Death toll rising in syria & egypt


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Over 100,00 now dead. While the terrorists continue to massacre each other in their own countries, it is my hope that both the USA & Israel will just stay completely out of it & wish both sides victory until there are none left.
MJB where have you been? regarding those fake reports about
INTERNAL TURMOIL in syria and egypt-----talk to Mr tin------he has
INSIDE INFORMATION -----proviing that ----in egypt and syria ----LOVE
CONQUORS ALL except those "OUTSIDERS" who are inventing
silly stories and -----sometimes killing syrians and egyptians

I think they are the same people who caused the trouble in Libya and
Tunisia-------in fact some time ago ----I was informed by a very
enthusistic BANGLA DESHI_------that the civil war of 1971 which
led to the creation of BANGLA DESH-----had nothing to do with
west Pakistan------somehow-----the Indian army and Mossad did it----
ALL OF IT-----he knows that because ---he heard it from his own
father and in the mosque. Don't jump to conclusions-----all those
dead people is OLD FOOTAGE
Oh my goodness, thank you for enlightening me. Now I get it, its those Zionists in Israel who are massacring each other like a bunch of backward barbarians. And here I actually believed all that Zionist propaganda that it is the Arabs who are doing that in their countries.

MJB where have you been? regarding those fake reports about
INTERNAL TURMOIL in syria and egypt-----talk to Mr tin------he has
INSIDE INFORMATION -----proviing that ----in egypt and syria ----LOVE
CONQUORS ALL except those "OUTSIDERS" who are inventing
silly stories and -----sometimes killing syrians and egyptians

I think they are the same people who caused the trouble in Libya and
Tunisia-------in fact some time ago ----I was informed by a very
enthusistic BANGLA DESHI_------that the civil war of 1971 which
led to the creation of BANGLA DESH-----had nothing to do with
west Pakistan------somehow-----the Indian army and Mossad did it----
ALL OF IT-----he knows that because ---he heard it from his own
father and in the mosque. Don't jump to conclusions-----all those
dead people is OLD FOOTAGE
Oh my goodness, thank you for enlightening me. Now I get it, its those Zionists in Israel who are massacring each other like a bunch of backward barbarians. And here I actually believed all that Zionist propaganda that it is the Arabs who are doing that in their countries.

well not quite O ENLIGHTENED ONE ----------it is the zionists who are telling
"OUTSIDERS" to do it It is not clear that the "outsiders" are actually
zionists. Keep in mind---British people TOLD the youth of Teheran to
riot in the street--------and ----they did do what the brits told them to do.
Of course-----that action could have been a zionist plot too-----by british
zionists-----who spoke specifically to Iranian zionists
Over 100,00 now dead. While the terrorists continue to massacre each other in their own countries, it is my hope that both the USA & Israel will just stay completely out of it & wish both sides victory until there are none left.

It is not quite so simple.

It is to Israel advantage if its first ranking enemies are killed off, notably the Islamists, and even if the rest may still be enemies, at least they can provide stability.
In Egypt, Israel seems to have a cooperative understanding with the Army, and in Syria the main problem are Al Qaeda fundamentalists who have poured from all over the world.

It is in US and Israel interest for full stability to be regained in both countries ...and that will never happen under the Muslim Hood in Egypt or Al Qaeda in Syria.
Seriously, I believe the best that can happen for the USA & Israel is for the Arab Spring to never end. What greater contribution to peace can the Muslim terrorists make to all of the civilized world than to just keep on killing each other?

Over 100,00 now dead. While the terrorists continue to massacre each other in their own countries, it is my hope that both the USA & Israel will just stay completely out of it & wish both sides victory until there are none left.

It is not quite so simple.

It is to Israel advantage if its first ranking enemies are killed off, notably the Islamists, and even if the rest may still be enemies, at least they can provide stability.
In Egypt, Israel seems to have a cooperative understanding with the Army, and in Syria the main problem are Al Qaeda fundamentalists who have poured from all over the world.

It is in US and Israel interest for full stability to be regained in both countries ...and that will never happen under the Muslim Hood in Egypt or Al Qaeda in Syria.
40 years since they've attacked us to destroy us

Where are you, Syria, Lebanon, and Egpyt, and where are we?
Ah heck, no worry. They got better things to do these days than attack Israel again.

40 years since they've attacked us to destroy us

Where are you, Syria, Lebanon, and Egpyt, and where are we?
What I find most interesting is how Israel & Egypt are working together against Hamas & other Islamic terrorist organizations. Gosh I wonder if this joint effort for peace in the Middle East pleases the Palestinians?

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