Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

So this issue is another one of those sneaky kind of bullcrap abortion issue's. The anti choice crowd wants to force women to watch ultra sounds before they get an abortion. Woman have had a right to have abortions ever since the Supreme Court ruled it was a woman's constitutional right to have one. Scott Walker signed a bill that demanded that if a woman wanted to use her constitutional right she would have to take an extra step forced upon her by the government. That means the woman's right was being hindered and pulled back. The right to an abortion without government involvement was taken away by Walker. The law he signed added government involvement with a specific procedure. The religious fanatics and American Taliban are dragging women's rights backwards. Little Debbie was telling the truth.
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
Gave women the back of his hand and grabbed them by the hair. How fucking stupid are you?
How many women did he smack around and drag by their hair?
I will not judge him until someone provides a number....
If it's a lot then I will make a judgement.
Debbie Wasserman Shits just gave Walker the election. Good job. Voter backlash will help Walker.
election coming up, time to smear the Tea Party and anyone they can

That's the dirty politics of the progressive/commie party. there is no Democrat party anymore. they are dead and gone, so call them what they are.

irony......either you do this on purpose or you are this stupid
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
Gave women the back of his hand and grabbed them by the hair. How fucking stupid are you?
i guess you are stupid enough not to see a metaphor....but then again look who is in this thread posting. A bunch of loyalist GOP who will regardless of the story go to bat for the Right.
Its fun watching these bottom feeders get all butthurt over a metaphor
Game over. Scott Walker is a winner. Thanks Debbie Dumb Fuck! Now voters that are offended by your comments will vote for Walker. About as effective as Paul Wellstone's funeral political rally.
Talking about butt hurt....
Looks like Debbie has it in spades.... heh heh heh
Walker assaulted women's eyes. As a centerfold model. The staple was "just big enough".
In his centerfold days, why didn't Scott go "full Monty"? Did he have something to hide?
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
Gave women the back of his hand and grabbed them by the hair. How fucking stupid are you?
i guess you are stupid enough not to see a metaphor....but then again look who is in this thread posting. A bunch of loyalist GOP who will regardless of the story go to bat for the Right.
Its fun watching these bottom feeders get all butthurt over a metaphor

In his centerfold days, why didn't Scott go "full Monty"? Did he have something to hide?
That's Scott colossal moron! There is dumb and then there is RDerp dumb!


You are the KING of ignorant...the SULTAN of stupid...the Count of clueless...the BOSS of buffoonery! You are RDerp!!!!!!!!
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
Gave women the back of his hand and grabbed them by the hair. How fucking stupid are you?
i guess you are stupid enough not to see a metaphor....but then again look who is in this thread posting. A bunch of loyalist GOP who will regardless of the story go to bat for the Right.
Its fun watching these bottom feeders get all butthurt over a metaphor

In his centerfold days, why didn't Scott go "full Monty"? Did he have something to hide?
That's Scott colossal moron! There is dumb and then there is RDerp dumb!


You are the KING of ignorant...the SULTAN of stupid...the Count of clueless...the BOSS of buffoonery! You are RDerp!!!!!!!!
The bottom line is that Democrats like Debbie Wasserman-Shultz have to resort to tactics like this because Walker has done a good job as Governor after his Democratic predecessors screwed the State up completely. If you can't run on REAL issues you run on "fake" issues like the GOP "war on women"!
If progressives had solutions to the problems we face that didn't involve putting the country trillions of dollars further in debt then they'd be trotting them out. But they don' they try to skirt the issues that Americans overwhelmingly care about...the economy and putting out this kind of nonsense about a war on women.

I've asked this question repeatedly and it ALWAYS makes liberals run for the hills...

What's Barry's economic plan to create jobs and stimulate the economy?

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