Dear Sarah Palin; The Death Panel Already Exists and People Have Already Been Judged,

If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

Say Hello to Crocodile Dundee for me Xeno!!!

Has your daddy gubmint ever shown that it can reduce waste in any existing program by 2/3 in our country's history?

And you think the 0ssiah can do it with something as massive as healthcare?

If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

Say Hello to Crocodile Dundee for me Xeno!!!
Won't be going, as we both know the boi king is lying.

The difference is I say it publically, you still hope and won't change.
On May 30, 1996 Linda Peeno testified before congress that she was responsible for the death of a man by denying him life saving care. She testified that no one held her accountable, and instead, she was rewarded with a six figure raise.

How dare you Mrs. Palin, how dare you accuse a possible solution to this problem with the monstrously sick crime that is already taking place. Everyday your fellow Americans are being put before panels that will decide their fate. Only they never get to see the faces of the people that hold their fate, and they get no appeals. They are powerless, vulnerable, and they need our help. They are, our neighbors, our friends, our lovers, and our children, and we the people, that are stuck in this broken system demand to be given a way out. Obama promised us change to a broken health care system, and we yelled, cheered, and with the power of our vote put, not only him, but his entire party into majority power status. They know what we want, they know that we put them there, and they know we can replace them. They answer to us, we the people.

However you are lucky, or rather your son is. If tragedy should take you, and your husband away from this world, and from Trig, he would be taken care of. His food, shelter, cloths, and medical expenses would all become covered under social security, and medicare. He would most likely spend the rest of his life in a group home with people much like himself, and a 24 hour nursing staff who will not only take care of him, but will spend time with him, play with him, and laugh with him. Social security is the safety net for all people like Trig, and it is a government run, publicly funded, system that has lasted 74 years. Would a private, or public enterprise whose sole purpose is to make a profit take care of Trig? Or would they put him before a panel? I think we both know the answer to that question. So why are you advocating in favor of the panel for so many of your fellow Americans?


Before you get too many miles ahead of your typing ability who the hell is Linda Peeno and where is your documentable evidence?? Just throwing out claims as facts is no longer acceptable as it just leads to the misinformation that the Democratic left claims that Conservatives of all stripe are engaging in. Now get yourself a nice cool glass of koolaide sit down and please by all means try again.

Again, I can't post URL's yet so try YouTubing her name, her testimony was broadcast on C-Span. I do my home work, you should try to do yours.
you can post a URL it just wont be a link cut,copy and paste. And I will not find your so called evidence. Your statement your responsibility. Finish your homework.
If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

Say Hello to Crocodile Dundee for me Xeno!!!
Won't be going, as we both know the boi king is lying.

The difference is I say it publically, you still hope and won't change.

Obama didn't say it, the CBO did. And I am saying it PUBLICLY, not publically.

Obama repeated it PUBLICLY and so did the CBO, to which point they added that it would extend medicare's solvency from 2017 [as it presently stands] to 2022 [under the current proposal examined].

By the way it's Norman Mattoon Thomas, not Norman Matoon Thomas. I know this because I google his name the moment I saw your quote and I'm reading about him now.

But beyond that explain to us how socialist ideals are uncompilable with the ideals of democratic republic. Why is socialism bad? If your argument is socialism is evil your wrong. Only human beings, are good, or evil. Socialism is just an idea, it's inanimate, and is only as good, or as evil as the people who wield it. Religion can be used for good, or evil. Weapons can be used for good, or evil. Law enforcement can be used for good, or evil, and in fact, our law enforcement is socialized. If your argument is because Hitler was a socialist, wrong again. He was a national socialist, a dictator, and a monster. One of the first things the nazis did was force democratic socialist to wear red triangles, and they were some of the first sent to the concentration camps. So if your going to compare a group of people that wants democratic social reform, at least have the decency to compare them to Tommy Douglas, and not the guy with the funny mustache that tied to kill all the democratic socialist in his own country.

Check please!
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Obama didn't say it, the CBO did. And I am saying it PUBLICLY, not publically.

Obama repeated it PUBLICLY and so did the CBO, to which point they added that it would extend medicare's solvency from 2017 [as it presently stands] to 2022 [under the current proposal examined].
Thanks for waving that white flag, whenever a spelling Nazi appears, its the surrender as they know they have nothing else.

You also appear to be dense, that is Obama speaking on that video, not 'the cbo.'

He makes a claim that the numbers will match up his fantasy scenario, which is another lie, thanks for pointing that out.

Oh, and I'm not looking for an editor, so don't bother to audition again.
In a poll conducted Aug. 6-9, 49 percent of Americans said they disapproved of the president's handling of healthcare and 43 percent approved -- compared to 50 percent disapproval and 44 percent approval in a survey done July 17-19.

Handling of health care ≠ against health care reform. I personally believe that Obama has spent to much time pussyfooting around, and should just call fear mongers like Palin & co out on their BS. So Yes I do disapprove of the way Obama has been handling health care, but I am FOR health care reform.

