Debt Ceiling Deal Done

Uniparty. back in power. idiots think these thieves are doing something good for Americans. LOLOL
America fucked once again.

No intention by either party to be fiscally responsible.

We only have one political party in the US and that is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch while the Republicans a little more moderate, but not enough to make much of a difference.
Sucks paying the bills huh?

Put on your big boy pants
Paying the bills by putting it on your credit card for next year? You really need to reexamine your heroes and maybe look up ponzi scheme and see how they turn out. It may be more satisfying for you to feel superior though, and that's ok.


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The Senate passed it last night

Another GOP manufactured "crisis" averted.

One wonders what the next one will be. A government shutdown maybe?
There is no need to post threads parroting the MSM. We all get exposed to that shit. Unless of course, you’re trolling as usual.
Just pointing out that you extremists don't get to trash the economy
Paying the bills by putting it on your credit card for next year? You really need to reexamine your heroes and maybe look up ponzi scheme and see how they turn out. It may be more satisfying for you to feel superior though, and that's ok.
Government Spending, Deficits & Debt Explode when Republicans are power. Democrats occasionally cut them.
Another failure of our so called leaders.
See y'all at the next "debt ceiling crisis" when we kick the can down the road again, and again, and again in an endless loop government overspending.

Nothing to celebrate, unless you are cheerleading for Americas eventual financial collapse.

Balance the fucking budget!!!

The Senate passed it last night

Another GOP manufactured "crisis" averted.

One wonders what the next one will be. A government shutdown maybe?
Huge win for Biden. Huge loss for McCarthy. Not like we didn't see it coming, though. RINOs are RINOs just like a leopard can't change its spots. What's another 4 trillion added to America's debt. No biggy. Pocket change coming right out of the taxpayer's pockets.
America fucked once again.

No intention by either party to be fiscally responsible.

We only have one political party in the US and that is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch while the Republicans a little more moderate, but not enough to make much of a difference.
Repunks are the stupid branch.
Repunks are the stupid branch.
Without the Republicans the debt would have been increased with absolutely no reductions.

Although far short of anything resembling fiscal responsibility at least the Democrat assholes got a little push back from the Republicans on their bat shit crazy spending.
Without the Republicans the debt would have been increased with absolutely no reductions.

Although far short of anything resembling fiscal responsibility at least the Democrat assholes got a little push back from the Republicans on their bat shit crazy spending.
Just not nearly enough pushback. The sensible Republicans were cancelled out by the crap load of RINOs and Demwits.
Not paying any bills. Just putting more and more on the credit card. $32,000,000,000,000 and adding
Oh really? How much did the debt ceiling deal add to the debt?

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