Debunking another new atheist's baby talk on Youtube

I don't believe in magic fairy godmothers either, and do not feel a need to justify that , since I live in a rational world.
The angry xtian act is rather clownisn. I've never made the absolute statement that one or more gods don't exist. I've left it up to the bible thumpers who insist their gods are true to support their claims with evidence to the supernatural.
Right...:icon_rolleyes:. I'm sure your mind is wide open to the possibilities of a supreme being. When you compare him to the Easter bunny it shows.
The universe is my proof. Go outside some night at look at the endless stars and ask yourself how it all get there.
I'm quite sure you can't say.

Prior to launching into your usual, juvenile tirades, why not offer something to support frantic claims to your gods?
Juvenile tirades....frantic claims....angry..clownish, such ridiculous hyperbole.

Cutting and pasting an opinion by Kaku is a failed tactic you tried before. Could you have Kaku offer his proof of the gods? You certainly can't.
"Failed" as in you have failed to impugn his insights, perhaps.
I wouldn't consider it a failure in any other way.

He is a man uniquely qualified to comment on the workings of our universe
and that he obviously hit a nerve in your reptilian brain shows me it scares the crap out of you to hear someone of brilliance conclude we live in a world that is designed to conform to the rules of a being of supreme intelligence.
And Einstein, Newton, etc. quite agree.

Some of the most brilliant minds the human race has ever produced
aren't afraid or so closed minded that they ignore the unmistakable signs that we live in a planned universe.
Shove that up your Easter bunny's ass. Oh, and answer the question coward!
Answer the question.
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I don't believe in magic fairy godmothers either, and do not feel a need to justify that , since I live in a rational world.
There is nothing "rational" about a belief in a universe that pops in and out of existence for no reason at all and just happens to a 1978 Mercury Tracer that just happens to be parked on the backside of the moon.

Your view of reality is the least rational thing I can possibly imagine.
The angry xtian act is rather clownisn. I've never made the absolute statement that one or more gods don't exist. I've left it up to the bible thumpers who insist their gods are true to support their claims with evidence to the supernatural.
Right...:icon_rolleyes:. I'm sure your mind is wide open to the possibilities of a supreme being. When you compare him to the Easter bunny it shows.
The universe is my proof. Go outside some night at look at the endless stars and ask yourself how it all get there.
I'm quite sure you can't say.

Prior to launching into your usual, juvenile tirades, why not offer something to support frantic claims to your gods?
Juvenile tirades....frantic claims....angry..clownish, such ridiculous hyperbole.

Cutting and pasting an opinion by Kaku is a failed tactic you tried before. Could you have Kaku offer his proof of the gods? You certainly can't.
"Failed" as in you have failed to impugn his insights, perhaps.
I wouldn't consider it a failure in any other way.

He is a man uniquely qualified to comment on the workings of our universe
and that he obviously hit a nerve in your reptilian brain shows me it scares the crap out of you to hear someone of brilliance conclude we live in a world that is designed to conform to the rules of a being of supreme intelligence.
And Einstein, Newton, etc. quite agree.

Some of the most brilliant minds the human race has ever produced
aren't afraid or so closed minded that they ignore the unmistakable signs that we live in a planned universe.
Shove that up your Easter bunny's ass. Oh, and answer the question coward!
Answer the question.
You’re needlessly causing yourself emotional distress. I am one part of a huge portion of the population that rejects belief in your gods. You might want to find a way to get past that without being so emotionally attached.

There are no unmistakable signs of a planned universe. That's really a nonsense claim and one that you have never provided support for. The fact is, there is disorder and chaos and destruction within the universe. Cataclysmic explosions of stars, asteroid / meteor impact, Black Holes that devour star systems etc., etc. and closer to home, floods, tsunami’s, earthquakes, etc., etc. Hardly the mark of a consistent, ordered universe or our planetary environment. And, keep in mind, asserting an intelligent designer does not automatically mean the polytheistic Christian gods are the "true" gods.

You labor under the impression that anecdotal claims and broad, interpretative assumptions are the only standard for acceptance of any claim, no matter outlandish. The claim “because I read it in the bibles”, somehow passes for fact? No, it doesn't. Humanity can do better than to forever be under the yolk of fear, rumor and superstition.

