Death toll of Omicron

You probobly [sic] also believe

That people are being compelled against their will to be used as test subjects in dangerous medical experiments is a crime against humanity. It is for exactly this crime that we put some German and Japanese war criminals to death at the end of World War II. Those who have any willing part in these crimes today, deserve no better treatment than those we put to death for these crimes a couple generations ago.
That people are being compelled against their will to be used as test subjects in dangerous medical experiments is a crime against humanity. It is for exactly this crime that we put some German and Japanese war criminals to death at the end of World War II. Those who have any willing part in these crimes today, deserve no better treatment than those we put to death for these crimes a couple generations ago.
Good fucking grief!! Get help!
TheProgressivePussyhat is looking for his long lost balls. Let’s help it out.

The ProgressivePussyhat: are you one of those claiming that this Omicron Variant of the COVID-19 virus is a significant threat?

Is it as bad as the Delta variant or worse?

Do you think we should all now submit to government “mandates” for additional booster shots? Maybe every year. Now?

How about masks? Double them up?

Maybe you think we should shut down all public gatherings and schools and malls and sports venues and bars and restaurants?

Tell us. We really want to hear your views on all such matters.
TheProgressivePussyhat is looking for his long lost balls. Let’s help it out.

The ProgressivePussyhat: are you one of those claiming that this Omicron Variant of the COVID-19 virus is a significant threat?

Is it as bad as the Delta variant or worse?

Do you think we should all now submit to government “mandates” for additional booster shots? Maybe every year. Now?

How about masks? Double them up?

Maybe you think we should shut down all public gatherings and schools and malls and sports venues and bars and restaurants?

Tell us. We really want to hear your views on all such matters.
What the fuck is wrong with you??! Pay attention. It has beed said several times that we do not yet know exactly what we are dealing with. If it proves to behighly transmissable and/or that it causes serious illness and /or it is able to circumvent the immunity derived from natural of vaccine induced immunity, then yes do all of those things. Save lives. Deal with it. And I will tell you another thing, by and large, varients develop and spread because of dumb fuck who wont get vaxxed , wont mask up and wont excercise other common sense precautions. Now wipe the spit off of your chin and get a grip

What the fuck is wrong with you??! Pay attention. It has beed said several times that we do not yet know exactly what we are dealing with. If it proves to behighly transmissable and/or that it causes serious illness and /or it is able to circumvent the immunity derived from natural of vaccine induced immunity, then yes do all of those things. Save lives. Deal with it. And I will tell you another thing, by and large, varients develop and spread because of dumb fuck who wont get vaxxed , wont mask up and wont excercise other common sense precautions. Now wipe the spit off of your chin and get a grip

The question you “ask” is much more appropriately directed at folks like you, you twit. Speaking of which:

just answer the question. Are you amongst those who CURRENTLY believes based on the damn little we know about Omicron variant, that we NEED to be alarmed?
The question you “ask” is much more appropriately directed at folks like you, you twit. Speaking of which:

just answer the question. Are you amongst those who CURRENTLY believes based

The question you “ask” is much more appropriately directed at folks like you, you twit. Speaking of which:

just answer the question. Are you amongst those who CURRENTLY believes based on the damn little we know about Omicron variant, that we NEED to be alarmed?
YES. We need to be "alarmed" That does not mean an immediate and total lockdown. We need to be vigilant and ready to act if necessary. We need to take precautions in the meantime- like getting vaxxed and masking. Do you have a problem with any of that? If that is not a good enough answere for you , too fucking bad. You people think in ridgid, concrete terms- all or nothing/black and white- which is the antihesis of the ability to engage in critical thinking and to deal with nuances and uncertainty, and that in tern distiguishes high function and intelligent people from morons. I've got you pegged. Deal with it.
Answering simple questions. Instead of just addressing the topic, you ignorantly suggested that I probably believe — whatever. Pure deflection by you. As you know.
Answering simple questions. Instead of just addressing the topic, you ignorantly suggested that I probably believe — whatever. Pure deflection by you. As you know.
See post 151 and lets see if you can come up with a reasonable response, or, if all that you can do is to continue to bait me and accuse me of deflection
YES. We need to be "alarmed" That does not mean an immediate and total lockdown. We need to be vigilant and ready to act if necessary. We need to take precautions in the meantime- like getting vaxxed and masking. Do you have a problem with any of that? If that is not a good enough answere for you , too fucking bad. You people think in ridgid, concrete terms- all or nothing/black and white- which is the antihesis of the ability to engage in critical thinking and to deal with nuances and uncertainty, and that in tern distiguishes high function and intelligent people from morons. I've got you pegged. Deal with it.
Finally. A left winger who can answer a direct question. Never mind that I don’t agree with your answer. I’m more impressed with the fact that you had the gumption to at least offer a direct answer.

Given what little we know of the Omicron variant so far, I see zero reason for alarm.

In fact, I think we need to be more alarmed at how our government has been seeking to USE this pandemic as a tool for suppression of our rights. Maybe I’m an outlier. I have had my first shot, my first booster and my second booster. Purely as a courtesy to others, I’ll even wear a mask in public (indoor) places except when dining.

I’m fine with being properly cautious. But I draw the line at alarm. And one more thing: I do seriously doubt the official numbers here in the USA. I believe lots of “COVID deaths” were nothing more than non covid-caused deaths which happened to include some weak, tangential and Irrelevant spurious connection to COVID.
YES. We need to be "alarmed" That does not mean an immediate and total lockdown. We need to be vigilant and ready to act if necessary. We need to take precautions in the meantime- like getting vaxxed and masking. Do you have a problem with any of that? If that is not a good enough answere [sic] for you , too fucking bad. You people think in ridgid [sic], concrete terms- all or nothing/black and white- which is the antihesis [sic] of the ability to engage in critical thinking and to deal with nuances and uncertainty, and that in tern distiguishes [sic] high function and intelligent people from morons. I've got you pegged. Deal with it.

Believing and obeying lying politicians when they tell you that you should allow yourself to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs, to “protect” you from a disease that poses nowhere near the credible threat to your health health or safety that those drugs do…

Believing and those same lying politicians when they tell you to wear a mask to “protect” you and others from a virus, that has gaps in it that are literally hundreds of times bigger than the virus that you're supposed to believe it will protect anyone from…

Believing and obeying these same lying politicians when they tell you that your businesses and employers need to be shut down, and you need to sacrifice your freedom, your ability to make a living, and so on, to “protect” you from this disease…

These are not signs of critical thinking. These are indications of one who stupidly, blindly believes and obeys whatever lies he is told, without the intellect or courage to dare to open his eyes, and see the proof that is right in front of his face that he is being lied to and manipulated by those who have only malevolent intentions and motives. That is the most exact possible opposite of critical thinking.
See post 151 and lets see if you can come up with a reasonable response, or, if all that you can do is to continue to bait me and accuse me of deflection

Once again, referring back to a post that was complete bullshit when it was first written does not make it any less bullshit when you refer back to it.

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