Decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine on Biden’s desk: Officials say sending the controversial weapons could give Kyiv the edge


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Deliveries of long-range American ATACMS missiles to Ukraine approved - The Wall Street Journal

It is reported that to send to Ukraine, you only need to get the signature of Joe Biden. Last week, the American media wrote that Ukraine was "close" to receiving . Apparently, the missiles are already on their way to Kyiv.

Crazy bastards are INTENT on pushing us into a nuclear conflict. Aren't cluster munitions banned by the international code? What happens when one of those shells is launched from a "new and improved-range" HIMARS and slaughters a few dozen Russians in a border community?
The US hasn't used cluster bombs since Vietnam...

Are cluster bombs still legal?

The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) is an international treaty that prohibits all use, transfer, production, and stockpiling of cluster bombs, a type of explosive weapon which scatters submunitions ("bomblets") over an area.

Moscow sneered at the Patriot Systems , HIMARS and the so called super British missiles and promptly destroyed them. Further humiliation for the US coming up , Do not mention tanks . Have the US - Ukey Nazis got any left ?
The US hasn't used cluster bombs since Vietnam...

Are cluster bombs still legal?

The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) is an international treaty that prohibits all use, transfer, production, and stockpiling of cluster bombs, a type of explosive weapon which scatters submunitions ("bomblets") over an area.

Doesnt apply to the US

How has peaceful anti war liberals become so bloodthirsty seemingly overnight?....
These missiles are no longer cluster munitions, cluster munition warheads have been replaced with basic blast frag warhead
Deliveries of long-range American ATACMS missiles to Ukraine approved - The Wall Street Journal

It is reported that to send to Ukraine, you only need to get the signature of Joe Biden. Last week, the American media wrote that Ukraine was "close" to receiving . Apparently, the missiles are already on their way to Kyiv.

The problem is the C&C of Russia.

All the movement of troops, food, ammunition, and fuel is done by logistics orders from inside of Russia itself. Where NATO munitions are not allowed to go for reasons I am not getting into.

And for this war to end quickly that needs to be addressed over and above any other munition sent over there.

Russia has issues coordinating with itself....sure the Prigozhin Coup attempt has stirred the pot and made things more difficult for them but the only way to really screw up the machine is to break the command and control of the beast.

That means destroying their capabilities of communication, EW, planning and movements.

They are extremely vulnerable in this regard....but Ukraine is not allowed to touch them. Meanwhile the whole world is being held hostage with the explosives in and on the Zapporhizia NPP.

As if this placating is really going to work.
Biden's proxy war against Russia .. and to think all that money invested in Ukraine could be better spent on securing the United States. Border wall security costing $x billion dollars .. hell no .. Missiles, tanks, guns, bullets and other munitions for Ukraine .. Hell yeah!
Biden's proxy war against Russia .. and to think all that money invested in Ukraine could be better spent on securing the United States. Border wall security costing $x billion dollars .. hell no .. Missiles, tanks, guns, bullets and other munitions for Ukraine .. Hell yeah!
Give peace a chance.
Moscow sneered at the Patriot Systems , HIMARS and the so called super British missiles and promptly destroyed them. Further humiliation for the US coming up , Do not mention tanks . Have the US - Ukey Nazis got any left ?

So Russia shouldnt mind if we send more

As long as we kill more Russians….who cares?
Moscow sneered at the Patriot Systems , HIMARS and the so called super British missiles and promptly destroyed them. Further humiliation for the US coming up , Do not mention tanks . Have the US - Ukey Nazis got any left ?
You should go fight for the Russians if you feel so confident in their successes. I'd bet my life you would never suit up for such duty.
IF they are NOT cluster bombs, as you claim, why are they called cluster bombs?

I was wrong. My post came out before the POTUS did indeed say we were sending them cluster bombs

I am most disappointed in our country and our leadership for doing this.

Year after year, admin after admin we lose more and more of the right to claim any sort of moral high ground as a nation.

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