Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

It seems so unfair. Little Debbie brought the woman's issue and the war on woman to the forefront and has reminded all the woman getting ready to vote in a close election that Scott is an anti woman Tmachopublican. And she did it in a very aggressive way. Not the proper way for a lady to behave. Look how she made those Republicans whine and cry. Woman should never be allowed to talk that way to men.
Debbie's fellow Democrats are telling her she was naughty and should calm down and use less provocative language. The Republicans have been so busy criticizing her language that the message she put out has gone pretty much unchallenged and accepted. Scott Walker is unfair to woman seems to be the overall theme of the story.

Scott Walker has done more for the women in his state than most. Why should he pass a state law that is already a federal law?

Walker has a strong record protecting victims of domestic abuse. He committed $10.6 million to help fund a family justice center and $560,000 towards the construction of the Madison facility.

Assembly Bill 464 – The SAFE Act (Stopping Abuse through Enforcement) strengthens victim protections by establishing a procedure for persons prohibited from possessing a firearm under domestic abuse, child abuse, or harassment injunctions to turn over their firearms. If the person does not surrender firearms as required, the court can issue a warrant for the person’s arrest. Outagamie, Winnebago, Waushara, and Sauk Counties have already implemented the procedures in a successful pilot program. Representative Garey Bies (R-Sister Bay) and Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) authored the bill, which passed both the Assembly and the Senate on voice votes; it is Act 321.
Assembly Bill 176 – closes loopholes and strengthens protections for domestic abuse victims. Allows victims of stalking to seek a domestic abuse restraining order, makes it harder to vacate a Temporary Restraining Order by closing a loophole in the current law, allows a judge to prohibit all contact with the victim through a harassment restraining order, ensures child abuse restraining order hearings are closed and the records are sealed, and prohibits charging guardian ad litem fees to child victims and their non-offending parent. Representative André Jacque (R-De Pere) and Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) authored this bill, which passed by a voice vote in the Assembly and Senate; it is Act 322.
Senate Bill 160 – improves access to services for victims of domestic violence by requiring law enforcement officers inform them of shelters and services in their community, give notice of legal rights, and provide a statement informing the victim of steps to take to plan for their safety. The bill also requires the Department of Administration (DOA) to maintain and give the Department of Justice (DOJ) a system to allow district attorneys to manage and share case information. Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) and Representative André Jacque (R-De Pere) authored the bill, which passed both the Assembly and Senate on a voice vote; it is Act 323.
Add in 2014 legislation that aims at protecting victims of Human Trafficking and punishing offenders and Gov. Walker's record of focusing on protecting the victims of domestic violence in Wisconsin is sterling.

My advice to the Debbie Dumbasses out there is learn about who you're attacking before you make yourself look like a total idiot.
She's walking her statements back. Typical lib, when challenged they fold.
thats what makes Us liberals better the you republicans... when wrong we correct it ... you republicans just keep saying it no matter how wrong you are just keep repeating the stupid shit

You're cowards that don't stand up to your convictions. You crawfish when challenged or run away.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?

Do you mean like the mandatory prostate exams I received in the military? That sort of government probing?
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

If you don't lke hearing what scum your republicans are like then tell walker to stop his hair pulling ....

first Mcdonell, the Scott walker will be his room mate

Liberal propaganda at work.

Your entire ldeology is based off of this type of hate-speech.

This is the face of the Democratic Party.

What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?

A quite inflammatory and inaccurate one, if it was indeed a metaphor.

"Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. I know that is reality,"

It doesn't appear to be a metaphor, especially with the "I know that is reality."

I can understand the tendency to close ranks when someone says something stupid, but you folks on the left are doubling down instead. When a stupid person (yes, she actually is unintelligent) says stupid things it's usually not a good idea to defend those remarks. The amazing thing is that this is supposedly the best your side has to offer.

If you have any critical thinking skills, you should take a look at her body of work as Chair of the DNC and ask whether she's winning over anyone from the center or the right with her over the top comments. If the stereotype you're trying to fight is the "angry stupid woman" it's not really a good idea to put an angry stupid woman at the forefront.

Or you can just keep posturing than ultrasounds are "vaginal probes."
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.
She was speaking figuratively bro not literally. So what did she say he did that was figuratively giving the back hand to women?

Except for that " I know that is direct. I know that is reality," part.
Everyone knew I meant Brown. I'm just used to typing Walker after Scott. It happens when you get old.

Everyone knew you were talking about Brown when you typed Walker in a thread about Walker?

Debie Wasserman Schultz....if you close your eyes it sounds like three pulls on the toilet paper roll in preparation for a very nasty wipe.
It seems so unfair. Little Debbie brought the woman's issue and the war on woman to the forefront and has reminded all the woman getting ready to vote in a close election that Scott is an anti woman Tmachopublican. And she did it in a very aggressive way. Not the proper way for a lady to behave. Look how she made those Republicans whine and cry. Woman should never be allowed to talk that way to men.

Who said that other than some voice in your head?

That's no way for ANYONE to talk to ANYONE. There's no war on women here, it's backlash against a very stupid woman.
This is the face of the Democratic Party.


absolutely true !!! they are in trouble simply because that hole in her face spews more shit than her asshole emits. :up:

she is pure 100% :asshole:
Walker assaulted women's eyes. As a centerfold model. The staple was "just big enough".

Everyone knew I meant Brown. I'm just used to typing Walker after Scott. It happens when you get old.

Stupid is what happens when you get old? Everyone here was talking about Scott start talking about Scott Brown. THAT is why you're RDerp...the board's answer to Joe Biden!
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.

I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

when you observe the body of the democrat party

she would be what is known as the anus
She's walking her statements back. Typical lib, when challenged they fold.
thats what makes Us liberals better the you republicans... when wrong we correct it ... you republicans just keep saying it no matter how wrong you are just keep repeating the stupid shit

Wasserman-Shultz only apologizes when the main stream media calls her out for telling blatant lies and won't let it slide. If they DIDN'T she would never walk her statements back! She's one of those people that thinks the end justifies the means. If she has to lie to defeat the Republicans then she's more than willing to do just that...something she's proven time after time.

THAT is who you liberals are right now, Billy...
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.

I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.

Do you ever ask yourself WHY she needs to tell those lies, Camp? A "bad way of saying what she wanted to say"? LOL Can't bring yourself to admit that she's deliberately misleading the American electorate...can you?
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

Visit our election section for complete coverage of the 2014 spring and fall elections.

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

What did she say he did specifically?
Gave women the back of his hand and grabbed them by the hair. How fucking stupid are you?

She was speaking figuratively bro not literally. So what did she say he did that was figuratively giving the back hand to women?

She's walking her statements back. Typical lib, when challenged they fold.

She stated his policies were like a backhand to women. I am still waiting for her to identify which of those policies she means? I believe it will be abortion, free healthcare, opposition to Obaminationcare and probably something on equal pay. Nevertheless, if she stays ambiguous in her assertion it fits her narrative and attack better. Schultz has no honor!
I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.
You're trying to make her look smart. It isn't working.

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