Decrying Gay Marriage, Black Pastors Join Legal Fight

When were civil unions ever up for a vote?I'm not calling you a liar...I just have either forgotten or am correct when I say that I don't remember any states bringing up civil unions for a vote.
I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

I know some very traditional Catholics who oppose civil unions but they are a teeny tiny minority even among conservative Catholics.

A teeny tiny minority that manages to get 19 states....19 states to vote to prevent gay marriages AND civil unions.....:eusa_whistle:

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When were civil unions ever up for a vote?I'm not calling you a liar...I just have either forgotten or am correct when I say that I don't remember any states bringing up civil unions for a vote.
I know some very traditional Catholics who oppose civil unions but they are a teeny tiny minority even among conservative Catholics.

A teeny tiny minority that manages to get 19 states....19 states to vote to prevent gay marriages AND civil unions.....:eusa_whistle:

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

19 states included Civil Unions in their anti gay marriage amendments. How are you confused by this?

Guess what? Gays would be fine with civil unions...if they apply to straights too.
ROFLMAO! So you're now going to add democratic socialist to the list of your political affiliations? So you're an AnarchoCapitalistAnarchocommunistDemocraticSocialistGreenPartier?

You scatterbrained douchebag, go read up on this stuff before coming here and making yourself look like a jackass.... Smh
being that you're stupid enough to think you can be an anarcho-commie & part time anarcho-capitalist at the same time....I think Jillian and anyone else who runs across you here should shrug off your attempt at being a wise truth sayer.

You're an idiot and now my favorite chew toy.
Curious? Do you know what idealism means? Most of us have ideas of what future societies could be like. I am a democratic socialist in terms of how I vote, and live my life. If being supportive of same-sex marriage, intersex children, and a compassionate society is 'stupid', then I am guilty.
I don't have to 'add' anything, as I was a democratic socialist and an agnostic since I was a child. Seems your political stance is to just swear at everyone that doesn't think that sex change operations should be shut down in the name of religion.
I didn't see that post where you had the info. If we are going to have the state in this sort of business, I agree they should be viewed as civil unions by the state. And I wouldve never voted against that. Infact, you can count on me voting for that measure if it ever comes up(To have the state recognize all contracted relationships between consenting adults officially as civil unions) I'd even help you all get it done however I could.

When were civil unions ever up for a vote?I'm not calling you a liar...I just have either forgotten or am correct when I say that I don't remember any states bringing up civil unions for a vote.
A teeny tiny minority that manages to get 19 states....19 states to vote to prevent gay marriages AND civil unions.....:eusa_whistle:

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

19 states included Civil Unions in their anti gay marriage amendments. How are you confused by this?

Guess what? Gays would be fine with civil unions...if they apply to straights too.
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There are gay Americans who are currently married.

Like us...legally married. And I'm not the least bit sorry that our legal marriage has destroyed the marriages of those who claim it did.

Lol! Doesn't matter what that piece of paper says, you are not married. You're playing house. Nothing more, nothing less. You have a civil union that some idiots in your state legislature decided they'd pretend is an actual marriage so they could feel all warm and fuzzy inside & get yours & other perverted liberals votes.
I don't believe the state should be in the marriage business anyway.

The fact is they are and they are denying that social right to an entire group of people. If you wouldn't deny them basic rights that everyone else can receive, then they wouldn't be outspoken about it.
ROFLMAO! So you're now going to add democratic socialist to the list of your political affiliations? So you're an AnarchoCapitalistAnarchocommunistDemocraticSocialistGreenPartier?

You scatterbrained douchebag, go read up on this stuff before coming here and making yourself look like a jackass.... Smh
Curious? Do you know what idealism means? Most of us have ideas of what future societies could be like. I am a democratic socialist in terms of how I vote, and live my life. If being supportive of same-sex marriage, intersex children, and a compassionate society is 'stupid', then I am guilty.
I don't have to 'add' anything, as I was a democratic socialist and an agnostic since I was a child. Seems your political stance is to just swear at everyone that doesn't think that sex change operations should be shut down in the name of religion.
You just said you were an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist, plus a Green Partier on the other thread...Now you're a lifelong Democratic Socialist.

You're an idiot, that's what you are...doesnt matter what your stance on mutilating children to push the radical queer agenda is at this point.

ROFLMAO! So you're now going to add democratic socialist to the list of your political affiliations? So you're an AnarchoCapitalistAnarchocommunistDemocraticSocialistGreenPartier?

You scatterbrained douchebag, go read up on this stuff before coming here and making yourself look like a jackass.... Smh
I don't have to 'add' anything, as I was a democratic socialist and an agnostic since I was a child. Seems your political stance is to just swear at everyone that doesn't think that sex change operations should be shut down in the name of religion.
You just said you were an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist, plus a Green Partier on the other thread...Now you're a lifelong Democratic Socialist.

You're an idiot, that's what you are...doesnt matter what your stance on mutilating children to push the radical queer agenda is at this point.

