Declare George Soros a terrorist over 75,000 sign White house petition


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!
A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!
The petition asking the government to build a Death Star got more than a million signatures.......:lol:

But we know what Soros is a dog-whistle for........:lol:
A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!

I hope they make it. The response from the WH oughta be frickin' HILARIOUS.

Then again circulating a petition is hardly necessary to generate such a response. All I gotta do is post , "Yanno George Soros told me Rump's fingers are really short" and then watch Twitter at four o'clock in the morning.

Much less work.
Half a world would love to sing that petition.

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The Nazi smear is INSANE:

As hoaxes go, this one is neither plausible nor hard to disprove. Given that Soros — born in 1930 — was only nine years old when World War II began and 14 when the war ended in Europe in 1945, he couldn’t have joined the SS, whose minimum age requirement was 17, even if he had wanted to. Moreover, Soros would never have met the SS requirement for pure “Aryan” heritage. Quite to the contrary, Soros and his family were forced to hide their identities and pose as Christians to avoid being sent to ghettos or deported to concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.

The mislabeled photo is easily debunked using a reverse image search. The young man in the Waffen SS uniform is Oskar Groening, a Nazi who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1942 through the end of World War II. More than 70 years after this photograph was taken, Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.

FACT CHECK: Was George Soros an SS Officer in Nazi Germany?
The Nazi smear is INSANE:

As hoaxes go, this one is neither plausible nor hard to disprove. Given that Soros — born in 1930 — was only nine years old when World War II began and 14 when the war ended in Europe in 1945, he couldn’t have joined the SS, whose minimum age requirement was 17, even if he had wanted to. Moreover, Soros would never have met the SS requirement for pure “Aryan” heritage. Quite to the contrary, Soros and his family were forced to hide their identities and pose as Christians to avoid being sent to ghettos or deported to concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.

The mislabeled photo is easily debunked using a reverse image search. The young man in the Waffen SS uniform is Oskar Groening, a Nazi who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1942 through the end of World War II. More than 70 years after this photograph was taken, Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.

FACT CHECK: Was George Soros an SS Officer in Nazi Germany?

Fact Check they are the same as SNOPES
The Nazi smear is INSANE:

As hoaxes go, this one is neither plausible nor hard to disprove. Given that Soros — born in 1930 — was only nine years old when World War II began and 14 when the war ended in Europe in 1945, he couldn’t have joined the SS, whose minimum age requirement was 17, even if he had wanted to. Moreover, Soros would never have met the SS requirement for pure “Aryan” heritage. Quite to the contrary, Soros and his family were forced to hide their identities and pose as Christians to avoid being sent to ghettos or deported to concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.

The mislabeled photo is easily debunked using a reverse image search. The young man in the Waffen SS uniform is Oskar Groening, a Nazi who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1942 through the end of World War II. More than 70 years after this photograph was taken, Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.

FACT CHECK: Was George Soros an SS Officer in Nazi Germany?

Watch GEORGE SOROS interview on sixty minutes he is a cold blooded killer.


George Soros was born to Tividar and Erzebat Schwartz, non-practicing Jews, in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. Tivadar was an attorney by profession, but the consuming passion of his life was the promotion of Esperanto—an artificial, “universal” language created during the 1880s in hopes that people worldwide might be persuaded to drop their native tongues and speak Esperanto instead—thereby, in theory at least, minimizing their nationalist impulses while advancing intercultural harmony. In 1936, Tivadar changed his family surname to Soros—a future-tense Esperanto verb meaning “will soar.”13

When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, Tivadar decided to split up his family so as to minimize the chance that all its members would be killed together. For each of them—his wife and two sons—he purchased forged papers identifying them as Christians; paid government officials to conceal his family's Jewish heritage from the German and Hungarian fascists; and bribed Gentile families to take them into their homes. As for George in particular, the father paid a Hungarian government official named Baumbach to claim George as his Christian godson, “Sandor Kiss,” and to let the boy live with him in Budapest. One of Baumbach's duties was to deliver deportation notices to Hungary's Jews, confiscating their property and turning it over to Germany. Young George Soros sometimes accompanied the official on his rounds.14 Many years later, in December 1998, a CBS interviewer would ask Soros whether he had ever felt any guilt about his association with Baumbach during that period. Soros replied: “… I was only a spectator ... I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.”15

George Soros - Discover the Networks
"A Guide to the Political Left". Hardly reliable, but if there is even a grain of truth, Soros remains what the Koch Bros. and others like them are: MONEY GRUBBER.
I just came across this one someone tweeted it LOL the best part about it all it's true facts easily found to connect those dots. he has ties to so much crap it's sickening.

A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!
No can do. I think the man is a menace to our nation but a menace =/= a terrorist
He was born in 1930, could not have been much older than 10-13. But, in the end, he was a RADISH! See Gunter Grass, The Tin Drum.
A child can not really collaborate, yet, his lack of horror at what he did as a child, to survive, is enough to make me ignore him in the future. He is a RADISH, a -0-, a NULLITY.
The Nazi smear is INSANE:

As hoaxes go, this one is neither plausible nor hard to disprove. Given that Soros — born in 1930 — was only nine years old when World War II began and 14 when the war ended in Europe in 1945, he couldn’t have joined the SS, whose minimum age requirement was 17, even if he had wanted to. Moreover, Soros would never have met the SS requirement for pure “Aryan” heritage. Quite to the contrary, Soros and his family were forced to hide their identities and pose as Christians to avoid being sent to ghettos or deported to concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.

The mislabeled photo is easily debunked using a reverse image search. The young man in the Waffen SS uniform is Oskar Groening, a Nazi who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1942 through the end of World War II. More than 70 years after this photograph was taken, Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.

FACT CHECK: Was George Soros an SS Officer in Nazi Germany?

Fact Check they are the same as SNOPES

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

And btw I love how your post 8 makes a point, then goes into two paragraphs of detail that disprove that same point. Nothing like having a flight plan before you take off huh. :rolleyes:

What a moron.....
A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!
And what acts of terror, specifically, has George Soros committed?

Or is labeling and libeling political opposition become de riguer for the Alt-Right? If that is the case, why should Americans get behind the Alt-Right movement?
A petition to “Declare George Soros a terrorist” already has over seventy-five percent of the signatures needed to receive a response from the White House.
‘Declare George Soros a terrorist’: Over 75,000 Sign White House Petition

This scum bag has way to much money and control over the world. We could have a million signatures and I don't think we could put this guy into prison no matter what.

He would pay everybody off. But at least we see how the nation despises this fake pos trouble making bastard!!
Billionaire Trump gets involved you cheer billionaire Soros you cry foul.

What do you think his agenda is? He's your boogyman. What about Buffett? He bad too?

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