Death Panels:are you laughing now?

Yes I know this is italy, but 2 unpresidential old men are advocating for it here in the USA, and we need to understand where Godvernment controlled health care leads. This is a current we not event

Coronavirus victims over 80 could be 'left to die' in drastic measures
Not to sound insensitive of course, but what a person that age has over those who are younger is more time on this planet already. Sticking around that long unfortunately has never been in the cards for everyone.

God bless you and everyone else who is still here always!!!

Yes I know this is italy, but 2 unpresidential old men are advocating for it here in the USA, and we need to understand where Godvernment controlled health care leads. This is a current we not event

Coronavirus victims over 80 could be 'left to die' in drastic measures
Not to sound insensitive of course, but what a person that age has over those who are younger is more time on this planet already. Sticking around that long unfortunately has never been in the cards for everyone.

God bless you and everyone else who is still here always!!!

In the case of the Coronavirus, those who have had less time on this planet (the younger) have been experiencing milder to no symptoms and aren't in danger. The elderly and those with significant health risks are the ones that are more likely to expire to it and thus, should be the ones with a priority for more drastic care.
^^^ I definitely get what you say here, but what I am trying to point out is that no life should be considered more important compared to another, but if a life changing or should I say life ending move has to be made and both groups of people are in a bad enough spot, to me, younger people are who should be saved so that they too have a better chance of living just as long as those who are in the other age group.

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. One way or another, its a lousy situation, and believe me, I am not smiling about any of it unless it truly is keeping the crazy drivers off of the road more. :D :D :D

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