Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

You don't speak for all women. You speak only for the low information women voters, most of them single, who have been conditioned by the Democratic Party to believe that if Republicans are elected, they will never be allowed to have sex again.

What a lie.

thank you
that one had every DNC talking point down pat
sheesh, sheep-tool

There is nothing that irritates me more about Democrats than the phony war on women.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives

Actually I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I am a liberal which means I have never voted for a conservative in my life. I've voted Independent, Green and Democratic.

I've even written in Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse with the belief that those cartoon characters would do a much better job that the human clowns on that ballot.

I could care less about a political party. If all of those on that ballot are idiots none of them will get my vote.

I care about America and all of our people.

It doesn't matter what you say. It's what you and your party has done and what you will do in the future. Which is why women are not only running as fast as they can from republicans in horror but are also teaching their children to never vote for your party.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
No it's not. Why lie?

On notice for what? A Jake fibfest

Yes, it is , and yes you are. Your lying will not help you any way at all. :lmao:
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives

Actually I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I am a liberal which means I have never voted for a conservative in my life. I've voted Independent, Green and Democratic.

I've even written in Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse with the belief that those cartoon characters would do a much better job that the human clowns on that ballot.

I could care less about a political party. If all of those on that ballot are idiots none of them will get my vote.

I care about America and all of our people.

It doesn't matter what you say. It's what you and your party has done and what you will do in the future. Which is why women are not only running as fast as they can from republicans in horror but are also teaching their children to never vote for your party.

I'm a woman, 63 years old. I graduated from college in the early 70s and got a professional graduate degree because I didn't want to be a teacher, nurse, or secretary. I experienced gender discrimination in my career. I fail to see how Republicans are keeping women from succeeding. Now, today. What has the party "done and will do in the future?"
If that stuff appeals to their base then they are as ugly as she is
Remember they call for CIVILTY? Then turn around and accuse people of crap like this
The point is with Democrats the more reckless the accusation.........the better.

This type of thing eventually makes it's way into their talking points. This is how the Tea Party became racists and terrorists, and Republicans became a bunch of white, rich fat-cats. The truth doesn't matter anymore.

So true. A lot of snide remarks with no basis in reality have been uttered, then repeated by more idiots until people take them as fact.

Meanwhile, actual facts get buried and denied until people take them as myths.

Schultz is the epitome of a whacko politician who says and does anything to stay in power. No scruples.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
No it's not. Why lie?

On notice for what? A Jake fibfest

Yes, it is , and yes you are. Your lying will not help you any way at all. :lmao:

If you really believe that, you have issues. If you don't, you have issues

Sad actually
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives

Actually I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I am a liberal which means I have never voted for a conservative in my life. I've voted Independent, Green and Democratic.

I've even written in Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse with the belief that those cartoon characters would do a much better job that the human clowns on that ballot.

I could care less about a political party. If all of those on that ballot are idiots none of them will get my vote.

I care about America and all of our people.

It doesn't matter what you say. It's what you and your party has done and what you will do in the future. Which is why women are not only running as fast as they can from republicans in horror but are also teaching their children to never vote for your party.

sure you do. all but those millions of people who are Republican
stop while you're ahead
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives

Actually I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I am a liberal which means I have never voted for a conservative in my life. I've voted Independent, Green and Democratic.

I've even written in Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse with the belief that those cartoon characters would do a much better job that the human clowns on that ballot.

I could care less about a political party. If all of those on that ballot are idiots none of them will get my vote.

I care about America and all of our people.

It doesn't matter what you say. It's what you and your party has done and what you will do in the future. Which is why women are not only running as fast as they can from republicans in horror but are also teaching their children to never vote for your party.

How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives

Actually I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I am a liberal which means I have never voted for a conservative in my life. I've voted Independent, Green and Democratic.

I've even written in Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse with the belief that those cartoon characters would do a much better job that the human clowns on that ballot.

I could care less about a political party. If all of those on that ballot are idiots none of them will get my vote.

I care about America and all of our people.

It doesn't matter what you say. It's what you and your party has done and what you will do in the future. Which is why women are not only running as fast as they can from republicans in horror but are also teaching their children to never vote for your party.

You're teaching your children which party to vote for? Really? I don't mean to tell you how to raise your kids but don't you think they would be better served if you gave them good values and let them make up their own minds? There are far too many people trying to indoctrinate children as to what is "correct". I can't remember my parents ever telling any of us who we should or shouldn't vote for and my father was a politician.
Yes, R. D., you are indeed sad, because your writing indicate you are capable of complex thinking, but your social issues interfere with clear thinking. That is sad. Lying is always a symptom in people like you.
You can't claim to be Independent when you're so chained to one party.

Just awful you fall their line of BS and then pass it around
"she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues." is not practically accusing "Scott Walker of assaulting women."

But your statement is a lie.

There you go. Defend a Democrat and then tell us how you're a Republican.
Jake has been reduced to nothing but a troll.

You're are the sad one and a bully
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We have the Civil Rights Act. I fail to understand why more is necessary. Is this a lawyers' relief bill?
How many days will the Repubaggers be on the defense and whining about how they are unfairly accused of having a war against women? They probably should promise never to introduce another law allowing strangers to stick stuff up women's vagina's. That Debbie girl is a trouble maker for sure.
there's that classic class warfare again

there are some jobs a woman will NEVER be able to do as well as a man does. so why should they be paid the same? I mean seriously. How would you like to have to carry someone around on your shoulders who is making the same wage you are?
you libs just don't think you just spew the talking points. pathetic
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

How many do we need?

And let me point out -- I sued my employer for gender discrimination under the Civil Rights Act and received a settlement that made me whole.
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

How many do we need?

And let me point out -- I sued my employer for gender discrimination under the Civil Rights Act and received a settlement that made me whole.
As many as it takes to plug the loopholes,

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