Debbie Riddle-GOP fearmongering at it's finest


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.
Unfortunately this is today's Right...this is today's Republican Party.

The Republicans are really TOAST!!

More denial from you loony lefties. Your party had control, the people have witnessed your complete and utter failure in economic issues and will vote your Communist asses out in November! Sucks to be you.

Hey let me ask you guys a serious question. Why do you watch Anderson Copper 180? I had never heard of him until he got his show on CNN. Then one day as I was at the magazine rack I saw him on the cover of one of those Homo-Centric magazines. Is that why you watch him, just because he's gay? Must be the same reason with that guy Rachell Maddow right? You only pay attention because they're gay right? "Look at me! I watch a show by a gay guy. I'm sooooo diversity!". Pretty stupid fuckin' reason if you ask me.

You know, I couldn't care less if a conservative commentator was gay. The commentary is what matters but apparently not to you lefty/communists.
The idiot moon bats have their own versions of Limbaugh and Beck. They're just convinced that their talking heads are smarter than any other talking heads.
nice you two...real nice....i love the name calling....

seems there are enough idiots to go about....on both sides

But you see I never listen to nor watch idiot talking heads on the radio or TV. I actually form my own opinions without needing to be spoon fed by some idiot commentator.
Do you think I can get my son a "terrorist in training" t-shirt?

I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

Hit me up with a video link or a link to the interview transcript. I wanna see it because from your description this lady needs to feel what its like to get voted out of office. I dont want to jump to conclusions without veiwing the comments myself though.
I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

Hit me up with a video link or a link to the interview transcript. I wanna see it because from your description this lady needs to feel what its like to get voted out of office. I dont want to jump to conclusions without veiwing the comments myself though.

Terror Babies | Anderson Cooper | Debbie Riddle | Mediaite

She's a fuckin wack job...
I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

You have quite enough to feel embarrassed over.
I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

Hit me up with a video link or a link to the interview transcript. I wanna see it because from your description this lady needs to feel what its like to get voted out of office. I dont want to jump to conclusions without veiwing the comments myself though.

Terror Babies | Anderson Cooper | Debbie Riddle | Mediaite

She's a fuckin wack job...

She makes a great point that our lack of southern border security is a severe threat to the safety of all american citizens.

However, using this weird baby theory as an angle to support her position on border security was moronic.

We all know that terrorists can sneak over the southern border with the illegal migrant workers...she should just stick to that as her "issue"
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I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

You scare easily.
I would be embarrassed to be living in Texas, represented by Debbie Riddle after watching her on Anderson Cooper 360 last night.

The idea that mothers of any nationality, religion, or creed could come to America and give birth to a child with the hope and intent that they become suicide bombers is ridiculous. The lack of ANY proof brought by Debbie Riddle makes this issue sound more like a rumor heard from a conspiracy theorist than an issue their Congress should be taking seriously.

You scare easily.

Says the guy who is afraid of homosexuals getting married.
UPDATE: as of last night, Debbie Riddle STILL has produced NO evidence, NONE, to support her wild fearmongering....
It's an opinion and a theory. Far-fetched maybe but not surprising.
It's an opinion and a theory. Far-fetched maybe but not surprising.

And WHO wants our elected officials, people who help to make laws, making wild accusations with no evidence to support them?

Can you say WMD?
It's an opinion and a theory. Far-fetched maybe but not surprising.

And WHO wants our elected officials, people who help to make laws, making wild accusations with no evidence to support them?

Can you say WMD?

Can you say "let's spend $1 trillion and unemployment will not go above 8%"?
Can you say "If we don't bail out GM & Chrysler the economy will collapse"?
Can you say "If we don't dabble in the financial sector some more, like we did the last time that caused the collapse, it will happen again"?

Come on man.... this chick's a bit batty, admitted, but in the grand scheme of things... so is Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Kucinich, Lindsay Graham, and who was thing wingnut who thought Guam was going to tip over?

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