Death spiral of American academia

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Death spiral of American academia

Posted on June 9, 2021 by curryja | 120 Comments

by Patrick J Michaels

Earlier this year, Eric Kaufmann of the University of London published a remarkably detailed and comprehensive study of bias in academia, “Academic Freedom in Crisis: Punishment, Political Discrimination, and Self-Censorship.” Kaufmann’s writing is a product of California’s Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, a small think-tank set up to do research that is forbidden in today’s academy. His finding of rampant left-sided political bias in publication, employment, and promotion in the Academy — and discrimination against anyone right-of-center — qualifies as forbidden scholarship.

What follows below is (I think) a generalization of the process that Judith described with regard to the Wuhan Coronavirus. I hope readers will come away with the notion that the process of institutionalizing, and then defending, bad, politicized science is fractal—the internal geometry is very similar for most all such instances. The reason is because mainstream practitioners of science have a demonstrable political bias and discredit or reject the work of anyone whose beliefs are inconsistent with that bias. Been there.

In the academy the free interchange of competing ideas creates knowledge through cooperation, disagreement, debate, and dissent. Kaufmann’s landmark study proves that the last three in that list are severely suppressed and punished. The pervasiveness of such repression may be a death sentence for science, free inquiry, and the advancement of knowledge in our universities.
I am led to that dire conclusion because the universities appear to have no way to prevent this fate. No solution can arise from within the academy because it selects its own lifetime faculty, which is largely left wing—increasingly so—and makes the promotion of dissenters highly unlikely. Kaufmann demonstrates profoundly systemic discrimination by leftist faculty against colleagues they find disagreeable

Excellent read great comments to @
I think that this shows that both the US and Canada lean far more to the Left than England. In fact, this study at this point could never have been conducted in American or Canadian Academia.

Just as Jordon Peterson. He is a Canadian professor who is a psychologist and is haunted about the human history of totalitarianism and the horrors that ensue from it. It has always troubled him why these despots generate a mass following that often involves and orgy of killing and/or oppression. He then began to see this with the Left in Canada as they had just passed laws in Canada that made it a crime not to use the correct pronoun for the myriad of different genders created by Academia. He simply decide to draw a line in the sand and begin to fight them before things got even worse there.

What exactly is wrong with our kids? What do you want them to be?
I don't want them to be ignorant Democratic socialist imbeciles about you ?...progressives are complete idiots ...ive never seen anything like it ....dumbed down and ignorant beyond belief

And you're off topic this one is not about the kids it's what's teaching the kids .
Get back on topic or go cheer like a moron on an America is back thanks to Joe bidens incredible diplomatic skills
I think that this shows that both the US and Canada lean far more to the Left than England. In fact, this study at this point could never have been conducted in American or Canadian Academia.

Just as Jordon Peterson. He is a Canadian professor who is a psychologist and is haunted about the human history of totalitarianism and the horrors that ensue from it. It has always troubled him why these despots generate a mass following that often involves and orgy of killing and/or oppression. He then began to see this with the Left in Canada as they had just passed laws in Canada that made it a crime not to use the correct pronoun for the myriad of different genders created by Academia. He simply decide to draw a line in the sand and begin to fight them before things got even worse there.

Indeed but England not exactly a bastion of freedom these days either...its infected the entire west
The grand irony here is the republican party is the fascist party today. Trump made obvious several issues but his idiotic response to Covid and now the perpetual finger pointing is a joke. Will China ever allow enough investigative work to prove Covid's source? Probably not, like republicans today they want to control information just as republican want to control voting and investigations. But Coronaviruses have been around a long time so the source is nature first. See my thread on topic below.

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

And our media is going downhill too see below:

'Coronavirus is our future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU'

The grand irony here is the republican party is the fascist party today. Trump made obvious several issues but his idiotic response to Covid and now the perpetual finger pointing is a joke. Will China ever allow enough investigative work to prove Covid's source? Probably not, like republicans today they want to control information just as republican want to control voting and investigations. But Coronaviruses have been around a long time so the source is nature first. See my thread on topic below.

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

And our media is going downhill too see below:

'Coronavirus is our future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU'

Uh boy
The American right wing are the furthest thing from fascists
What exactly is wrong with our kids? What do you want them to be?
This is the generation that succumbed to heroin, BLM, antifa, laziness, racism, the fire challenge, the knockout game, burning and looting, tearing down historical statues, the cancel culture, defund-abolish police, reparations, socialism-Marxism-communism and total ignorance of economic cause and effect. I don't have much faith in our future when they take over.

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