December 7th Never Forget

That’s exactly what you’ve accepted.
No, I don't make up my mind based on political stance.

You think everything is a conspiracy against republics. If FDR was a republic you would be praising him.
Sure you would, Poop Face. You're a gimp that's pissed off the Japs lost. You insult the country every time you post your idiot bullshit about the President who won WW II and was elected 4 times. Go play in a toilet.
Up the Down Staircase

His posts are so typical of giggling teenage nastiness that it seems like the entitled Gen Z brats have taken over his school and turned the teachers into students.
No, I don't make up my mind based on political stance.

You think everything is a conspiracy against republics. If FDR was a republic you would be praising him.

He's just another commie pretending to be a 'libertarian'.
FDR rightly believed that war was enviable with both Japan and Germany, but did not "let" Pearl Harbor happen.

Yep. It was the GOP and the anti-Roosevelt Democrats who repeatedly blocked action, allowing Hitler and the Japanese to run over several countries, murdering literally millions. Now they need to deflect from their contribution to the massive loss of life and property by smearing FDR. As usual these are usually just commies spreading bullshit under false flags.
FDR did all he could to provoke and instigate war with both Germany and Japan, many months before he knew Japan was planning to hit Pearl Harbor. Of course, you know absolutely nothing about this.

He also campaigned in 1940 proclaiming over and over that American boys would not die in Europe, all the while actively working for war. Again, you know nothing about this.

Please stop posting until you get informed.
And you have a reliable and well-documented source for these assertions?
I want to get informed.
FDR set up Japan to attack, he knew they would hit Pearl Harbor days before refusing to notify commanders, and then scapegoated them.

Again, 12/7 Truthie Lies Are All About the Plutocratic Parasites' Fear and Hatred of the New Deal

He took the aircraft carriers out of Pearl to stalk the Japanese fleet headed towards Southeast Asia. He hoped to trigger an attack that would have been responded to with a strong force, at least equalizing casualties. He wouldn't have provoked one as crippling and one-sided as the turkey shoot on 12/7.



JAPANESE: 5 mini-subs
AMERICANS: 14 major men-of-war
To my good friend M14 SHOOTER on the other side, you might think I'm a pacifist, when in actuality, I am of the opinion, that if another country physically attacks us, like at Pearl Harbor, we go over there and FUCK UP THEIR SHIT!
Like Stinnet claiming our military broke the Japanese codes before the attack on Pearl Harbor when history shows it happened after.

That, and the Navy monitoring radio traffic noted the preponderance of Japanese military traffic was toward the south, away from Hawaii.

Don't know that this guy's warnings would have changed much given the time span, but here's another story.

Kermit Tyler’s experiences as a fighter pilot in World War II were similar to many other fighter pilots who served in the Pacific theater, with one notable exception—on the morning of December 7, 1941 he was the officer in charge of the air information center at Fort Shafter on O’ahu who mistook the radar image of an incoming wave of Japanese attack aircraft for a flight of B-17 bombers he expected from the US mainland. Tyler’s response to the radar operator who reported the contact that morning to “don’t worry about it” would be grounds for countless historians, military professionals, armchair generals, and conspiracy theorists over the past eight decades to critique and criticize his actions that day and to argue over whether he could’ve prevented the significant loss of life sustained in the attack or even stopped the attack on Pearl Harbor itself.

A review of newly declassified U.S. naval communications intelligence (ComInt) records refutes attempts by revisionist conspiracy theorists to "prove" President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor and withheld information to draw the United States into the European war. Evidence now corroborates a long-held view that Japanese radio deception masked movement of their carriers—here, the Akagi steams for Hawaii—effectively ensuring a surprise attack.

Sucks to be Poop Face and Ghimper.

Most of these men are now dead and unable to defend themselves. That, and the recent opening of U.S. naval Comint records from the old Crane (Indiana) Depository, apparently have given revisionist conspiracy theorists and other revisionists a new lease on life. Comint is a highly technical field, and it is easy for the uninitiated to be misled by instant experts who have mined these new documents for scraps of data that, through misinterpretation, faulty speculation, and ignorance, might seem to support the revisionist agenda. Claims that U.S. Comint was breaking Japanese naval codes in the months leading to the Pearl Harbor attack have been debunked roundly by traditional historians using both old and new records.'
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In Japan's case, there were no 'civilians'; the regime had ordered all people to resist invasion, women and children included, and was even providing training, especially in the area they expected landings in. Our troops faced 'civilians' on Saipan.

The Japanese armed forces burgeoned in 1945 under urgent mobilization from about 4.5 million men under arms to over 6 million by August. But in March, Japan mustered a vast additional body of combatants: every single male age 15 to 60 and every single female age 17 to 40. This inducted about a quarter or more of Japan’s total population, about 18 to 20 million people. Japan lacked uniforms or any other visible marker to distinguish this new sea of combatants from the remaining civilian population. Multiple millions of these nearly mobilized former male and female civilians now combatants, would be in the Kyushu invasion area.

The kind of vermin Poop Face holds Pity Parties for:

Historian Herbert Bix noted the nadir of Japanese savagery towards prisoners. In eight years of war in China from 1937 to 1945, the Japanese killed at least two to three million Chinese soldiers. When Japan was required to hand over the prisoners of war she held after surrender, she presented a total of 56 Chinese. Almost half of Australian battles deaths in the war (8,000 of 17,000) occurred among those captured by Japan. About 35 percent of American prisoners of war held by Japan perished compared to 0.9 percent of Americans captured by Germany.

Kiwi USA

Few Americans realize that the Russians had over 50 times as many war dead as we did. In other words, if the Russians had our number of fatalities, ours would have been only 8,000, less than even tiny New Zealand's.
Again, 12/7 Truthie Lies Are All About the Plutocratic Parasites' Fear and Hatred of the New Deal

He took the aircraft carriers out of Pearl to stalk the Japanese fleet headed towards Southeast Asia. He hoped to trigger an attack that would have been responded to with a strong force, at least equalizing casualties. He wouldn't have provoked one as crippling and one-sided as the turkey shoot on 12/7.



JAPANESE: 5 mini-subs
AMERICANS: 14 major men-of-war
They were ferrying supplies to various ports.
Please stop. You have admitted to knowing nothing.

FDR’s war provocations before Pearl are well known by informed people.

Get informed. I hate ignorance on purpose.
Your Brain Has Been Warped by Licking the Polish on the Boots of the Plutes

My condolences for the defeat of your beloved Nazis by what used to literally be the Democratic Party.
Blowhards of the "Divine Wind Special Attack Unit"

You should honor your heroes by becoming a kamikaze pilot.
MY heroes are real American servicemen, you miserable, lying, fucking troll. Why don't you stick to peddling your idiotic wannabe communist nonsense? Don't make me mention a college degree and scare you into feinting.
FDR did all he could to provoke and instigate war with both Germany and Japan, many months before he knew Japan was planning to hit Pearl Harbor. Of course, you know absolutely nothing about this.

He also campaigned in 1940 proclaiming over and over that American boys would not die in Europe, all the while actively working for war. Again, you know nothing about this.

Please stop posting until you get informed.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Best damn post on this thread.:thup:

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