By the way this is a perfect example of how polls can be manipulated by wording. To get the results you want you simply need to ask the right questions, as opposed to a blunt straight forward question.

The problem is that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not listening to the people. Instead, they choose to demonize them. That's wrong.

Someone screaming nonsense demonizes themselves. At the first Dallas AARP townhall there were 6 to 10 people screaming constantly and refusing to allow the speaker to answer. There were at least 50 other people there who couldn't get their voices in because of these 'demon's'. Stop putting off on others the characture you've created for yourselves...
Handling of health care ≠ against health care reform. I personally believe that Obama has spent to much time pussyfooting around, and should just call fear mongers like Palin & co out on their BS. So Yes I do disapprove of the way Obama has been handling health care, but I am FOR health care reform.

By the way this is a perfect example of how polls can be manipulated by wording. To get the results you want you simply need to ask the right questions, as opposed to a blunt straight forward question.

The problem is that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not listening to the people. Instead, they choose to demonize them. That's wrong.

Someone screaming nonsense demonizes themselves. At the first Dallas AARP townhall there were 6 to 10 people screaming constantly and refusing to allow the speaker to answer. There were at least 50 other people there who couldn't get their voices in because of these 'demon's'. Stop putting off on others the characture you've created for yourselves...
The problem is that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not listening to the people. Instead, they choose to demonize them. That's wrong.

examples please?

If you're not going to keep up with the news, don't post in the Politics section. Seriously, you haven't heard left-leaning politicians talking about 'brownshirts' and swastika's?

Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"
The problem is that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not listening to the people. Instead, they choose to demonize them. That's wrong.

examples please?

If you're not going to keep up with the news, don't post in the Politics section. Seriously, you haven't heard left-leaning politicians talking about 'brownshirts' and swastika's?

Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"

I swear to god I'm gonna have so much fun here when I can embed YouTube videos. Like Orly Taitz claiming to be brown shirted, or Glenn Beck's, and Malkin's claim that unions, are a form of brown shirts that should be called purple shirts. In fact I'll make a prediction by the end of the month the new tea-bagger, birther, nut-wing whine will be boohoohoo we are getting purple shirted because unions are showing up and out yelling us.

By the way can someone embed the Linda Peeno testimony from YouTube for me ****
Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"

Ahhh... That's so "2000-2008-ish"... 1/20/2009 changed everything with regards to that...

This phrase has been sent to the oval office for revamping... Inside sources say it will likely be changed (yeah, go fig) to "Report dissent to [email protected]"...
examples please?

If you're not going to keep up with the news, don't post in the Politics section. Seriously, you haven't heard left-leaning politicians talking about 'brownshirts' and swastika's?

Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"

I swear to god I'm gonna have so much fun here when I can embed YouTube videos. Like Orly Taitz claiming to be brown shirted, or Glenn Beck's, and Malkin's claim that unions, are a form of brown shirts that should be called purple shirts. In fact I'll make a prediction by the end of the month the new tea-bagger, birther, nut-wing whine will be boohoohoo we are getting purple shirted because unions are showing up and out yelling us.

By the way can someone embed the Linda Peeno testimony from YouTube for me ****

Have fun posting wackos. I'm talking about the majority of Americans who have a problem with the way Obama and Congress are handling health care "reform."
Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"

Ahhh... That's so "2000-2008-ish"... 1/20/2009 changed everything with regards to that...

This phrase has been sent to the oval office for revamping... Inside sources say it will likely be changed (yeah, go fig) to "Report dissent to [email protected]"...

What's odd is that the same people who encouraged me to say this when I was against the Iraq war are now calling me a 'wingnut' because I'm against Obamacare. These people are :cuckoo:.
Remember this: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!"

Ahhh... That's so "2000-2008-ish"... 1/20/2009 changed everything with regards to that...

This phrase has been sent to the oval office for revamping... Inside sources say it will likely be changed (yeah, go fig) to "Report dissent to [email protected]"...

What's odd is that the same people who encouraged me to say this when I was against the Iraq war are now calling me a 'wingnut' because I'm against Obamacare. These people are :cuckoo:.

Funny you say that, the new assclowns have called me 'neocon' at least a dozen times.

The little detail that I loathe Bush and oppose not only the wars but overseas bases never seems to enter their pea brains. :lol:
You really don't pay atention do you.

Try for a change to stop being a talking point machine.

Obama claims he will pay for '2/3' of this with 'savings from waste.'

That is the biggest load of shit and we all know it.

If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

You'll be packing faster than you think. Medicare requires that all necessary procedures and tests be given in the fewest possible office visits. Private insurance allows doctors to schedule individually for tests and procedures. An example, this past winter I went in to my private doctor to be examined for skin cancer. There were three suspicious areas that required biopsies. These were performed at a second office visit and when cancer was confirmed I had to schedule three separate surgeries and three post-op check ups. When my father-in-law had similar surgery for two skin cancers the biopsies were preformed with the first visit, surgery with the second visit, and a single post op check-up which included a face peal to kill any pre-cancer that might exist.

