Dear Trumpaholics: The polls four years ago this month...Uh Oh!!!

Dear Trumpaholics: The polls four years ago this month...Uh Oh!!!

Four years ago this money was on Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who was leading eventual nominee Mitt Romney 30 percent to 18 percent in the CNN/ORC poll; 31-24 in USA Today/Gallup; 23-16 in CBS News; and 30-22 in McClatchy/Marist.

And this was still before the boomlet of support for businessman Herman Cain, who briefly shot to the top of the GOP polls in October 2011.

In this context, Trump's current 30 percent to 16 percent lead over Carson in the RealClearPolitics average of recent national polls doesn't look particularly conclusive.

History puts a damper on poll numbers
Getting desperate eh? I feel ya...I am already tired of the campaigning.
I don't know. My dad and aunt are both Democrats and they say they like trump. People are sick of the establishment. Bernie Sanders vs trump. Either way is better than Clinton or jeb.

People look at Trump as an answer to the horrible economy. That's the bottom line and the reason people support him.

All the other social issues people know that he is simply an agnostic.

Now if you want more social engineering, vote for Bernie or Hillary. If you want jobs and be left the hell alone, vote for Trump.

That is why people support him and will continue to support him. The fact he is non-PC simply adds to his allure because it drives Dims insane.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.

That is truly a liberal utopia!! Full security!!

I don't know. My dad and aunt are both Democrats and they say they like trump. People are sick of the establishment. Bernie Sanders vs trump. Either way is better than Clinton or jeb.

People look at Trump as an answer to the horrible economy. That's the bottom line and the reason people support him.

All the other social issues people know that he is simply an agnostic.

Now if you want more social engineering, vote for Bernie or Hillary. If you want jobs and be left the hell alone, vote for Trump.

That is why people support him and will continue to support him. The fact he is non-PC simply adds to his allure because it drives Dims insane.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
I'll tell you a liberal utopia. Joe graduates highschool and goes and gets a union job buys a home and raises a family.

America once had 37% of the work force unionized and the middle class thrived. Today 7% is union and the top 1% now have all the money.

You're a dope.
I don't know. My dad and aunt are both Democrats and they say they like trump. People are sick of the establishment. Bernie Sanders vs trump. Either way is better than Clinton or jeb.

People look at Trump as an answer to the horrible economy. That's the bottom line and the reason people support him.

All the other social issues people know that he is simply an agnostic.

Now if you want more social engineering, vote for Bernie or Hillary. If you want jobs and be left the hell alone, vote for Trump.

That is why people support him and will continue to support him. The fact he is non-PC simply adds to his allure because it drives Dims insane.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.
People look at Trump as an answer to the horrible economy. That's the bottom line and the reason people support him.

All the other social issues people know that he is simply an agnostic.

Now if you want more social engineering, vote for Bernie or Hillary. If you want jobs and be left the hell alone, vote for Trump.

That is why people support him and will continue to support him. The fact he is non-PC simply adds to his allure because it drives Dims insane.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.

China kills their prisoners and takes their organs. Just wait till PP takes over prisons.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.

China kills their prisoners and takes their organs. Just wait till PP takes over prisons.
I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.

China kills their prisoners and takes their organs. Just wait till PP takes over prisons.
Pot Plants.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.

China kills their prisoners and takes their organs. Just wait till PP takes over prisons.
Pot Plants.
Still lost then. Pot plants take over prisons? Huh?
Grasping at straws. Perry dropped out (both times) because he ran out of donations. Trump won't run out.

You've got your cause and effect confused.

Perry's donations dried up because his support dried up. Not the other way around.
Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, emit too many carbon emissions, have too many children, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the problems associated with the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
Interesting prisons are another thing Republicans privatized so move over haloburton make room for aramark.

China kills their prisoners and takes their organs. Just wait till PP takes over prisons.
Pot Plants.
Still lost then. Pot plants take over prisons? Huh?
I was joking but you're too stoned to catch it.

Planned Parenthood.
History does NOT count this time.
Your positions in the past show you up as not very reliable here
I'd agree IF Trump was just another politician aka douchebag. This is a whole other animal now.

Only thing that will 'destroy' (drop him in the polls) Trump at this point is Trump. With the exception of Carson, the rest of the field are total morons. Carson is a nice guy and all, but he's not Presidential material.
Trump is Presidential material? :lol: please say it ain't so

Trump will be pricked at by the Super Pacs and campaigns as the race gets under way
People look at Trump as an answer to the horrible economy. That's the bottom line and the reason people support him.

All the other social issues people know that he is simply an agnostic.

Now if you want more social engineering, vote for Bernie or Hillary. If you want jobs and be left the hell alone, vote for Trump.

That is why people support him and will continue to support him. The fact he is non-PC simply adds to his allure because it drives Dims insane.
You'll see Bernie is better and will win. Run trump.

I think Hillary may be the last Dim that does not run as a socialist.

