Death toll of Omicron

Shitstain obamacare was garbage from the beginning. Covid has become a death cult. The only proper name to call true believers life yourself is Branch Covidians. Death cult.
That does not address the issue! Regardless of your opinion of Obama Care, why is it that you people will decry the profits being made on Covid, but are willing to overlook the profiteering and abuses by the health care indudtry in many other ways. Wht are you not speaking out about the price of insulin and cancer meds?
The death cult is comprised of those who won't get vaxxed of wear a mask
If you're going to help push experimental injections and masks for everyone, do it right. I'll help out.

That means making damn sure the top of the mask follows the contours from the bridge of your nose and across your face and over your cheekbones. Otherwise, when you sneeze or cough in someone's face while standing a couple feet in front of them, the deadly virus will escape through those openings and defeat the purpose of the mask, making you into little more than a compliant no-nothing.

Now, I know you're not going to stand in front of old people--or anyone for that matter--and cough or sneeze in their face; you'd have to be a frickin' moron to do that. Fortunately, morons are the exception and not the rule. Nevertheless, in order to protect the public from this deadly virus, the authorities had to respond to the potential threat of moronic behavior. And since there was no way of knowing who the morons are or when they might make their move on an unsuspecting public, the wise authorities had no choice but to mask everyone to make sure the moron-threat was neutralized.

So, if you would like to thank the authorities for all of the trouble they went through getting you to mask up, the least you can do is to do it right. That means, before putting on your fresh, brand new mask, always wash your hands thoroughly, and then do not touch it again unless you've washed your hands thoroughly again. And, of course, you'll tell your children to not pick their nose or rub their eyes all day. If there's one thing that children are notorious for, it's following rules that even their parents don't follow. But with lots and lots of practice, all this will become second nature to adult, too.

Then continue wearing a fresh, uncontaminated mask and practicing social distancing until the new and improved "vaccine" arrives and puts a stop to all this madness. But the vaccine won't start working for a couple of weeks after the last injection of boosters. So, keep the mask on and social distance until you're finished with the boosters. And since the new and improved "vaccine" does not prevent infection or transmission, continue wearing a mask and social distancing until further notice.

And remember, just because the vaccine's medicinal effects wane in short order, do not allow that fact to challenge your faith in it. A smart person's faith cannot be shaken; not even when looking failure right in the eye. Don't be a fair-weather vaccine advocate. Hang in there. I mean, sooner or later this is all going to make sense . . .
Very high global risk...

GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization warned Monday that the global risk from the omicron variant is “very high”

Very high to catch it....

Very low mortality risk... In fact, it's still ZERO...
Crypto plunges when someone sneezes...or Elon Musk decides to open his mouth. :)
As for omicron, too early in the game to tell how lethal it is. It seems to be spread just as easily as the common cold.

Omicron variant is just another excuse for you nutters to push your beliefs that this pandemic is a hoax and you won't do the right thing no matter what (get vaccinated, follow precautions).
It is the main reason that we can't put this virus in the rear view mirror and get on with our lives.

Omicron IS the common cold.

Too many people getting too close to the truth about the whole COVID fraud.
Thats why Big Pharma bribed and paid off judges to let them "lock up" all info regarding COVID "vaccines" for 75 years.
Thats why the Dems are renaming other strains and variants of COVID that have already been in existence for decades, if not eons.
The death cult is comprised of those who won't get vaxxed of wear a mask
A couple of lies you like to tell....

The vaccinated are getting sick from this variant. Hell, their getting sick from Delta as the mRNA crap does not work well and reacts so slowly that those people become infectious to others. SO, it is YOUR VAXXED FOLKS SPREADING THE DISEASE not those who have acquired immunities as they do not become infectious a second time, from any of the variants.

As for masks, that's a total load of horse shit. They stop nothing and now some 39 studies show they had no effect on slowing the virus progression. Empirical evidence shows they cannot stop viral spread.

Both of your lies have been clearly debunked by the SCIENCE...
Lol, there are people out there who would actually take an omicron vaccine. Even knowing that omicron recognizes vaccines, and even knowing the omicron death toll.
Interfering with the human immune system is a fool's errand. IF there is no risk of death, get it and get over it as those are the best antibodies to have.
Interfering with the human immune system is a fool's errand. IF there is no risk of death, get it and get over it as those are the best antibodies to have.
It's been almost a century since the famous Gandhi quote:

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

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