The naturalism that science adopts is methodological naturalism. It merely notes that nature is the only objective standard we have. Supernaturalism gets little attention in the relevant science community because never, ever in human history has supernaturalism been reliably observed.
Biological evolution for example, as opposed to supernatural creation 6.000 years ago, is not alone in its naturalism. All science, all engineering, all manufacturing, and most other human endeavors are equally naturalistic. If we must discard evolution because of supernaturalism, then we must also discard medical science, meteorology, astronomy and virtually all other subjects for the same reason.

Worshipping Kaku brings you no closer to your gods than worshipping Harun Yahya.

Humanity is evolving away from mythologies, that much is clear. Religious beliefs have nowhere near the power and clout they used to, and as science progresses forward, the god of the gaps pleadings get thinner and thinner. Once, it was thought that the gods opened every flower, now, they're reduced to being the Universe Winder. Even that administrative duty is being taken away as science peels back the layers of superstition and fear that the more excitable thumpers like to impose. Speculatively, everything humanity has learned so far shows that the theisms are simply poetic perceptions of existence, important for their time, less relevant as we progress and learn the truth about existence. So yes, eventually when we come to the finish line of what is Truth, the natural explanation will reign supreme as it has throughout humanity's existence..

I think theists are painfully aware of this as well, consciously or unconsciously, which is why they hurl insults and bible verses rather than post facts.
I don't believe in magic fairy godmothers either, and do not feel a need to justify that , since I live in a rational world.
There is nothing "rational" about a belief in a universe that pops in and out of existence for no reason at all and just happens to a 1978 Mercury Tracer that just happens to be parked on the backside of the moon.

Your view of reality is the least rational thing I can possibly imagine.

But somehow, the gods popping into existence for no reason at all somehow is rational.

Would the gods choose to drive a Mercury Tracer?
I don't believe in magic fairy godmothers either, and do not feel a need to justify that , since I live in a rational world.
There is nothing "rational" about a belief in a universe that pops in and out of existence for no reason at all and just happens to a 1978 Mercury Tracer that just happens to be parked on the backside of the moon.

Your view of reality is the least rational thing I can possibly imagine.

Ok. You win. The universe was created by an old man with a beard and a magic wand. THAT makes sense!
Ok. You win. The universe was created by an old man with a beard and a magic wand. THAT makes sense!
That's all your contention. Or what you imagine I am thinking, but not saying. And I truly do believe that's what goes on inside your head, like a cartoonish Coen brother's movie.
You’re needlessly causing yourself emotional distress. I am one part of a huge portion of the population that rejects belief in your gods. You might want to find a way to get past that without being so emotionally attached.
Etc. Save it for your flowers. Bullshit makes them grow.
Still waiting for you to reveal how you know God is a fiction. How do you know such a thing?

What makes you think you know more than Einstein, Kaku or Newton, etc.? It's very good question you will not address.
You think you know more than some of the most brilliant minds the human race has ever produced. Why? You aren't even half bright.
You’re needlessly causing yourself emotional distress. I am one part of a huge portion of the population that rejects belief in your gods. You might want to find a way to get past that without being so emotionally attached.
Etc. Save it for your flowers. Bullshit makes them grow.
Still waiting for you to reveal how you know God is a fiction. How do you know such a thing?

What makes you think you know more than Einstein, Kaku or Newton, etc.? It's very good question you will not address.
You think you know more than some of the most brilliant minds the human race has ever produced. Why?

The existence of the gods is your claim. It’s not up to me to prove or disprove your gods. I note your inability to support your claims to the gods so I’m not terribly surprised you will enlist a couple of dead men to prop up your specious claims. How convenient.

Why attempt to force your gods on Einstein, Kaku or Newton? None of them have presented anything in support of your gods.

Do you think you have a right to impose your religious beliefs on others?
Some of my favorite gods are totally out of fashion, sort of like bell bottom pants and velour shirts. I am still partial to Neptune and Aphrodite, as well as Mercury. Zeus was ok, I guess, but I never was crazy about hairy-thunderer type gods.
The existence of the gods is your claim. It’s not up to me to prove or disprove your gods.
It is if you oppose the existence of God while dishonestly claiming not to do so.
You are such a cowardly liar you'll even lie about yourself.

