Deblasio, American traitor? Goes to Germany to protest G20

Since when are cons big fans of the G 20 ? An illuminatti org of socialist countries?
All democrooks are traitors to one degree. Some are deliberately so to a severe degree.
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Since when are cons big fans of the G 20 ? An illuminatti org of socialist countries?
We are founded of capitalism. The protests in Germany are anti capitalism based anarchist.
And that's the message Deblasio wants to give apparently.
The guy who represents the capitalist capital of the world, New York city, wants to protest it....

Oh, and talk shit on the Prez from foreign soil.
German police treat those wild protesters the way they should be treated: spray a lot of water on them. Hopefully, Deblasio will get pretty wet there.
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And what happened to the tradition of ex presidents not stepping on the toes of the current president?

Why do these idiots feel the need to go overseas and undermine the current administration?
I have a feeling those days are now forever gone as we circle the drain
Just another run of the mill communist.....
Mayor of the most powerful capitalist city in the world... and you call him a "run of the mill communist" :rofl:
Mayor of the most powerful capitalist city in the world PROTESTING CAPITALISM.

This shit writes itself
You conservatives elected Trump in order to oppose globalism and free trade. Why have you flip flopped?
I didn't elect Trump. And please cite where I oppose the free market.

I won't be holding my breath

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