDB saying Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Once attacked, you believe the best course of action is to continue to read "My Pet Goat". And once you have the country pissed off and ready to go get the responsible party, you don't finish the job. Instead you go and attack another country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Then you create a massive Gestapo organization at home and spy on your own citizens.

Oh, I guess I've been "cherry picking". If something doesn't fit into your world view, just ignore it and blame the liberals.

I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

Yes, we see your attitude at work by Repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

The truly hilarious thing is that while the South was lynching black men; Foxy is calling it "cool". Tells you all you need to know about Conservistan. Boats leave harbors every day for other countries. The sooner she gets on one; the better it is for all of us. I'll help her pack.
Better yet Conservaderp, why don't you go find something else to do and let the grown ups have this thread? I am really weary of your childishness.

Too fucking bad. Bring something else to the table besides co-opting, lying and denying your group's culpability in some of the worst mistakes this country has made, or fuck off. I'm sorry that I don't fit your standard or mold of someone to debate with, but you don't fit my mold of an intellectual, rather a pseudo-intellectual who thinks because she uses a few cute little buzzwords (CLASSICAL LIBERALISM!) it makes her smarter than us.

Tell me, is there ANYTHING in the entire HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE that Conservatives have fucked up, in your opinion? Do they have any culpability for ANYTHING? Have they ever, ever, ever done something wrong?

No, if they are culpable for a fuckup, the proper tactic is to "not play the blame game". On the other hand, anything a liberal does must be examined in microscopic detail.
I'm also beginning to think that Conservaderp, borillar, and Occupied are all the same person. It is difficult for me to believe there could be three liberal using the identical same tactic, the identical talking points and language and being equally clueless who would not be related in some way.

I can assure everyone that I represent only myself and no one else. Just because I may agree with others on some points, or others may agree with me doesn't mean we are all sock puppets or march in lockstep. Does the fact that most conservatives say and believe the same stuff indicate some sort of hive mind to you?
I can assure everyone that I represent only myself and no one else. Just because I may agree with others on some points, or others may agree with me doesn't mean we are all sock puppets or march in lockstep. Does the fact that most conservatives say and believe the same stuff indicate some sort of hive mind to you?
I don't base my ideology on cherry picked events or circumstances or individuals I don't like or appreciate. You, and most of your liberal friends, obviously justify your ideology in that manner because you are incapable of conceptionalizing anything any other way. And that's a pity but that is also why we have irreconcilable differences.

I want a divorce.

Yes, we see your attitude at work by Repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

The truly hilarious thing is that while the South was lynching black men; Foxy is calling it "cool". Tells you all you need to know about Conservistan. Boats leave harbors every day for other countries. The sooner she gets on one; the better it is for all of us. I'll help her pack.

And the unhilarious thing about people like you, and why I want a divorce, is that Foxy called nothing even remotely like that 'cool' and you just told a blatant lie which is what liberals do I guess when they don't have anything constructive to contribute to a discussion.

Now then, I am putting CandyCorn, Conservaderp, Occupied, and borillar on ignore until such time as they grow up enough to join in an adult discussion. You are either paid to be the useful idiots to target and derail a thread, which would make you all pretty scummy, or you are all entirely incapable of intelligent discussion. You pick.

I can keep my perspective, sense of humor, and demonstrate tolerance for so long. But congratulations gentlemen. You have made me absolutely, one hundred percent certain that I want that divorce.

Do have a nice day.
YAY! Guys, do you realize what we just fucking accomplished? She put us on ignore in her own dumb fucking thread!

We Win!!!

Also, this means we can finally honestly say what we all want to about her posts without her chiming in with more inanity. Like for instance: She clearly went to a Bible College and that's where she learned history. Or, she obviously learns buzz words from Rush and Hannity and spouts them as her own thoughts, but once you juxtapose her bullshit assertions with historical record, she cries like a baby bitch.

America? Fuck yeah!
Yes, we see your attitude at work by Repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

The truly hilarious thing is that while the South was lynching black men; Foxy is calling it "cool". Tells you all you need to know about Conservistan. Boats leave harbors every day for other countries. The sooner she gets on one; the better it is for all of us. I'll help her pack.