Pfft! This is what I see when I read your posts:

That is because you're stupid, little guy. Nothing I have said would qualify as "anti-science"...I've mostly used science, and Ive never used religion as an argument against homosexuality. You're trying hard to pigeonhole me since you already gave up enough info about yourself for anyone here to see you're a dumbass. I'm not taking the bait. Go try and find a post where I have claimed to be religious.....This ought to be fun...lmao
I don't have to 'add' anything, as I was a democratic socialist and an agnostic since I was a child. Seems your political stance is to just swear at everyone that doesn't think that sex change operations should be shut down in the name of religion.
You just said you were an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist, plus a Green Partier on the other thread...Now you're a lifelong Democratic Socialist.

You're an idiot, that's what you are...doesnt matter what your stance on mutilating children to push the radical queer agenda is at this point.

Pfft! This is what I see when I read your posts:

God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
Romans 1:24-27
Give it up people.

The world is changing - for the better and you're just going to have accept equality for all.
I don't have to 'add' anything, as I was a democratic socialist and an agnostic since I was a child. Seems your political stance is to just swear at everyone that doesn't think that sex change operations should be shut down in the name of religion.
You just said you were an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist, plus a Green Partier on the other thread...Now you're a lifelong Democratic Socialist.

You're an idiot, that's what you are...doesnt matter what your stance on mutilating children to push the radical queer agenda is at this point.

Pfft! This is what I see when I read your posts:


Because you are a stupid ignoramus.
Like us...legally married. And I'm not the least bit sorry that our legal marriage has destroyed the marriages of those who claim it did.

Lol! Doesn't matter what that piece of paper says, you are not married. You're playing house. Nothing more, nothing less. You have a civil union that some idiots in your state legislature decided they'd pretend is an actual marriage so they could feel all warm and fuzzy inside & get yours & other perverted liberals votes.
I don't believe the state should be in the marriage business anyway.

The fact is they are and they are denying that social right to an entire group of people. If you wouldn't deny them basic rights that everyone else can receive, then they wouldn't be outspoken about it.

Marriage is not a right, despite the stupid assed call by SCOTUS, which is no more valid than Dred Scott or any other of a number of their atrocious decisions.

Being a homosexual is a choice, not a genetic demographic.
God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
Romans 1:24-27

Romans? That's some of Paul's crazy shit, isn't it?
This sucks, Im actually starting to like Bodey even though I disagree with her. I'm going to apologize to you for saying rude things about your partnership, Bodey. You don't have to accept it, but I just read some of the stuff I said the other day and I did cross the line... So I sincerely apologize, I can discuss and debate this stuff without attacking people in That way.
When were civil unions ever up for a vote?I'm not calling you a liar...I just have either forgotten or am correct when I say that I don't remember any states bringing up civil unions for a vote.
I know some very traditional Catholics who oppose civil unions but they are a teeny tiny minority even among conservative Catholics.

A teeny tiny minority that manages to get 19 states....19 states to vote to prevent gay marriages AND civil unions.....:eusa_whistle:

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At least 19 states codified laws to PREVENT even civil unions from being recognized. attention to what's going on in the world next time.
That is because you're stupid, little guy. Nothing I have said would qualify as "anti-science"...I've mostly used science, and Ive never used religion as an argument against homosexuality. You're trying hard to pigeonhole me since you already gave up enough info about yourself for anyone here to see you're a dumbass. I'm not taking the bait. Go try and find a post where I have claimed to be religious.....This ought to be fun...lmao
You just said you were an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist, plus a Green Partier on the other thread...Now you're a lifelong Democratic Socialist.

You're an idiot, that's what you are...doesnt matter what your stance on mutilating children to push the radical queer agenda is at this point.

Pfft! This is what I see when I read your posts:


Do you get paid extra to say that by the Koch brothers, or is this right-wing raving free of charge?

You are on record in the other thread as saying that sex-change operations on children shouldn't be allowed, then you claim you aren't anti-science. Next you will be bitching about stem-cells and claiming that people can choose to be gay. It is only a matter of time. Wouldn't want to live on planet LockeJaw, where you have to ask the religious police to have an operation.
WTF does being against giving sex change drugs to children have to do with being against science, dummy? I can make an argument against it with science. You're so dumb...good grief.
That is because you're stupid, little guy. Nothing I have said would qualify as "anti-science"...I've mostly used science, and Ive never used religion as an argument against homosexuality. You're trying hard to pigeonhole me since you already gave up enough info about yourself for anyone here to see you're a dumbass. I'm not taking the bait. Go try and find a post where I have claimed to be religious.....This ought to be fun...lmao
Pfft! This is what I see when I read your posts:


Do you get paid extra to say that by the Koch brothers, or is this right-wing raving free of charge?

You are on record in the other thread as saying that sex-change operations on children shouldn't be allowed, then you claim you aren't anti-science. Next you will be bitching about stem-cells and claiming that people can choose to be gay. It is only a matter of time. Wouldn't want to live on planet LockeJaw, where you have to ask the religious police to have an operation.


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