Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you stupid? She equated Scott Walker to a woman beater. What would happen if Scott Walker came out in public in black face? I mean if he didn't say anything racist according to you it would be OK?
democrats are piles of shit - that is the simple truth.

DWS is a putrid demagogue - which is the standard for democrats today. A vile scum that evokes visions of Goebbels and Swastakas is the perfect leader of the democrats.

Why is anyone surprised that this piece of filth acts true to her nature and the nature of her filthy party?
They don't object because the idiot Tpublicfools allowed the vawa to expire and than fought like crazy to weaken it and make it null and void for huge segments of the women's population. The Republicans, guided by the radical extremest T baggers objected to renewing or strengthening the bill that gave protection to women who were beat up by drunken or crazy or just plain mean boy friends and husbands. Now the idiots are angry because a women politician spoke badly of one of their leaders. Republicans want men to be given a break when they punch out and kick the crap out of their women, buy whine when a women speaks harshly about them.

Essentially, you of the Khmer Rouge use the same tactics as the Nazis. Little Goebbels running around slandering and libeling those you hate.

Because the democratic party is completely free of even a hint of integrity, you feel empowered to lie prodigiously in hopes that you will damage those who stand in the way of power for the party.

We wonder how the Holocaust or the Killing Fields happen, one look at the filth that is Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the democratic party explains it.

You should be ashamed of your party, but you have no integrity, no ethics, valuing only power, so you are not.
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What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and attempts Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
So she wants public funding to kill babies in wombs and any attempt to curtail that is dragging women's rights backwards? Where in the Constitution do you have the right to have someone else pay for your abortion? The rest of your post reads like a paint mixing machine.
What has Walker done to attack women?

None of you lame-brains can answer that.
What was not true?

Every word the vile **** spewed.

You know this, so why did you ask?

Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact?

She was slandering an enemy of the party, like the Goebbels clone she is.

Demagoguery is the heart of today's democratic party - it is the ONLY tool in the belt of these putrid hacks.

There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and attempts Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.

There is a hope among Khmer Rouge that the baggage of Hillary Clinton will not keep her from running. If she does run, the politics of hate are the basis for everything from you of the Khmer Rouge. This filthy puke is simply spewing the trash that your disgusting party plans to use to foment hatred as a means of gaining power.

It's the way you do it - just like the Nazis did before you.
democrats love word games. Holding opinions different from the president is "racism". Making women responsible for their own birth control and abortions is a "war on women" (that's all the "war" ever is about, abortion). These are reasons why democrats are not taken seriously in the arena of ideas.
What has Walker done to attack women?

None of you lame-brains can answer that.

Actions don't matter to liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself), only intentions, and when it comes to Republicans, only the name brand matters. That's why Obama can give a speech, do absolutely nothing, and they're convinced he solved a problem.
Hell, we thought one of your political platforms was family is paramount.
Ummm!!! But economics trumps family values.
Interesting concept.

  1. Women take maternity leave. Do you expect to get paid for 3-8 months to sit at home?
  2. Women have been in the job market less than men, so they spend less time learning their trade.
  3. Some professions have a difficult time attracting women for one reason or another.

You mean facts trump your smear campaign.
democrats love word games. Holding opinions different from the president is "racism". Making women responsible for their own birth control and abortions is a "war on women" (that's all the "war" ever is about, abortion). These are reasons why democrats are not taken seriously in the arena of ideas.
If DWS could, she would pass a law giving women the right to kill their babies up thru the age of seven.
What was not true?

Every word the vile **** spewed.

You know this, so why did you ask?

Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact?

She was slandering an enemy of the party, like the Goebbels clone she is.

Demagoguery is the heart of today's democratic party - it is the ONLY tool in the belt of these putrid hacks.

There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and attempts Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.

There is a hope among Khmer Rouge that the baggage of Hillary Clinton will not keep her from running. If she does run, the politics of hate are the basis for everything from you of the Khmer Rouge. This filthy puke is simply spewing the trash that your disgusting party plans to use to foment hatred as a means of gaining power.

