Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

Google "Debbie Wasserman-Shultz caught lying" and see how many hits you get.
What does that mean? I tried it and got the number 244,000. It means nothing. It's just a search engine combining words for random answers. I did a google on "george washington caught lying" and got 7,900,000 references.
Debbie just knows how to push buttons. She wants lots of PR. As long as the statement ends up in the press and on cable news with Republicans whining in the back ground she will drink champagne and laugh with her supporters.

Ah, so telling lies is defined now as "pushing buttons"? Got it...

When someone accuses me of something I haven't done, I tend to get angry. That's what they mean by "pushing buttons." It's a euphemism meaning "slandering the opposition."
Martin Bashir Resigns From MSNBC Following Sarah Palin Insults Reveals Deep Regret

"Given her well-established reputation as a world class idiot, it's hardly surprising that she should choose to mention slavery in a way that is abominable to anyone who knows anything about its barbaric history," Bashir said, and pointed to notes from the diary of a West Indian slave master named Thomas Thistlewood who talked about defecating in a slave's mouth. The TV host also called Palin "America's resident dunce."
If that stuff appeals to their base then they are as ugly as she is
Remember they call for CIVILTY? Then turn around and accuse people of crap like this
The point is with Democrats the more reckless the accusation.........the better.

This type of thing eventually makes it's way into their talking points. This is how the Tea Party became racists and terrorists, and Republicans became a bunch of white, rich fat-cats. The truth doesn't matter anymore.

Leftist political operatives and the members of the Democratic Party's base are rank savages, but then you knew that.
A lot of women are looking for someone to take care of them. If they don't have a man, then government is a good substitute.

As long as idiots like this one appear to speak for Republicans people will believe in the Republican war on women. Didn't some Republican leader give advice to stop saying stupid stuff?
Google "Debbie Wasserman-Shultz caught lying" and see how many hits you get.
What does that mean? I tried it and got the number 244,000. It means nothing. It's just a search engine combining words for random answers. I did a google on "george washington caught lying" and got 7,900,000 references.
Debbie just knows how to push buttons. She wants lots of PR. As long as the statement ends up in the press and on cable news with Republicans whining in the back ground she will drink champagne and laugh with her supporters.

Ah, so telling lies is defined now as "pushing buttons"? Got it...
No, lying may or may not be related to pushing buttons. Pushing buttons means saying something that will get a predictable reaction, usually a foolish over reaction, from a particular person of group of people.
A lot of women are looking for someone to take care of them. If they don't have a man, then government is a good substitute.

As long as idiots like this one appear to speak for Republicans people will believe in the Republican war on women. Didn't some Republican leader give advice to stop saying stupid stuff?

It's sad that you find reality to be stupid, but every women on this board knows what I posted is true. My wife's always telling me about women she knows who deliberately get themselves pregnant so they can get the father to pay child support. These women brag about how they have two different fathers of their children both paying them child support. There are millions of teenage girls who deliberately get themselves pregnant so they can go on welfare and don't have to get a job.

Those are just hard cold facts.
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


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Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

She is a gender pimp in the same vein that Sharpton and Jackson are race pimps. Tell a group of people that they are victims and their only salvation is to follow their cause.
What lie did little debbie tell that pissed off Republiteas the most?

Wow...which one? There were so many it's hard to choose...

There isn't one in this clip. What is the lie you claim she is telling in this video. She is arguing that as a Presidential candidate Romney is responsible for the Republican platform he is running under. I didn't see a lie being told. Is there something specific or a certain time in the video you can be specific about?
It would be nice if Walker, or even the GOP could sue the Dimocrat party for harassment. In all my years of watching politics, I don't recall a single politician that the opposition has went after more times than Walker.
It has just went beyond the absurd stage.
A lot of women are looking for someone to take care of them. If they don't have a man, then government is a good substitute.

As long as idiots like this one appear to speak for Republicans people will believe in the Republican war on women. Didn't some Republican leader give advice to stop saying stupid stuff?
Thats assuming its not the truth, but it is. Those woman dont deny it, why should we? Its all about choice
Not to be outdone by Wasserman-Schultz, Joe Biden chimed in with his two cents on Scott Walker: "Scott Walker has given BLACK women the back of his hand, grabbed them by their hair, pulled them back, and put them IN CHAAAAAINS!"
That's the big Democrat party platform...
The War on Women....
Over and over and over again...
Here how simple others think of issues like this...The ex- female governor of Montana, Judy Martz, made the comment once in a public venue that was addressing violence against women. Not her exact words but it was this simple...."“My husband has never battered me, but then again, I’ve never given him a reason to.”
So you see without thinking the entire problem through it makes them look rather ridiculous.
Some men don't need an excuse, if there is one, to batter a woman.
In their simple minds something as trivial as not having the house clean gives them the idea that its okay to batter someone.

Judy Martz Says the War on Women is 8220 Made Up 8221

Debbie is a stinking fool, of course.
But the fact that no one in the Democrat Party, or the women's movement, objected to this is testimony to the fact that they have no moral standing whatsoever. None.
They don't object because the idiot Tpublicfools allowed the vawa to expire and than fought like crazy to weaken it and make it null and void for huge segments of the women's population. The Republicans, guided by the radical extremest T baggers objected to renewing or strengthening the bill that gave protection to women who were beat up by drunken or crazy or just plain mean boy friends and husbands. Now the idiots are angry because a women politician spoke badly of one of their leaders. Republicans want men to be given a break when they punch out and kick the crap out of their women, buy whine when a women speaks harshly about them.
It would be nice if Walker, or even the GOP could sue the Dimocrat party for harassment. In all my years of watching politics, I don't recall a single politician that the opposition has went after more times than Walker.
It has just went beyond the absurd stage.

You're forgetting Palin. They hate her with a singular passion.
A lot of women are looking for someone to take care of them. If they don't have a man, then government is a good substitute.

As long as idiots like this one appear to speak for Republicans people will believe in the Republican war on women. Didn't some Republican leader give advice to stop saying stupid stuff?
Thats assuming its not the truth, but it is. Those woman dont deny it, why should we? Its all about choice

I was hoping that Camp was going to reign fire and brimstone down an me for disputing a liberal shibboleth.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.


There is no use of innuendo:

"What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back."

She doesn't say "like" or "as bad as."

W-S is being shrill. Apparently Walker has hit a nerve that's causing the squealing to commence. Good for him.
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Debbie is a stinking fool, of course.
But the fact that no one in the Democrat Party, or the women's movement, objected to this is testimony to the fact that they have no moral standing whatsoever. None.
They don't object because the idiot Tpublicfools allowed the vawa to expire and than fought like crazy to weaken it and make it null and void for huge segments of the women's population. The Republicans, guided by the radical extremest T baggers objected to renewing or strengthening the bill that gave protection to women who were beat up by drunken or crazy or just plain mean boy friends and husbands. Now the idiots are angry because a women politician spoke badly of one of their leaders. Republicans want men to be given a break when they punch out and kick the crap out of their women, buy whine when a women speaks harshly about them.
What does any of that crap have to do with Scott Walker?


Its Bush's Fault.

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