Dear United Airlines And Delta: If You Really Oppose Guns, Disarm Your Pilots And Crews

I wrote lengthy response, but it was too sombre.

They capitulated, that's the "don't-call-me-Mister-you-will-address-me-with-the-pronoun-Master" Politically Correct society of 2018. China is laughing, Russia is laughing, all of Americas enemies are laughing as they see a Western civilization interested in appeasing whiners, cuckholds and low performers, while destroying the spirit of it's nation.

I will say this, the ruling Chinese government is passing a law to extend presidential terms, Xi will be in power past 2023. You can read between the lines as to what this endorsement means. He has most of the world sewn up.

We need a hero. The socialists are winning and they won't stop. If businesses don't stand up for America, your constitution and the right of Men (or Peoplekind) ordained by God, it is going to be a very tough battle.

This is why I beseech you guys to get involved, get organized, don't just let these sob's turn you into Canada. Look how much money the GOP raised from individual donors, this is what it is going to take.
opposing nra =/= opposing guns

I have no time to waste opposing guns. Guns are just a piece of metal laying there, they are not fighting me! Guns are the bedrock this country was founded on. Guns keep us safe, guns keep us free. Guns are necessary for hunting and are a great American sport and pastime that teaches our youth discipline and responsibility---- something they sorely need. What I oppose is violence, school killings, and the stupidity that allows us to breed a generation too lax to notice a 17 year old screaming for attention, too lax to respond to numerous calls to the police, FBI and school, too lax for police officers on the scene of the school killings to get off their fat butts, content to allow more kids to die as they wait for an order, and too lax for school after school to take any serious steps to address it.

No, instead, once again the matter is turned into a political football tug of war between people too stupid to realize you cannot just eliminate guns from our culture, and too stupid to realize that even if you could, it would not change the murderous proclivities of killers, but merely alter their means of accomplishing their ends. And especially, too stupid to realize that making it a war against the NRA, an organization built upon gun rights, safety, education and training, is a war against half the people in this country, because the NRA is nothing more than your parent, your friend, your co-worker and your neighbor down the street.

No, making it a "war against guns and the NRA," wanting to take a bad situation and make it FAR WORSE by trying to turn our country into a gestapo police state and a war against 50% of its own population, the half which is heavily trained and armed and peaceful, as the "solution" to an occasional kid getting hold of a gun that he shouldn't have, taking it where he shouldn't be able to, into the ONE PLACE that should be MOST ON ALERT to prevent such things, and not even ask: Why there again? Is about the stupidest, mob mentality, knee-jerk brainless 30-second-considered politically-selfish action I have seen the Left do yet.
It is our duty as patriotic Americans to join with all gun-owners who want to keep their guns and boycott any companies agreeing to the communist inspired demand to take our guns from us.

Yes I know the companies are only pulling ties with the NRA, but the message that gets out is that Hertz, et al want to take our guns away.

Get that message out on your social media platforms people.

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