And the unhilarious thing about people like you, and why I want a divorce, is that Foxy called nothing even remotely like that 'cool' and you just told a blatant lie which is what liberals do I guess when they don't have anything constructive to contribute to a discussion.

Now then, I am putting CandyCorn, Conservaderp, Occupied, and borillar on ignore until such time as they grow up enough to join in an adult discussion. You are either paid to be the useful idiots to target and derail a thread, which would make you all pretty scummy, or you are all entirely incapable of intelligent discussion. You pick.

I can keep my perspective, sense of humor, and demonstrate tolerance for so long. But congratulations gentlemen. You have made me absolutely, one hundred percent certain that I want that divorce.

Do have a nice day.

I simply qouted you. If you have a problem with my quote, chastise the author bitch.
Placing on me ignore doesn't cure your xenophobia.
Yes, we see your attitude at work by Repugs in congress all the time now. It's your way or the highway. No room for compromise. It has to be 100% your way, because 85% just isn't enough. The only thing you conservatives seem to conceptualize is to co-opt everything. The founders, a very ideologically diverse group, now are all conservatives (or "classic liberals") in your mind. God is a right wing republican because conservative televangelists say so. Your whole screed boils down to Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, because you can't conceptualize that liberals have ever done anything good.

The truly hilarious thing is that while the South was lynching black men; Foxy is calling it "cool". Tells you all you need to know about Conservistan. Boats leave harbors every day for other countries. The sooner she gets on one; the better it is for all of us. I'll help her pack.

And the unhilarious thing about people like you, and why I want a divorce, is that Foxy called nothing even remotely like that 'cool' and you just told a blatant lie which is what liberals do I guess when they don't have anything constructive to contribute to a discussion.

Now then, I am putting CandyCorn, Conservaderp, Occupied, and borillar on ignore until such time as they grow up enough to join in an adult discussion. You are either paid to be the useful idiots to target and derail a thread, which would make you all pretty scummy, or you are all entirely incapable of intelligent discussion. You pick.

I can keep my perspective, sense of humor, and demonstrate tolerance for so long. But congratulations gentlemen. You have made me absolutely, one hundred percent certain that I want that divorce.

Do have a nice day.

Yeah, those guys are pretty much a waste of time, I have several of them on ignore already.
this thread should be dead

Oh, it pretty much is now. Conservaderps called it a few posts ago. Foxy has left the building. She'll probably be crying herself to sleep tonight.

She'll cry her big fat Classical Liberal tears into her big dumb pillow and weep for she got her ass handed to her. Nothing like kicking a dumbass out of her own fucking thread. YEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWW!
this thread should be dead

Oh, it pretty much is now. Conservaderps called it a few posts ago. Foxy has left the building. She'll probably be crying herself to sleep tonight.

She'll cry her big fat Classical Liberal tears into her big dumb pillow and weep for she got her ass handed to her. Nothing like kicking a dumbass out of her own fucking thread. YEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWW!

We have done nothing to shake her convictions nor have we taught her a thing. If she considers the thread a failure it is all our fault. People that insanely, compulsively dense are a futile waste of energy.
Oh, of course we didn't do anything REAL. But in the world of INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD WARS, we won. Hands down. We kicked the bitch out of her own thread. Win Win Win.

Really... What did you win? I saw a bunch of clowning around, schoolyard taunts and embarrassing lack of knowledge or historical understanding. But I missed the significance of it all I guess.
Oh, it pretty much is now. Conservaderps called it a few posts ago. Foxy has left the building. She'll probably be crying herself to sleep tonight.

She'll cry her big fat Classical Liberal tears into her big dumb pillow and weep for she got her ass handed to her. Nothing like kicking a dumbass out of her own fucking thread. YEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWW!

We have done nothing to shake her convictions nor have we taught her a thing. If she considers the thread a failure it is all our fault. People that insanely, compulsively dense are a futile waste of energy.

If we haven't shook her convictions or taught her anything, it hasn't been for lack of trying. I have answered her op point for point. She is either deliberately obtuse, or so set in her convictions it is to the point of fanaticism. She's like a Jehovah's witness or something. Anyway, she has us undesirable liberals on ignore, so we can't disturb her "beautiful mind".

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