Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

How many do we need?

And let me point out -- I sued my employer for gender discrimination under the Civil Rights Act and received a settlement that made me whole.
As many as it takes to plug the loopholes,
What loopholes?

Oh, you mean meeting the statutory or regulatory standards, right?
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

How many do we need?

And let me point out -- I sued my employer for gender discrimination under the Civil Rights Act and received a settlement that made me whole.
As many as it takes to plug the loopholes,

For every law that is made they to repeal five laws.
Yes, R. D., you are indeed sad, because your writing indicate you are capable of complex thinking, but your social issues interfere with clear thinking. That is sad. Lying is always a symptom in people like you.
That was neither clever or responsive to my post.

You're a liar Jake. Spinning wont change that. Oh, and creepy as proven by your posts in this thread.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?
I remember when that Congresswoman was shot, Democrats promised they would tone down the rhetoric, but I guess that promise is down the shitter, just like all their other promises.
I remember when that Congresswoman was shot, Democrats promised they would tone down the rhetoric, but I guess that promise is down the shitter, just like all their other promises.
Ya, like this compares to the wacko from wasilla saying lock and load and promoting a target styled poster.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?

I've had a serious illness. I've had a lot of devices stuck in me and I wasn't given a lot of choice about it.

Since I assume you are referring to a vagina ultrasound pre-abortion, it's like having a series of tests and Xrays before surgery. You do it to qualify for the procedure you are seeking. You can get over that.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?
Good grief he signed into law an ultrasound. I feel assaulted by dumb liberal scare tactics.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Your fabrication only condemns such behavior.

Mud's intent was that the congress woman was indicating a sexual assault.

Such is not the case.

Your type of postings is an excellent example of why your politics are not taken seriously in America.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Your fabrication only condemns such behavior.

Mud's intent was that the congress woman was indicating a sexual assault.

Such is not the case.

Your type of postings is an excellent example of why your politics are not taken seriously in America.

As I heard the soundbite, it was a physical assault she was indicating.
And notice how the far left will not condemn their own, they would much rather watch the world burn that admit they are wrong!
And notice how the far left will not condemn their own, they would much rather watch the world burn that admit they are wrong!
but then demand Republicans condemn some radio host, some musician like, Ted Nugent, someone on a television show like, duck dynasty.

this was their own elected Representatives in Congress and they still can't bring themselves to do it
This is how liberals think. Then accuse Tea Party of being extremist. She is a typical liberal piece of shit. Can you imagine if a conservative said this. Liberal media would go nuts. Boswash influence over our nation must end.
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?

But they're fine with the same stranger sticking a vacuum cleaner up there to dismember and suck out all the contents of their uterus. And hey, who needs an accurate determination of the age of the little monster, it doesn't matter, as long as it dies.
Quite frankly with the gender gap we now have between men and women attending colleges I would be shocked if the existing wage gap isn't going to disappear without legislation of any kind. My question then becomes...are you going to call for legislation to provide more income for men that don't go to college and therefore start falling behind in wages received?
DWS is a lying ****! There is no war on women. Obama doesn't pay White House women equally.
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.

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