I think the roaches are becoming brazen enough to come out of the dark and embrace their ideologies in full view. It would not even surprise me if they hung up a picture of Karl Marx as their banner.
Well since you call unions socialism might as well embrace the title. It's like the n word. We won't give your words more power than they deserve.

Is your unregulated free market capitalism infallible? Do you worship it?

Freedom is a scary thing. People eat too much, buy things they shouldn't, pollute too much, say things that are not PC, and the list goes on. But perhaps the scariest aspect of all, is the freedom to do with their money want they wish to do, which simply exacerbates all other freedoms since they are afforded more time to spend enjoying their said freedoms.

However, put these people in prison and they become transformed. They all have shelter and a four square meal everyday. They all dress the same and live the same. It is equality unmatched anywhere in the world. You even have free medical without the torcher of signing up for Obamacare and paying thousands of dollars a year to have. They even have a guard to protect them 24/7. No where are you safer than in a jail cell all by yourself. And perhaps the best news of all, every day is gay pride day. It's a liberal utopia.
I'll tell you a liberal utopia. Joe graduates highschool and goes and gets a union job buys a home and raises a family.

America once had 37% of the work force unionized and the middle class thrived. Today 7% is union and the top 1% now have all the money.

You're a dope.

Have you ever asked why the unions are down to 7%, especially when claiming unions are great?
History does NOT count this time.
Your positions in the past show you up as not very reliable here
I'd agree IF Trump was just another politician aka douchebag. This is a whole other animal now.

Only thing that will 'destroy' (drop him in the polls) Trump at this point is Trump. With the exception of Carson, the rest of the field are total morons. Carson is a nice guy and all, but he's not Presidential material.
Trump is Presidential material? :lol: please say it ain't so

Trump will be pricked at by the Super Pacs and campaigns as the race gets under way

Presidential material, yeah I get it I said the same thing when Dean and Obama were campaigning.
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.
I think they could stay near where he was a month ago. He has a base of cuckoos who don't care. In a field of 15/16/17 they look large.

as the field narrows...who knows. People like a winner, but tire of bores

You are right, they don't care.

They have had enough of hope and change and the PC police that go along with it. Then you have the GOP pretend to represent conservatives, but all they do is betray them time after time.

Both Trump and Carson are leading the GOP for this very reason. People are just sick of the MF'ers.
It's a GOP field and Trump has a plurality, not a majority so far.

It's amusing to see idiots support change while crying they've been screwed by promises of change before.

Trump is a bigger fraud then any who have come on the political scene in ages. Oh, he believes his own bs, but so does most every narcissist and fool
Last edited:
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.
I think they could stay near where he was a month ago. He has a base of cuckoos who don't care. In a field of 15/16/17 they look large.

as the field narrows...who knows. People like a winner, but tire of bores

You are right, they don't care.

They have had enough of hope and change and the PC police that go along with it. Then you have the GOP pretend to represent conservatives, but all they do is betray them time after time.

Both Trump and Carson are leading the GOP for this very reason. People are just sick of the MF'ers.
It's a GOP field and Trump has a plurality, not a majority so far.

It's amusing to see idiots support change while crying they've been screwed by promises of change before.

Trump is a bigger fraud then any who have come on the political scene in ages. Oh, he believes his own bs, but so does most every narcisist and fool
A LOT of us HERE see YOU as a "narcisist and fool".
History does NOT count this time.
Your positions in the past show you up as not very reliable here
I'd agree IF Trump was just another politician aka douchebag. This is a whole other animal now.

Only thing that will 'destroy' (drop him in the polls) Trump at this point is Trump. With the exception of Carson, the rest of the field are total morons. Carson is a nice guy and all, but he's not Presidential material.
Trump is Presidential material? :lol: please say it ain't so

Trump will be pricked at by the Super Pacs and campaigns as the race gets under way

Presidential material, yeah I get it I said the same thing when Dean and Obama were campaigning.

In 2008 I was alone among friends who questioned Dean's standing in Iowa. He came in 3rd behind Kerry and Edwards

Obama, had a great ground game. Hillary was winning votes, but not delegates and then team Obama challenged her on rules and in committees,

you're clueless about the real world
Trump's numbers will fade away as his cult followers get fatigued from being embarrassed about following a shady carnival barker.
I think they could stay near where he was a month ago. He has a base of cuckoos who don't care. In a field of 15/16/17 they look large.

as the field narrows...who knows. People like a winner, but tire of bores

You are right, they don't care.

They have had enough of hope and change and the PC police that go along with it. Then you have the GOP pretend to represent conservatives, but all they do is betray them time after time.

Both Trump and Carson are leading the GOP for this very reason. People are just sick of the MF'ers.
It's a GOP field and Trump has a plurality, not a majority so far.

It's amusing to see idiots support change while crying they've been screwed by promises of change before.

Trump is a bigger fraud then any who have come on the political scene in ages. Oh, he believes his own bs, but so does most every narcissist and fool
A LOT of us HERE see YOU as a "narcisist and fool".

It's an anonymous message board you stupid twit


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