It's the way you do it - just like the Nazis did before you.
And yet the idiot brigade is unable to voice a specific lie. But the ability to be foul, crude and act like animals has not disappeared from the idiot brigade.
And yet the idiot brigade is unable to voice a specific lie.

Specific lie?

"Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

The filthy twat said nothing true, but lies are easy to point out.

But the ability to be foul, crude and act like animals has not disappeared from the idiot brigade.

Foul and crude defines Debbie Wasserman-Goebbels - while you clap with delight like a trained monkey.

The democrats are not a legitimate party, they are filthy scum on the same level as Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge.

You have nothing but lies, demagoguery, and misery to offer. Your lust for power is the only value of your filthy party.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
What a load of horse-dung.

Nobody took your rights away. Democrats simply invented urban legends to make it appears so.

What is the latest accusation?

Income inequality?

Why do women make less than men? I'll give you three guesses.

You can close your eyes and bury your head in the sand all you want. It won't change reality. Women know what the republican party is trying to do to us.

In the case of scott walker, he most certainly did repeal the equal pay act in Wisconsin in 2012. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin’s Repeal of Equal Pay Rights Adds to Battles for Women - The Daily Beast

He also signed the forced vaginal probe law in 2013. That law also included unnecessary regulations that caused clinics to be closed. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signs forced ultrasounds into law

You can make all the excuses you want. It will never stop women from running in horror from the republican party. No woman wants to be forced to have a medical test she doesn't need. No woman wants to be paid less than a man when doing the same work. You can make excuses for that all you want. There are no excuses to justify paying women less than a man while doing the same job. Women won't pay any attention to you. When we see republican politicians doing those things and much more, all the words in the world from you isn't going to make us women support and vote for republican politicians.

The republican party will continue to lose the votes of women if your party keeps this up.
Then you need to start with the White House on the equal pay issue. Female staffers are paid less than the men.
And yet the idiot brigade is unable to voice a specific lie.

Specific lie?

"Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

The filthy twat said nothing true, but lies are easy to point out.

But the ability to be foul, crude and act like animals has not disappeared from the idiot brigade.

Foul and crude defines Debbie Wasserman-Goebbels - while you clap with delight like a trained monkey.

The democrats are not a legitimate party, they are filthy scum on the same level as Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge.

You have nothing but lies, demagoguery, and misery to offer. Your lust for power is the only value of your filthy party.

Every year the Democrat party comes to resemble the German Nazi Party closer and closer.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
What a load of horse-dung.

Nobody took your rights away. Democrats simply invented urban legends to make it appears so.

What is the latest accusation?

Income inequality?

Why do women make less than men? I'll give you three guesses.

You can close your eyes and bury your head in the sand all you want. It won't change reality. Women know what the republican party is trying to do to us.

In the case of scott walker, he most certainly did repeal the equal pay act in Wisconsin in 2012. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin’s Repeal of Equal Pay Rights Adds to Battles for Women - The Daily Beast

He also signed the forced vaginal probe law in 2013. That law also included unnecessary regulations that caused clinics to be closed. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signs forced ultrasounds into law

You can make all the excuses you want. It will never stop women from running in horror from the republican party. No woman wants to be forced to have a medical test she doesn't need. No woman wants to be paid less than a man when doing the same work. You can make excuses for that all you want. There are no excuses to justify paying women less than a man while doing the same job. Women won't pay any attention to you. When we see republican politicians doing those things and much more, all the words in the world from you isn't going to make us women support and vote for republican politicians.

The republican party will continue to lose the votes of women if your party keeps this up.
Then you need to start with the White House on the equal pay issue. Female staffers are paid less than the men.

Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?

But they're fine with the same stranger sticking a vacuum cleaner up there to dismember and suck out all the contents of their uterus. And hey, who needs an accurate determination of the age of the little monster, it doesn't matter, as long as it dies.

Unreal isn't it? They just don't want some woman to see their CHILD they will be killing. they might change their minds. that's what that whole thing is over

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