Dear right wingers, when your leaders get caught lying to you, you're supposed to be angry.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Right wing leaders lie to their base all the time.
The most recent being:
Trump said he is going to bring back automated jobs insisting they had moved overseas
Clinton sold America's uranium.
Obama wire tapped Trump at Trump towers.

The said thing is the base is supposed to be pissed at being lied to. That's the way it works in the normal world.

But instead, they are disappointed it wasn't true and feel it will somehow work "next time". That the object of their lies wasn't maligned, rather, somehow "got away".

And this is why these people are dangerous and bad for America.
Right wing leaders lie to their base all the time.
The most recent being:
Trump said he is going to bring back automated jobs insisting they had moved overseas
Clinton sold America's uranium.
Obama wire tapped Trump at Trump towers.

The said thing is the base is supposed to be pissed at being lied to. That's the way it works in the normal world.

But instead, they are disappointed it wasn't true and feel it will somehow work "next time". That the object of their lies wasn't maligned, rather, somehow "got away".

And this is why these people are dangerous and bad for America.
Yeah, you really were pissed off when Obama lied to you all those time... Liberal hypocrisy.."Do as I say, not as I do". Go fuck yourself , you fucking hypocrite...

252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"
Right wing leaders lie to their base all the time.
The most recent being:
Trump said he is going to bring back automated jobs insisting they had moved overseas
Clinton sold America's uranium.
Obama wire tapped Trump at Trump towers.

The said thing is the base is supposed to be pissed at being lied to. That's the way it works in the normal world.

But instead, they are disappointed it wasn't true and feel it will somehow work "next time". That the object of their lies wasn't maligned, rather, somehow "got away".

And this is why these people are dangerous and bad for America.

^ automated thread generator
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"

Fuckin' A.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him?

Well, that was my mother he shot.
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"
What treason?
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"

Fuckin' A.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him?

Well, that was my mother he shot.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if someone's mother got shot by Trump, or some other person they worship, and they'd still vote for that person.
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"

Fuckin' A.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him?

Well, that was my mother he shot.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if someone's mother got shot by Trump, or some other person they worship, and they'd still vote for that person.

Conservatives don't worship other people, least of all politicians,
But we do show respect and support those that agree with our principles.
Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"

Fuckin' A.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him?

Well, that was my mother he shot.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if someone's mother got shot by Trump, or some other person they worship, and they'd still vote for that person.

Conservatives don't worship other people, least of all politicians,
But we do show respect and support those that agree with our principles.

Er... you're wrong.

Principles? What principles does Trump stand for? His religiousness? His family values? He good and kind heart? Which one?
No one denies Trump is lying to them.

Instead, it's always, but, but, but Obama.
No one denies Trump is lying to them.

Instead, it's always, but, but, but Obama.
The problem with you libtards, is you live by one set of standards(allow your corrupt lying political hacks to get away with lying) then tell US that we need to hold our political hacks accountable...Can you spell Hypocrite?

Dear Left Wingers worry about your own leaders, pull your pussy hats down over your ears, and shut the fuck up.

If you want to beat us come to the ballot box in 2020. Better bring your A game.

Oh, sorry you don't have one.

The good old "we only care about winning, our morals are whatever is convenient for us at the time, in order to win, we'd sell our own fucking mother to win, that's how moral we are, and we're patriots for supporting treason, which isn't treason, it's patriotism, because we support it, go Confederates"

Fuckin' A.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him?

Well, that was my mother he shot.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if someone's mother got shot by Trump, or some other person they worship, and they'd still vote for that person.

Conservatives don't worship other people, least of all politicians,
But we do show respect and support those that agree with our principles.

Er... you're wrong.

Principles? What principles does Trump stand for? His religiousness? His family values? He good and kind heart? Which one?
We voted for President Trump, knowing full well that he isn't the perfect candidate, as the establishment Repubs, PROVED that they were worse. But compared to Hitlery Rotten Clinton and the Crime Foundation, there was no doubt in the minds of the US citizens(that weren't flown over) that Make America Great Again was better than 4 more years of Obama policies....

The said thing is the base is supposed to be pissed at being lied to. That's the way it works in the normal world.

Dear Left Wing scum,

Most Conservatives ARE upset about the lies, the scandals, etc... It shoild tell you something that we prefer people likeTHAT to voting for any of your candidates. Provide us with an option thst isn't just as immoral and void of any values and which agrees with our principles and we might vote for you.

We won't be holding our breath waiting for that to happen.
Right wing leaders lie to their base all the time.
The most recent being:
Trump said he is going to bring back automated jobs insisting they had moved overseas
Clinton sold America's uranium.
Obama wire tapped Trump at Trump towers.

The said thing is the base is supposed to be pissed at being lied to. That's the way it works in the normal world.

But instead, they are disappointed it wasn't true and feel it will somehow work "next time". That the object of their lies wasn't maligned, rather, somehow "got away".

And this is why these people are dangerous and bad for America.
You mean like this?


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