Dear Trumpaholics: The polls four years ago this month...Uh Oh!!!

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Dear Trumpaholics: The polls four years ago this month...Uh Oh!!!

Four years ago this money was on Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who was leading eventual nominee Mitt Romney 30 percent to 18 percent in the CNN/ORC poll; 31-24 in USA Today/Gallup; 23-16 in CBS News; and 30-22 in McClatchy/Marist.

And this was still before the boomlet of support for businessman Herman Cain, who briefly shot to the top of the GOP polls in October 2011.

In this context, Trump's current 30 percent to 16 percent lead over Carson in the RealClearPolitics average of recent national polls doesn't look particularly conclusive.

History puts a damper on poll numbers
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.
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Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.
I think they could stay near where he was a month ago. He has a base of cuckoos who don't care. In a field of 15/16/17 they look large.

as the field narrows...who knows. People like a winner, but tire of bores
History does NOT count this time. It's the year of the ANTI-wonk. BOTH Trump AND Sanders are results of that. Plus your lone poll does not show movement as in the off year.

I suggest you "forgot" that in order to make your post creditable.
Not that they are or ever have been but at least you try putting you some what slightly ahead of Guno for a change.

Your willful and indignant approached I think is more a display public no less of your fears of being accountable for your actions.
With Hillary you can blame some government agency but with Trump you only have yourself.

That light cast on you and you directly would cause you to be faced with not only your flaws but your greatest fear that being to face those flaws.

Grasping at straws. Perry dropped out (both times) because he ran out of donations. Trump won't run out.
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.

I plan on speaking to Donald this evening. I will ask him to make his aircraft available to fly all Liberals who wish to leave the United States following his election. I will ask he get them to Syria. I'm looking out for you disenfranchised victims here.
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.

I plan on speaking to Donald this evening. I will ask him to make his aircraft available to fly all Liberals who wish to leave the United States following his election. I will ask he get them to Syria. I'm looking out for you disenfranchised victims here.
Thanks. I don't feel disenfranchised, but I appreciate you kindness. Say hello to Donny for me.
I know lots of republicans and democrats but I have not met one single soul that believe in Trump is bullshiting. That amazes me who are these Trumpism people. Are these low educated poorly informed Americans?
History does NOT count this time.
Your positions in the past show you up as not very reliable here
I'd agree IF Trump was just another politician aka douchebag. This is a whole other animal now.

Only thing that will 'destroy' (drop him in the polls) Trump at this point is Trump. With the exception of Carson, the rest of the field are total morons. Carson is a nice guy and all, but he's not Presidential material.
Was Rick Perry drawing crowds of 20,000?

Trump is no flash in the pan.

He is the presumptive nominee and presumptive POTUS. Nobody on the "D" side can beat him.

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