Dear Sarah Palin; The Death Panel Already Exists and People Have Already Been Judged,

How does "his OMB" [trying to be more accurate] make the CBO's analysis wrong or irrelevant or unreliable or [less quotable]?
it doesnt, asshole
but he SHOULD be using his OWN OMB
what part of that dont you understand
if he is going to use the CBO, why not just shut down the OMB and save the tax payers some money

I think both are being utilized concurrently with different models to examine. You think the CBO is napping while the OMB is working [or vice versa] ? Besides, since you so clearly don't understand the workings of the CBO.......they were assessing the impact of a particular scenario which the House committee tasked them with...SINCE bills come from Congress not the WH, the President [executive] either ratfies or vetoes. Your minutiae are irrelevant at best, erroneous in fact.
you arent reading
i said he SHOULD be using it or it if its not reliable it should be CLOSED
In a poll conducted Aug. 6-9, 49 percent of Americans said they disapproved of the president's handling of healthcare and 43 percent approved -- compared to 50 percent disapproval and 44 percent approval in a survey done July 17-19.

Handling of health care ≠ against health care reform. I personally believe that Obama has spent to much time pussyfooting around, and should just call fear mongers like Palin & co out on their BS. So Yes I do disapprove of the way Obama has been handling health care, but I am FOR health care reform.

By the way this is a perfect example of how polls can be manipulated by wording. To get the results you want you simply need to ask the right questions, as opposed to a blunt straight forward question.

Its fun to point out to those who call with a push poll what they've been hired for. You can almost hear the blank stare.
you arent reading
i said he SHOULD be using it or it if its not reliable it should be CLOSED

Any facts that might support your lame writhing and wriggling to this latest tack are not in evidence. Run along now. Go get something for that ADD so you can keep on task.
you arent reading
i said he SHOULD be using it or it if its not reliable it should be CLOSED

Any facts that might support your lame writhing and wriggling to this latest tack are not in evidence. Run along now. Go get something for that ADD so you can keep on task.
ok, you have shown you are a fucking moron and not worth the time
In a poll conducted Aug. 6-9, 49 percent of Americans said they disapproved of the president's handling of healthcare and 43 percent approved -- compared to 50 percent disapproval and 44 percent approval in a survey done July 17-19.

Handling of health care ≠ against health care reform. I personally believe that Obama has spent to much time pussyfooting around, and should just call fear mongers like Palin & co out on their BS. So Yes I do disapprove of the way Obama has been handling health care, but I am FOR health care reform.

By the way this is a perfect example of how polls can be manipulated by wording. To get the results you want you simply need to ask the right questions, as opposed to a blunt straight forward question.

Its fun to point out to those who call with a push poll what they've been hired for. You can almost hear the blank stare.
got any proof that was a push poll?>
or are you just talking out of your ass AGAIN
My original post does not contain, or ever did contain, the "Only hum Religion" mistake your pointing out. In fact I'll share with you a little secrete. I find the argument "it's bad because it's socialist" so boring, mundane, and generic that I often copy, and paste my rebuttal to such arguments from my own blog, and ireports. If that error ever existed someone would have pointed it out over a week ago when I posted my "United We Stand, Divided We Fall Flat On Our.... " article on Aug 8th, the article where that "If your argument is" paragraph originates from.

So nice try, but you fail at making me look like an idiot by quoting me then adding in blatant errors on your own. Come back when you can actually defend your position with rational, factual, arguments, as opposed to the malarkey you just tried.

Beer me!
2nd paragraph 3rd sentance. Enough of you pal see ya

Hahaha I can post links now!

My original post that you are misquoting. Here.

My iReport that has the same paragraph, and a time stamp showing it has not been modified since Aug 9th. Here.

Notice how the error does not exist in either one.

And for good measure!
[youtube]<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>[/youtube]​

I know misquoting is a common, and masterly perfected, tactic used by the wing-nut right, and loons in general, but you are really doing it very very poorly.

Hmmm just noticed who ever posted the video misspelled Peeno with Pino. A little ironic after all this...

What should never be forgotten, but all too often is, is where the handbasket was woven:

Run time: 00:00

Posted on YouTube: December 31, 1969
By YouTube Member:
Views on YouTube:

Posted on DU: July 15, 2007
By DU Member: mcg
Views on DU: 675

the latter part of the clip:

February 17, 1971 5:23 PM
Conservation between Ehrlichmann and Nixon at the White House:

"We have now narrowed down the vice president's problems
on this thing to one issue, and this is whether we should
include these Health Maintenance Organizations like
Edgar Kaiser's Permanente thing."
"Now let me ask you. You know I'm not too keen on any of
these damn medical programs."
"This is is a private enterprise one."
"Well that appeals to me."
"Edgar Kaiser is running this Permanente deal for profit,
and the reason he can do it, I had Edgar Kaiser come in,
talk to me about this, and I went into some depth,
all the incentives are toward less medical care,
because the less care they give them,
the more money they make,"
"and the incentives run the right way."
"Not bad."

THE NEXT DAY, February 18, 1971
Nixon on TV telling the American people:

"I am proposing today a new national health strategy.
The purpose of this program is simply this.
I want every American to have the finest health care
in the world and I want every American to be able to
have that care when he needs it."
blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink

Michael Moore Sicko Clip about Nixon and HMOs - Democratic Underground

And in Nixon's own voice:

[ame=]YouTube - Nixon Launches the HMO's - What a SICKO[/ame]

It doesn't really surprise me that a health system as flawed as ours came from the only president that resigned in shame.
It doesn't really surprise me that a health system as flawed as ours came from the only president that resigned in shame.

Nixon is a mere tyro when compared to the previous administration and some of the "luminaries" we presently have in Congress.
It doesn't really surprise me that a health system as flawed as ours came from the only president that resigned in shame.

Nixon is a mere tyro when compared to the previous administration and some of the "luminaries" we presently have in Congress.

True, at least Ol'Nixy didn't start an illegal war, and become a war criminal.

So easy to prove even a cat can do it.
What war did Bush start? We were already shooting at Saddam again before Bush took office. You can't start something that is essentailly still going on.

Given that the best and cheapest medical care I ever had was when I had an HMO I think you're grousing about bull shit. The impetus under HMO's was in favor of lessening illness by accentuating prevention. The other big savings came in because until the Dems invited the trial lawyers to the table in the early nineties HMOs which stand for Health Maintenance Organizations were exempt from most legal assaults.
That's cutting close to the bone. Where do you think the birth certificate was stored? :eek:

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