December 7th Never Forget

That’s exactly what you’ve accepted.
Yep the people thst keep saying you are lying are brainwashed zombies who have been taken in by what out corrupt school system taught them and have never done research for themselves.they fell fir the lies our school system indoctrinated them with hook,line,and sinker.i was once brainwashed as they were and fell for it to but git educated reading a couple of good books from top military people who lived through it back then and were whistblowers,I can own up to admitting I was brainwashed unlike them.
All well proven, you just need to look for it.
The understatement of the century, :thankusmile: hej just thinks it’s unproven because the only history he knows about it is from what out corrupt school system indoctrinated him to believe in history classes.
I could prove it seven days to Sunday and you’d still cling to your ignorance. You can’t accept the truth. Too many Americans like you, which allows the ruling class to continue to lie and deceive.

We have a member on this board who posts often and wrote a well documented book proving it.

No doubt you know nothing about this book either.
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View attachment 735909
Best damn post on this thread bar none hands down no contest, :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile: One certain troll who keeps lying saying you lie is the liar,he hasn’t even read that very excellent documented book on the REAL history of pearl harbour obviously.
Best damn post on this thread bar none hands down no contest, :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile: One certain troll who keeps lying saying you lie is the liar,he hasn’t even read that very excellent documented book on the REAL history of pearl harbour obviously.
Unfortunately many Americans refuse to believe their government has a long history of heinous, unjust, and murderous actions even though it’s evident. Many want to cling to the lies told them in government schools. Unfortunately this allows the ruling class to continue these evil acts perpetually.
No, I don't make up my mind based on political stance.

You think everything is a conspiracy against republics. If FDR was a republic you would be praising him.
Here’s a good column that will help alleviate your ignorance.

Roosevelt’s Infamy​

Eighty-one years ago today, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack killed 2,335 military personnel and 68 civilians. It also damaged or destroyed 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships. December 7, 1941, was, President Franklin Roosevelt stated, a “date that would live in infamy.”

What will also live in infamy is that Roosevelt wanted the Japanese to attack the United States, so that he could achieve his objective of embroiling the United States in World War II.

Even since the attack on Pearl Harbor, there has been a running controversy over whether Roosevelt knew that the attack on Pearl was imminent and turned a blind eye to it. Regardless of how one comes out on that controversy, it is beyond any reasonable doubt that Roosevelt wanted the Japanese to attack the United States. Why, even some Roosevelt apologists praise him for this, arguing that he was a far-sighted statesman who saved America and the world from a Nazi takeover.

FDR was a crafty politician, one who was a master of political intrigue and manipulation. When he was running for an unprecedented third term in 1940, he said, “And while I am talking to you, mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again, and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.”

Roosevelt was lying. In fact, he was doing everything he could to embroil the United States in the European war.

When Roosevelt made that statement, he knew that he was playing to the overwhelming sentiment of the American people. Having experienced the disaster of World War I, Americans wanted no part of a second world war. Roosevelt knew that. He also knew that if he disclosed that he wanted the United States to get embroiled in the war, he stood a good chance of losing the election. To guarantee his reelection, he felt he had to lie.

Why didn’t Roosevelt simply send his army to attack Nazi Germany? After all, that’s what American presidents do today when they perceive a foreign threat. The answer is that this was still a period of time when U.S. presidents complied with the declaration-of-war requirement in the Constitution. It prohibits the president from waging war without first securing a declaration of war from Congress.

Given the overwhelming anti-interventionist sentiment among the American people, FDR knew that he would never be able to get Congress to issue a declaration of war against Nazi Germany, unless Germany were to attack first. In that case, he knew that a congressional declaration of war would come easily.

FDR began his machinations by doing everything he could to provoke the Germans into attacking U.S. vessels in the Atlantic. In that way, he could exclaim, “We’ve been attacked! Now, give me my declaration of war!” But the Nazi regime knew what FDR was up to and refused to take the bait.

That was when Roosevelt turned to the Pacific, in the hope that a Japanese attack on the United States would give him a “back door” to the war against Germany.

That’s what FDR’s oil embargo against Japan was all about. Japan had invaded China and was occupying the country. Its war machine necessarily depended on a continuous supply of oil. The purpose of FDR’s embargo was to prevent Japan from acquiring that badly needed oil.

FDR’s oil embargo was remarkably successful. It maneuvered Japan into a position of having to make a choice: Either invade the Dutch East Indies to secure its oil supplies or meekly withdraw its military forces from China. (As an aside, it’s worth mentioning that more recently, U.S. officials, operating through NATO, maneuvered Russia into having to make a similar choice: Either accept Ukraine’s membership in NATO, which would enable the Pentagon to station its nuclear missiles and troops along Russia’s border, or invade Ukraine to prevent that from happening.)

Not surprisingly, Japan decided to invade the Dutch East Indies rather than withdraw from China. But Japan knew that the invasion stood the risk of the U.S. Navy interfering with its operations in the Dutch East Indies. That was what the attack on Pearl Harbor was for — to knock out the U.S. Pacific fleet so that Japan would have a free hand in securing those oil supplies in the Dutch East Indies.


Roosevelt’s Infamy – The Future of Freedom Foundation
Your post is a lie, as you have proven nothing.
Here is another good book by a general.

General Henry Dozier Russell's book Pearl Harbor Story (Mercer University Press, 2001).

Ops! I forgot. You can’t read.
Your post is a lie, as you have proven nothing.
Ever heard of FDR’s favorite naval vessel? Thought so.

Isn't it curious that FDR's favorite Navy ship, the USS Indianapolis, was ordered to leave Pearl Harbor less than 48 hours before the attack, and that the ship left in such a rush that it left without most of its crew? Neither of the two explanations for the ship's strange, rushed departure make any sense. One story says the ship was sent to take supplies to Johnston Island. The other story says the ship was sent to do bombardment training. Well, why would a heavy cruiser be suddenly dispatched to take supplies when there were plenty of transport ships to do so? And why would a routine supply mission require such a rushed, frenzied departure that would leave most of the crew behind? The bombardment training story is equally nonsensical. You don't do bombardment training at the last minute, and you certainly don't do it with most of your crew left behind.
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