Debunked health care claims live on at Heritage town hall

It isn't "my take", it is what is happening....I laugh at you assholes who simply swallow the Bammy jizz.

When part D came out the same thing happened the Gov subsidies here took 18 months to kicik...18 months of claims paid on subpar premiums.

Get back to when you are educated, not just some stupid fuck with an opinion.

-pewsh!- I'll take your word for it that the Bush administration fucked up Part D but-----but in case you haven't noticed, that was Part D, we've moved on, now-----now we're talking about Obamacare - try to keep up - K?

LOL - I'll believe you're "in the business" when you post your credentials but-----but in case you didn't notice, this is a message board - you can self identify yourself as "in the business" or-----or you can park your ass in a hangar and call yourself an airplane, both are equally believable but-----but with the nonsense you're known to post about Obamacare most people probably think you're more likely to be an airplane.

Translation: "Nuh-Uh."

People like you make me just shake my head.

The Exchanges aren't going to be ready, the subsidies will not be distributed on time, everything will be manual in October, causing 10 times the work....and the industry is in chaos...there is nothing you can do to change those facts.

You should be paying attention to the rates coming out on those single 20 to 30 tear olds, you know....the ones supposedly going to be the financing mechanism of this stupid bill...

This states came out last night and like almost everywhere else they are getting hit the hardest..

You lose son, it is a disaster.

Saying there will be chaos is the lowest of the low hanging fruit. Big changes are always chaotic but-----but Obamacare will be implemented, if I had a crystal ball I think it would tell me the March 31st date will be moved forward -so what?-

And-----and American's are getting tired of Republican's wasting their tax dollars - "In other words, since 2011, the House of Representatives has spent approximately $53.8 million attempting to repeal health care reform. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office estimated last year that repeal would add $109 billion to deficits over the next decade, according to

At the same time the House continues to vote to defund the health care act, overall health care spending is declining and some experts have suggested the declines could be permanent. A recent Harvard study found “public health care spending will be as much as $770 billion less than predicted.” "

Obamacare is the law of the land, pre-existing conditions will be covered but-----but I doubt the law will be able to cure wasteful Republicans Obamacare derangement syndrome.
If the damn Rs would support the needs of the US instead of foreign countries, the transition would be easier and smoother. They'll do whatever they can to hurt the people, just as they for quite a long time now.

Even with them, ObamaCare will be difficult to get up and working. But, so was Medicare. That was a huge mess but congress was willing to do what they needed to do in order to serve the country and it has been a huge success and operates within its budget.

The Rs are traitors to their country and to the citizens who elected them.
I'm terrified of government that enslaves us to insurance companies.

Which is, as we all know, is the opposite of what ObamaCare does.

'as we all know' is the preamble to a con.

You repeat this lie over and over and I ask you for links

I've provided you, over and over, with links to the individual mandate portion of PPACA - which you apparently are incapable of reading. It perpetually obligates each of us to the insurance industry. This has been the insurance industry's goal all along - to insert itself as permanent fixture (and profit-taker) in every single health care transaction. Only shills and willing slaves would support such a takeover.
'as we all know' is the preamble to a con.

is a non-factual cop-out.

No, 'as we all know' is the factual copout. Thus my response. 'As we all know' is avoidance of something we don't know at all. It's something you, and your insurance company sponsors, want us to accept as a premise.

I've provided you, over and over, with links to the individual mandate portion of PPACA

No you haven't. BUT ...

Individual Mandate of the Healthcare Law | NFIB Research Cribsheet.

Yeah. WTF??? This confirms what I'm saying. Which part has you confused?
-pewsh!- I'll take your word for it that the Bush administration fucked up Part D but-----but in case you haven't noticed, that was Part D, we've moved on, now-----now we're talking about Obamacare - try to keep up - K?

LOL - I'll believe you're "in the business" when you post your credentials but-----but in case you didn't notice, this is a message board - you can self identify yourself as "in the business" or-----or you can park your ass in a hangar and call yourself an airplane, both are equally believable but-----but with the nonsense you're known to post about Obamacare most people probably think you're more likely to be an airplane.

Translation: "Nuh-Uh."

People like you make me just shake my head.

The Exchanges aren't going to be ready, the subsidies will not be distributed on time, everything will be manual in October, causing 10 times the work....and the industry is in chaos...there is nothing you can do to change those facts.

You should be paying attention to the rates coming out on those single 20 to 30 tear olds, you know....the ones supposedly going to be the financing mechanism of this stupid bill...

This states came out last night and like almost everywhere else they are getting hit the hardest..

You lose son, it is a disaster.

Saying there will be chaos is the lowest of the low hanging fruit. Big changes are always chaotic but-----but Obamacare will be implemented, if I had a crystal ball I think it would tell me the March 31st date will be moved forward -so what?-

And-----and American's are getting tired of Republican's wasting their tax dollars - "In other words, since 2011, the House of Representatives has spent approximately $53.8 million attempting to repeal health care reform. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office estimated last year that repeal would add $109 billion to deficits over the next decade, according to

At the same time the House continues to vote to defund the health care act, overall health care spending is declining and some experts have suggested the declines could be permanent. A recent Harvard study found “public health care spending will be as much as $770 billion less than predicted.” "

Obamacare is the law of the land, pre-existing conditions will be covered but-----but I doubt the law will be able to cure wasteful Republicans Obamacare derangement syndrome.

Saying there will be chaos is the lowest of the low hanging fruit. Big changes are always chaotic but-----but Obamacare will be implemented, if I had a crystal ball I think it would tell me the March 31st date will be moved forward -so what?-

LOL, the chaos stems from the total idiocy that is the Law itself, you just aren't smart enough to understandthat. Yes, it WILL be implemented since it is the Law....well that is unless President Cracka decides something else ust be delayed.

And-----and American's are getting tired of Republican's wasting their tax dollars - "In other words, since 2011, the House of Representatives has spent approximately $53.8 million attempting to repeal health care reform. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office estimated last year that repeal would add $109 billion to deficits over the next decade, according to

Moron, thats what they were elected to do.

The CBO uses the numbers the WH gives them, you are an idiot.

At the same time the House continues to vote to defund the health care act, overall health care spending is declining and some experts have suggested the declines could be permanent. A recent Harvard study found “public health care spending will be as much as $770 billion less than predicted.” "

Yup, you go post some more of that shit believing it to be true.

Obamacare is the law of the land, pre-existing conditions will be covered but-----but I doubt the law will be able to cure wasteful Republicans Obamacare derangement syndrome.

American's let the Repubs have the House for two cycles in a row....did that escape you?

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