I note your inability to support your claims to the gods
Yet another lie. Pathetic and pathological.

so I’m not terribly surprised you will enlist a couple of dead men to prop up your specious claims. How convenient.
You consider a claim of God to be specious. You do and you won't even back up your own specious denial of God
when repeatedly challenged to do so. So we see what your cowardly claims are worth. Nothing.

Why attempt to force your gods on Einstein, Kaku or Newton? None of them have presented anything in support of your gods.
Another outright bullshit filled lie!
Amazing. Those men have all professed a sincere belief in a higher force that lends
order and reason to our existence.

Do you think you have a right to impose your religious beliefs on others?
When did you stop beating your unfortunate mother?
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The existence of the gods is your claim. It’s not up to me to prove or disprove your gods.
It is if you oppose the existence of God while dishonestly claiming not to do so.
You are such a cowardly liar you'll even lie about yourself.

I note your inability to support your claims to the gods
Yet another lie. Pathetic and pathological.

so I’m not terribly surprised you will enlist a couple of dead men to prop up your specious claims. How convenient.
You consider a claim of God to be specious. You do and you won't even back up your own specious denial of God
when repeatedly challenged to do so. So we see what your cowardly claims are worth. Nothing.

I can see you’re infuriated that being tasked with supporting the existence of your gods exceeds your limitations.

Why would I oppose the existence of the gods? If the gods were known to exist, there would be no reason to oppose them. I don’t oppose gravity because we have rational reasons to accept gravity as fact.

Do you drive your car recklessly because you have a plastic Jeebus on your dashboard? Do you oppose the notion you’re vulnerable?

It’s cowardly to oppose Shiva as The God™️

Convert and you will rewarded in the afterlife.
I don't believe in magic fairy godmothers either, and do not feel a need to justify that , since I live in a rational world.
There is nothing "rational" about a belief in a universe that pops in and out of existence for no reason at all and just happens to a 1978 Mercury Tracer that just happens to be parked on the backside of the moon.

Your view of reality is the least rational thing I can possibly imagine.

Ok. You win. The universe was created by an old man with a beard and a magic wand. THAT makes sense!
Not quite but it does show you’ve never given it any serious consideration if that is the choice you are comparing it to.
I can see you’re infuriated that being tasked with supporting the existence of your gods exceeds your limitations.
Says the lying shitbag who has declined every single invitation
to explain how she knows God does not exist.
You simply won't do it knowing you cannot. You sound like an Alinskyite atheist, corrupt to your stinking core.

Why would I oppose the existence of the gods? If the gods were known to exist, there would be no reason to oppose them. I don’t oppose gravity because we have rational reasons to accept gravity as fact.
We have rational reason to accept a creator of the universe also. Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing creates itself. Everything has a source.

Do you drive your car recklessly because you have a plastic Jeebus on your dashboard? Do you oppose the notion you’re vulnerable?

It’s cowardly to oppose Shiva as The God™️

Convert and you will rewarded in the afterlife.
The great lying machine starts to wind down.
I can see you’re infuriated that being tasked with supporting the existence of your gods exceeds your limitations.
Says the lying shitbag who has declined every single invitation
to explain how she knows God does not exist.
You simply won't do it knowing you cannot. You sound like an Alinskyite atheist, corrupt to your stinking core.

Why would I oppose the existence of the gods? If the gods were known to exist, there would be no reason to oppose them. I don’t oppose gravity because we have rational reasons to accept gravity as fact.
We have rational reason to accept a creator of the universe also. Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing creates itself. Everything has a source.

Do you drive your car recklessly because you have a plastic Jeebus on your dashboard? Do you oppose the notion you’re vulnerable?

It’s cowardly to oppose Shiva as The God™️

Convert and you will rewarded in the afterlife.
The great lying machine starts to wind down.

It seems you’re becoming rather unglued. You can hurl all the insults you wish but that really reflects poorly on you.

You’re really missing the point when it comes to assertions. Your claims to gods are yours to support. Your unsupportable claims don't become less so with your angry, vulgar tirades.

So, your specific statement was: “Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing creates itself. Everything has a source.”

Explain that in the context of your claims to gods. The above presumes a hierarchy of gods preceding your gods. How do you explain such a hierarchy?

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