Dear Libs


This is a Dark ride
Apr 7, 2009
Well, lookie here. The chickens are nearing the roost.

We told you Obama was a fraud from day one. You didn't listen. We told you Obamacare was going to be the most disgraceful misstep this country has ever made. Again......crickets.

Are there still any idiots out there worshipping this false idol?
Evidently so. You reelected this Bozo knowing full well something was rotten in Denmark.

Our consolation?

This bad news is going to fall on you too. Perhaps even harder than the rest of us who prepared for the shit rain.
I can sell you an umbrella, but first you gotta beg me.:cool:
the republican,consevatives, their media and think tanks all told you this what was going to happen but you libs and your lame stream Obama lap dog media all said they were stupid didn't know what they were talking about and your fact checkers all said it was lies

So we don't only need to hold the democrats Obama and their ideologue sycophants accountable and responsible we need to do the same to the Obama water carrying media. they have just as much blood on their hands as any one

the state run Obama media will forget all their stories about how the republicans and tea party were just fear mongering lying nut jobs back when this train wreck was passed and do a 180 and finally start reporting the truth, but we need to not let them forget they were advocates for the worse peace of legislation ever forced on the American people and they have to answer for enabling this corrupt administrations lies and deceptions
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Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of here's Tom with the weather!'

They're still dropping acid?
the republican,consevatives, their media and think tanks all told you this what was going to happen but you libs and your lame stream Obama lap dog media all said they were stupid didn't know what they were talking about and your fact checkers all said it was lies

So we don't only need to hold the democrats Obama and their ideologue sycophants accountable and responsible we need to do the same to the Obama water carrying media. they have just as much blood on their hands as any one

the state run Obama media will forget all their stories about how the republicans and tea party were just fear mongering lying nut jobs back when this train wreck was passed and do a 180 and finally start reporting the truth, but we need to not let them forget they were advocates for the worse peace of legislation ever forced on the American people and they have to answer for enabling this corrupt administrations lies and deceptions

Even more disgracefull than Obama is the brown-nosing media that helped to perpetuate this horror. Shame they won't be held accountable in the manner they deserve. Trust me, the spin doctors are in hyper-rotation right now, a CYA marathon.:lol:
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Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of here's Tom with the weather!'

They're still dropping acid?

Bless your heart, Moonglow. Once again I go sailing over your head.
P.S That bald spot is getting bigger as we speak.:eusa_boohoo:
Well, lookie here. The chickens are nearing the roost.

We told you Obama was a fraud from day one. You didn't listen. We told you Obamacare was going to be the most disgraceful misstep this country has ever made. Again......crickets.

Are there still any idiots out there worshipping this false idol?
Evidently so. You reelected this Bozo knowing full well something was rotten in Denmark.

Our consolation?

This bad news is going to fall on you too. Perhaps even harder than the rest of us who prepared for the shit rain.
I can sell you an umbrella, but first you gotta beg me.:cool:

Oh how happy Obama, Reid and Pelosi must be as the lies they have spun have come back to haunt them.

Pelosi, pre- cosmetic attention....

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi Pass the Bill to find out what's in it - YouTube[/ame]
Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of here's Tom with the weather!'

They're still dropping acid?

Bless your heart, Moonglow. Once again I go sailing over your head.
P.S That bald spot is getting bigger as we speak.:eusa_boohoo:

Hardly, my hair is still past my shoulders and on top of my head. I was just going to ask where to get some acid.Screw your politics.
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He's semi-negroid, he's a democrat, he's from Chicago.

What's not to like?
the republican,consevatives, their media and think tanks all told you this what was going to happen but you libs and your lame stream Obama lap dog media all said they were stupid didn't know what they were talking about and your fact checkers all said it was lies

So we don't only need to hold the democrats Obama and their ideologue sycophants accountable and responsible we need to do the same to the Obama water carrying media. they have just as much blood on their hands as any one

the state run Obama media will forget all their stories about how the republicans and tea party were just fear mongering lying nut jobs back when this train wreck was passed and do a 180 and finally start reporting the truth, but we need to not let them forget they were advocates for the worse peace of legislation ever forced on the American people and they have to answer for enabling this corrupt administrations lies and deceptions

I predict in another few years you won't be able to find a single admitted Obama voter anywhere.:eusa_shifty:

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