Decline of the American Empire

Has it begun? If so, when? The USA has been an exceptionally fortunate country in that it was created by a group of selfless individuals...

STOP! Do Not Pass GO! Education fail.

The rest of the OP contained so many imbecilic statements it's horrific to see so many other morons here @ USMB following along with it with thanks and imbecilic supportive statements

Brilliant observations! And full of so many examples to back them up!

On your journey in search of intelligent life, you might want to review the subsequent histories of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. You might also consult a dictionary for the definition of "selfless."
Where my Obama money at?

Did you look up your ass? You've got shit for brains, maybe one of your CON friends will take it as legal tender, too.

Only Demorats get the free shit, then?

hahahahahaha....Why does Jesse Jackson come to mind....

I can tell you when America was at its peak: When the only whiners and pessimists were the Liberals.

What a bunch of fucking pussies there are in this topic!

The decline of America began with Ted Kennedys 1965/66 immigration bills allowing every third world parasite entry into the country and immediate dependency on the US taxpayer...............

The drunk murderers finest contribution to the nation.............
The decline of America began with Ted Kennedys 1965/66 immigration bills allowing every third world parasite entry into the country and immediate dependency on the US taxpayer...............

The drunk murderers finest contribution to the nation............. true:clap2:
America is doing just fine.

Did You Know...

The United States is the world's largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. China is second at 15 percent and Japan is third at 12 percent. 1

U.S. manufacturing produces $1.7 trillion of value each year, or 11.7 percent of U.S. GDP. For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.35 is added to the economy. 2

Manufacturing supports an estimated 17 million jobs in the U.S.—about one in six private sector jobs. 3 Nearly 12 million Americans (or 9 percent of the workforce) are employed directly in manufacturing. 4

In 2010, the average U.S. manufacturing worker earned $77,186 annually, including pay and benefits. The average worker in all industries earned $56,436 annually. 5

U.S. manufacturers are the most productive workers in the world—far surpassing the worker productivity of any other major manufacturing economy, leading to higher wages and living standards.

U.S. manufacturers perform two-thirds of all private sector R&D in the nation, driving more innovation than any other sector. 6

Taken alone, U.S. Manufacturing would be the 9th largest economy in the world. 7

For more details, read the full report The Facts About Modern Manufacturing.
Facts About Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strategy - National Association of Manufacturers - Manufacturing Association
If only we could be as socially sophisticated and cultured as the French and Greeks................Lol
The decline of America began with Ted Kennedys 1965/66 immigration bills allowing every third world parasite entry into the country and immediate dependency on the US taxpayer...............

The drunk murderers finest contribution to the nation............. true:clap2:

that is what they said about the Irish, the Italians, etc,.
Has it begun? If so, when? The USA has been an exceptionally fortunate country in that it was created by a group of selfless individuals who used their best efforts to create a unique form of representative democracy. The new country was then able to expand across the continent thru fortuitous historical events (Louisiana Purchase and Alaska) and dominance over weak neighbors (Mexico and Hawaii). Having survived a bloody civil war, it became the world's greatest industrial power after two victorious world wars and was able to economically destroy its nemesis, the Soviet Union in the 1980's.

The question at hand is whether the USA has seen its best days as the world's dominant superpower. Many people believe that, by the end of this century, it will have been surpassed by China and perhaps Germany, who has now completed the absorption of its previously occupied eastern half of that country. Current projections cast substantial doubt on whether the U.S. economy can keep up with our population growth, thus portending a gradual reduction in our standard of living.

I would argue that, with the demise of the Soviet Union and commensurate increase in U.S. military power, 1990 stands as the pinnacle of the American Empire. Like it or not, we were respected by our friends, feared by our adversaries and we enjoyed an unparalleled standard of living.

Since that time we have been cannibalizing our military and living on borrowed money largely created by the housing boom. The subsequent decade saw the worldwide growth of radical Islam, culminating in the 9/11 attacks in 2001 which continue to cost our economy trillions of dollars. In addition to two costly foreign wars, the following decade saw the beginning effects of the retiring Baby Boomer generation with all of its associated demands on government programs, followed by the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble and its worldwide economic ramifications.

It seems that the best we can expect in the future is a slow, comfortable descent into mediocrity. Historically, this was probably the best time to be living in the Roman Empire. What say you?

Yes; it's been in decline for about 1/3rd-century, and middle class wealth has declined due to insufficient progression in tax policy and allowing our minimum wage to decline to about half of what it was at its peak, inflation adjusted.

We've lost sight of the notion that America is best when its People are doing well, and bought into the utopian and naive idea that if a few become fabulously wealthy, they'll be kinder to average folks and give workers and individuals more money out of shear generosity.
The decline of America began with Ted Kennedys 1965/66 immigration bills allowing every third world parasite entry into the country and immediate dependency on the US taxpayer...............

The drunk murderers finest contribution to the nation............. true:clap2:

that is what they said about the Irish, the Italians, etc,.

Only difference is the Irish and Italians came in working and adding to the economy.

the freeloaders just wanna come in and eat, kick their feet up on our couch and control the remote.
Yes. We are in decline. The globalization of industry and labor has made the world one very small place. When companies can ship their ops overseas, and make the same product for 1/5 the price of labor...they do it. When we send aid to build schools in shithole nations, we enable them to build a workforce that can someday build Ipads for 1/10th what a person in California can do it for. THAT is why corporations support foreign aid. Its an investment. Its why they support wars with a subsequent nation-building. Its an investment.

In 500 years, there wont be any superpowers. There likely wont be more than 2-4 governing bodies in the whole world. Kids in India will grow up much the same as kids in Indiana. However good, or bad, that may be.

You may be right.

The life style in India will not change much, but Indiana will see massive change.

You of the Apparatchik caste will suck on the public teet, but what to do when it dries up?

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