Debbie Wasserman Scultz is in deep trouble. It's her laptop, not the IT guys laptop. She lied

I will lick Maxine Waters' asshole if anything comes of this. The political class are above the law, and they have declared war on the people.
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Politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits are not to be believed without complete and independent corroboration.

And they've earned that status.
The hubris to demand the Chief of Police violate the law and return evidence in a criminal investigation is absolutely disgusting.

She knows she is above the law because she is part of the Clinton inner circle.

When will the IT guy caught at Dulles trying to flee to Pakistan going to "commit suicide"?
The FBI have to go after her and let their bosses know "we are going to do our job. If you want to pardon her, that's your choice, but we will pursue charges if warranted".

There has to be a strong message to anyone going forward, that unlike countries like Canada and Russia, anyone abusing their power is accountable. If not, you might as well throw the lawbooks out and tell the world National Security isn't a priority, America is "open for business".
The FBI have to go after her and let their bosses know "we are going to do our job. If you want to pardon her, that's your choice, but we will pursue charges if warranted".

There has to be a strong message to anyone going forward, that unlike countries like Canada and Russia, anyone abusing their power is accountable. If not, you might as well throw the lawbooks out and tell the world National Security isn't a priority, America is "open for business".

The Swamp is fucking deep. We see more and more of it everyday.

We have a video of a member of congress obstructing justice in a criminal investigation.

It's absolutely disgusting.
Realistically she belongs in Witness Protection. She should trade her information on the Seth Rich murder for a reduced sentence
The Daily Caller? They've been promising investigations and charges against a number of Democrats for the past year and nothing ever comes of it.
I love when Libs question sources of leaks if they don't like the news.

The left wing activist news sources that they deem reliable wash their news to fit their narrative.

They claimed Wikileaks DNC emails were all fake....well, where is that evidence. If those emails are fake, why didn't DNC release the real ones and why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz resign?

Because they were not fake and because the Dems are fucking corrupt.
Libs ignore and excuse away bad behavior on their side. It's as predictable as the sunrise. They wont call out DWS for the piece of shit partisan hack that she is.
I love when Libs question sources of leaks if they don't like the news.

The left wing activist news sources that they deem reliable wash their news to fit their narrative.

They claimed Wikileaks DNC emails were all fake....well, where is that evidence. If those emails are fake, why didn't DNC release the real ones and why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz resign?

Because they were not fake and because the Dems are fucking corrupt.

"I love when Libs question sources of leaks if they don't like the news." Angus

Oh, the hypocrisy of the above statement.
Every time a MSM reports a negativity about Trump, there is a chorus from the right singing, "fake news, fake news, fakes news". :happy-1:
I can't stand Wasserman Schultz, she's always been slime, I wouldn't cry if she was put in the slammer.
But then there is something called "innocent until proven guilty". You know that thing that happened to Sheriff Joe. You guys seem to want to lock up a lot of people without a trial. What's up with that?
I love when Libs question sources of leaks if they don't like the news.

The left wing activist news sources that they deem reliable wash their news to fit their narrative.

They claimed Wikileaks DNC emails were all fake....well, where is that evidence. If those emails are fake, why didn't DNC release the real ones and why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz resign?

Because they were not fake and because the Dems are fucking corrupt.

"I love when Libs question sources of leaks if they don't like the news." Angus

Oh, the hypocrisy of the above statement.
Every time a MSM reports a negativity about Trump, there is a chorus from the right singing, "fake news, fake news, fakes news". :happy-1:
I can't stand Wasserman Schultz, she's always been slime, I wouldn't cry if she was put in the slammer.
But then there is something called "innocent until proven guilty". You know that thing that happened to Sheriff Joe. You guys seem to want to lock up a lot of people without a trial. What's up with that?

I have no problem with Joe being punished. I think he should have retired a long time ago.

Prog assholes always question the source when the story is something bad about one of theirs...but to defend DWS is fucking hilarious. She is corrupt as fuck.

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