I had 8 trips to the doctor with private insurance where government insurance accomplished more in only 3 trips. The cost private vs public was at least 4 to 1 and will probably be higher since I wasn't treated for any pre-cancer...which would have required a 9th trip and wouldn't have be covered by my insurance.

Our current system is designed to reward doctors for inefficiency and why if we go public you will be a bushman faster than you think...
Ahhh... That's so "2000-2008-ish"... 1/20/2009 changed everything with regards to that...

This phrase has been sent to the oval office for revamping... Inside sources say it will likely be changed (yeah, go fig) to "Report dissent to [email protected]"...

What's odd is that the same people who encouraged me to say this when I was against the Iraq war are now calling me a 'wingnut' because I'm against Obamacare. These people are :cuckoo:.

Funny you say that, the new assclowns have called me 'neocon' at least a dozen times.

The little detail that I loathe Bush and oppose not only the wars but overseas bases never seems to enter their pea brains. :lol:

These liberal fascists are the same as Neocons. They're all brainwashed. What's truly sad is that America has millions of them.
That's not an example, it's a refutation of your point entirely.
You really don't pay atention do you.

Try for a change to stop being a talking point machine.

Obama claims he will pay for '2/3' of this with 'savings from waste.'

That is the biggest load of shit and we all know it.

If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

You'll be packing faster than you think. Medicare requires that all necessary procedures and tests be given in the fewest possible office visits. Private insurance allows doctors to schedule individually for tests and procedures. An example, this past winter I went in to my private doctor to be examined for skin cancer. There were three suspicious areas that required biopsies. These were performed at a second office visit and when cancer was confirmed I had to schedule three separate surgeries and three post-op check ups. When my father-in-law had similar surgery for two skin cancers the biopsies were preformed with the first visit, surgery with the second visit, and a single post op check-up which included a face peal to kill any pre-cancer that might exist.

I had 8 trips to the doctor with private insurance where government insurance accomplished more in only 3 trips. The cost private vs public was at least 4 to 1 and will probably be higher since I wasn't treated for any pre-cancer...which would have required a 9th trip and wouldn't have be covered by my insurance.

Our current system is designed to reward doctors for inefficiency and why if we go public you will be a bushman faster than you think...
were both cases handled by the same doctors?
You'll be packing faster than you think.
No, I won't as its the biggest load of shit obama has tossed at us, and that is saying something as the man is a giant bullshit machine.

Its astounding people think our lovely government will find a miracluous 2/3 of the money from 'savings and waste' a government that couldn't pour water form a boot if the instructions were on the heel, yet they blindly believe the boi king's latest nonsense.
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You really don't pay atention do you.

Try for a change to stop being a talking point machine.

Obama claims he will pay for '2/3' of this with 'savings from waste.'

That is the biggest load of shit and we all know it.

If he gets 2/3 for 'savings and waste' I will quit the net, move to Austraila and live as a Bushman forever.

You'll be packing faster than you think. Medicare requires that all necessary procedures and tests be given in the fewest possible office visits. Private insurance allows doctors to schedule individually for tests and procedures. An example, this past winter I went in to my private doctor to be examined for skin cancer. There were three suspicious areas that required biopsies. These were performed at a second office visit and when cancer was confirmed I had to schedule three separate surgeries and three post-op check ups. When my father-in-law had similar surgery for two skin cancers the biopsies were preformed with the first visit, surgery with the second visit, and a single post op check-up which included a face peal to kill any pre-cancer that might exist.

I had 8 trips to the doctor with private insurance where government insurance accomplished more in only 3 trips. The cost private vs public was at least 4 to 1 and will probably be higher since I wasn't treated for any pre-cancer...which would have required a 9th trip and wouldn't have be covered by my insurance.

Our current system is designed to reward doctors for inefficiency and why if we go public you will be a bushman faster than you think...
were both cases handled by the same doctors?

No, your point?
You'll be packing faster than you think. Medicare requires that all necessary procedures and tests be given in the fewest possible office visits. Private insurance allows doctors to schedule individually for tests and procedures. An example, this past winter I went in to my private doctor to be examined for skin cancer. There were three suspicious areas that required biopsies. These were performed at a second office visit and when cancer was confirmed I had to schedule three separate surgeries and three post-op check ups. When my father-in-law had similar surgery for two skin cancers the biopsies were preformed with the first visit, surgery with the second visit, and a single post op check-up which included a face peal to kill any pre-cancer that might exist.

I had 8 trips to the doctor with private insurance where government insurance accomplished more in only 3 trips. The cost private vs public was at least 4 to 1 and will probably be higher since I wasn't treated for any pre-cancer...which would have required a 9th trip and wouldn't have be covered by my insurance.

Our current system is designed to reward doctors for inefficiency and why if we go public you will be a bushman faster than you think...
were both cases handled by the same doctors?

No, your point?
your doctors malpractice ins might have required him to do these extra visits
and not your insurance
there could have been a ton of other factors as well

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