Declaring English as the national language does it effect illegal immgration?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2012
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?

Actually one of the requirements for becoming an American citizen is the that the applicant can read, write, and speak basic English (age or disability may allow exemption of this requirement).

Unfortunately, the government has totally ignored the Federal mandate and has instead
condescended to the the demands of illegal immigrants who have no desire to learn English.

This country has sacrificed its heritage and culture on the altar of political expediency. We will pay a price.
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?

It would not stop illegal immigration and it would not have gotten you those jobs.
Actually one of the requirements for becoming an American citizen is the that the applicant can read, write, and speak basic English (age or disability may allow exemption of this requirement).

Unfortunately, the government has totally ignored the Federal mandate and has instead
condescended to the the demands of illegal immigrants who have no desire to learn English.

That requirement is still enforced. What are you talking about?
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?

It would not stop illegal immigration and it would not have gotten you those jobs.

How so? Care to elaborate further on your comment?
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?
Probably not at all.

In my view, the official English thing is about having one language of the bureaucracy.

You want the benefits of the American socialistic welfare state, you can learn to fill out the forms and communicate in the lingo of the land.
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?

It would not stop illegal immigration and it would not have gotten you those jobs.

How so? Care to elaborate further on your comment?

Simply declaring English the official national language would not remove the reasons why illegal immigrants come here. And there are a great many US citizens and legal residents who speak Spanish as their primary means of communication. There are also many companies that do business internationally and have specific language needs for certain positions. The reason why biligualism in Spanish and English was a requirement for the position for which you applied would not magically go away if English were formally made the official national language.
Most states have english as their official language. I prefer to leave it to them.
There were several entry level positions I applied for, and although I satisfy all the requirement except you guessed it, being bilingual as Spanish being a second language I did not qualify or at least passed up due to the demographics of the people my hospital deals with. This got me thinking on a wide range of issues regarding illegal immigration, which leads me to not support illegal immigrants whether from Mexico or Africa, nor give any immigrants who come here amnesty.

I currently work at a hospital in southern California which services everyone and majority of our clients are of latino descent. Majority speak english as a second language and majority have no social security number. What bothers me is that American society caters to illegal immigrants from employing grass cutters to, housekeepers I personally feel that we are all guilty in some way but I wonder if making English as the nation's main language would change illegal immigration?
Probably not at all.

In my view, the official English thing is about having one language of the bureaucracy.

You want the benefits of the American socialistic welfare state, you can learn to fill out the forms and communicate in the lingo of the land.

Even having an official national language would not get the government out of the language business entirely.
It would not stop illegal immigration and it would not have gotten you those jobs.

How so? Care to elaborate further on your comment?

Simply declaring English the official national language would not remove the reasons why illegal immigrants come here. And there are a great many US citizens and legal residents who speak Spanish as their primary means of communication. There are also many companies that do business internationally and have specific language needs for certain positions. The reason why biligualism in Spanish and English was a requirement for the position for which you applied would not magically go away if English were formally made the official national language.

Well I just heard someone who is not a college graduate (which according to the application the job requires a 4 year degree) yet has a G.E.D but if profficient in both Spanish and English recently got an interview....Go figure and I don't have a case for discrimination?
How so? Care to elaborate further on your comment?

Simply declaring English the official national language would not remove the reasons why illegal immigrants come here. And there are a great many US citizens and legal residents who speak Spanish as their primary means of communication. There are also many companies that do business internationally and have specific language needs for certain positions. The reason why biligualism in Spanish and English was a requirement for the position for which you applied would not magically go away if English were formally made the official national language.

Well I just heard someone who is not a college graduate (which according to the application the job requires a 4 year degree) yet has a G.E.D but is profficient in both Spanish and English recently got an interview....Go figure and I don't have a case for discrimination?

No, you don't.
Simply declaring English the official national language would not remove the reasons why illegal immigrants come here. And there are a great many US citizens and legal residents who speak Spanish as their primary means of communication. There are also many companies that do business internationally and have specific language needs for certain positions. The reason why biligualism in Spanish and English was a requirement for the position for which you applied would not magically go away if English were formally made the official national language.

Well I just heard someone who is not a college graduate (which according to the application the job requires a 4 year degree) yet has a G.E.D but is profficient in both Spanish and English recently got an interview....Go figure and I don't have a case for discrimination?

No, you don't.

Believe it or not I just received some free legal counsel and they are going to look into it. They said it may not be direct language discrimination but if the application has a 4 year degree requirement and a GED recipient gets an interview then something is wrong. The only problem is proving its language discrimination. The reason being is because I never received an interview, I was outright rejected via email. you actually don't see a problem?

Me: 2 bachlors, 1 masters neuropsychology student etc....

Other: GED, medical records employee

This is a clinical psychology office. How is someone with a GED and no experience with psychiatric patients going to get an interview before me regardless of whether they are bilingual?
Well I just heard someone who is not a college graduate (which according to the application the job requires a 4 year degree) yet has a G.E.D but is profficient in both Spanish and English recently got an interview....Go figure and I don't have a case for discrimination?

No, you don't.

Believe it or not I just received some free legal counsel and they are going to look into it. They said it may not be direct language discrimination but if the application has a 4 year degree requirement and a GED recipient gets an interview then something is wrong. The only problem is proving its language discrimination. The reason being is because I never received an interview, I was outright rejected via email. you actually don't see a problem?

Me: 2 bachlors, 1 masters neuropsychology student etc....

Other: GED, medical records employee

This is a clinical psychology office. How is someone with a GED and no experience with psychiatric patients going to get an interview before me regardless of whether they are bilingual?

Maybe the company places high value on being bilingual.
Well I just heard someone who is not a college graduate (which according to the application the job requires a 4 year degree) yet has a G.E.D but is profficient in both Spanish and English recently got an interview....Go figure and I don't have a case for discrimination?

No, you don't.

Believe it or not I just received some free legal counsel and they are going to look into it. They said it may not be direct language discrimination but if the application has a 4 year degree requirement and a GED recipient gets an interview then something is wrong. The only problem is proving its language discrimination. The reason being is because I never received an interview, I was outright rejected via email. you actually don't see a problem?

I see you being disappointed, but you don't have a leg to stand on in a lawsuit (thanks for adding to the hyper-litigious mess in this country, btw). If they decide that the most important qualification for the position is a particular language skill then that is their perogative and tough shit for you. Go apply somewhere else.
Yeah, I don't think you have any legal grounds. A company has the right to set minimum requirements for a job then change them according to the resumes they receive. In this case, it looks like they had to choose between the degree and the bilingual ability and they chose the latter. It's a bummer, but companies have the right to place high priorities on anything the potential employees have control over. I once received a job over a more qualified applicant because I "had good karma."

Also, you should stop acting like this is language discrimination. First, he speaks two languages and you speak only one. That's a clear advantage to him. Second, the idea of language discrimination is ridiculous. Could the other guy argue education discrimination if they hired you?

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