Decrying Gay Marriage, Black Pastors Join Legal Fight

I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.. Ever read the book "After The Ball", Asclepias? If not, make sure to do so.
After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume):Amazon:Books

The book totally exposes the radical gay agenda, they probably wish Kirk wouldve never written it.

Not all queers want what the radqueers want...but the majority do.

It's toats adorbs that you think that. :lol:
It's sad and disturbing when seemingly good people misuse the Bible as means of covering their own fears and insecurities.

These "Christians" take one or two lines of scripture way out of context -- historical, cultural and misuse, misquote it to hurt other people--those not like them.

The same was done in the 60's when the bible was used to support segregation.

What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE, keep forcing that one must go along with them 100% or, as we've seen with such things as Chick-fil-a, and the Benham brothers, simply stating their opposition to gayness, that they are not just attacked, but must have their means of making a living taken away from them.... Keep you sexuality to yourselves, stop flaunting YOUR DIFFERENCES, and become accepted .... BUT that's NOT REALLY what queers want!

Oh really? And what do "queers" want ....?

To feel normal.
Honestly, I have no idea what you're saying here, but Ill guess you are saying something along the lines of how would I know this? Uh, one way I know is because there are gay repubs who do not support the radical agenda and they're demonized by the vast majority of democrat pro-radgay agenda gays. It's obvious which side you're on.
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.. Ever read the book "After The Ball", Asclepias? If not, make sure to do so.
After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume):Amazon:Books

The book totally exposes the radical gay agenda, they probably wish Kirk wouldve never written it.

Not all queers want what the radqueers want...but the majority do.

It's toats adorbs that you think that. :lol:
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.

They want more than that.

They want a dictatorship with one of them in control and they just about got one now.

They want to destroy Christianity completely and eradicate it from the Earth.

They want to have free access to everyone's children.

They want revenge on society for rejecting them as disgusting perversions of nature.

They want to convince themselves that they are normal and good people.

They want to believe in a universal lie and punish everyone and anyone who dares say anything against that lie.

They want to suck Satan's cock.
You're right. They also want to ruin traditional christian family mores out of revenge. Many of them get disowned by their parents after coming out. They're bitter, and that's totally understandable to a point. Like the saying goes "Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become the very monsters you're fighting"... That's what they've become. They scream about fascists & homophobes while being fascists and heterophobes.
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.

They want more than that.

They want a dictatorship with one of them in control and they just about got one now.

They want to destroy Christianity completely and eradicate it from the Earth.

They want to have free access to everyone's children.

They want revenge on society for rejecting them as disgusting perversions of nature.

They want to convince themselves that they are normal and good people.

They want to believe in a universal lie and punish everyone and anyone who dares say anything against that lie.

They want to suck Satan's cock.
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.. Ever read the book "After The Ball", Asclepias? If not, make sure to do so.
After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume):Amazon:Books

The book totally exposes the radical gay agenda, they probably wish Kirk wouldve never written it.

Not all queers want what the radqueers want...but the majority do.

When I click on your link I get this.

Looking for something?
We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site

I'm curious as to how someone writes a book saying gay people want to destroy traditional families that you would actually believe he/she knows the majority of gay people and what they want.


Never mind I found it. I read some of the comments and it seems the gist of the book outlines the propaganda and marketing campaign to make the issue of homosexuality a none issue. Is this correct?
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"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.
For the most part, though I do advise to read the book rather than just take reviews and author's descriptions of what it's about. There is more to it than what they say in the synopsis.
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.. Ever read the book "After The Ball", Asclepias? If not, make sure to do so.
After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume):Amazon:Books

The book totally exposes the radical gay agenda, they probably wish Kirk wouldve never written it.

Not all queers want what the radqueers want...but the majority do.

When I click on your link I get this.

Looking for something?
We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site

I'm curious as to how someone writes a book saying gay people want to destroy traditional families that you would actually believe he/she knows the majority of gay people and what they want.


Never mind I found it. I read some of the comments and it seems the gist of the book outlines the propaganda and marketing campaign to make the issue of homosexuality a none issue. Is this correct?
For the most part, though I do advise to read the book rather than just take reviews and author's descriptions of what it's about. There is more to it than what they say in the synopsis.
I can answer Asclepia's question, Vigilante.
How do I know what queers want? The majority of queers stand with the radical queer movement's plan to destroy traditional families just so they can feel good about themselves.. Ever read the book "After The Ball", Asclepias? If not, make sure to do so.
After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume):Amazon:Books

The book totally exposes the radical gay agenda, they probably wish Kirk wouldve never written it.

Not all queers want what the radqueers want...but the majority do.

When I click on your link I get this.

Looking for something?
We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site

I'm curious as to how someone writes a book saying gay people want to destroy traditional families that you would actually believe he/she knows the majority of gay people and what they want.


Never mind I found it. I read some of the comments and it seems the gist of the book outlines the propaganda and marketing campaign to make the issue of homosexuality a none issue. Is this correct?

I'll read it but if the book is for the most part about a marketing campaign I will have some questions for you later about your eagerness to believe this while ignoring the evidence of other "marketing campaigns".
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

I know some very traditional Catholics who oppose civil unions but they are a teeny tiny minority even among conservative Catholics.
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?

how many times do you have to be told to stick to the subject, ass wipe?

And the reigning religion right now is atheistic secular humanism but it is coming to a hard crash.
It wouldn't matter if they legalized gay marriage across the country, they will still not be the same or equal to traditional marriages. They choose to do something seperate & unequal by being in gay relationships. It is not anyone's fault that reality is what it is..they simply are not equal and are seperate.
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?
It is hard to convince people that believe the sky is falling, when they have their hands covering their eyes, and cotton wool in their ears.
being that you're stupid enough to think you can be an anarcho-commie & part time anarcho-capitalist at the same time....I think Jillian and anyone else who runs across you here should shrug off your attempt at being a wise truth sayer.

You're an idiot and now my favorite chew toy.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?
It is hard to convince people that believe the sky is falling, when they have their hands covering their eyes, and cotton wool in their ears.
being that you're stupid enough to think you can be an anarcho-commie & part time anarcho-capitalist at the same time....I think Jillian and anyone else who runs across you here should shrug off your attempt at being a wise truth sayer.

You're an idiot and now my favorite chew toy.

luckily constitutional rights don't depend on the judgment of any particular religion. that's how/why the constitution protects minorities.

how many times do you have to be told separate but equal is not equal?
It is hard to convince people that believe the sky is falling, when they have their hands covering their eyes, and cotton wool in their ears.
Curious? Do you know what idealism means? Most of us have ideas of what future societies could be like. I am a democratic socialist in terms of how I vote, and live my life. If being supportive of same-sex marriage, intersex children, and a compassionate society is 'stupid', then I am guilty.
Last edited:
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pay close attention to the map....all the maroon colored states have laws against gay marriage AND civil unions. The states with striped maroon and mustard color are states with laws against gay marriage AND civil unions but they are under judicial appeal currently. That's a LOT of people who voted for those laws AGAINST civil unions in......19 states.
"What would you expect when the queers, instead of just going along with a CIVIL UNION with all the rights of a NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE" is silly.

One, the great majority of the LGBT community would have happily accept civil union laws, but the great majority of the crazy far right said "hell, no."

The same sex marriages have moved right along like the hetero marriages.

Marriage equality does not affect the religious and civil rights of anyone. Everyone has the right of private association.

I don't know any people who call themselves on the right that oppose civil unions for gays, none. Some politicians might say that, but even the bible thumper I know do not oppose it.

Please provide a source for your assertions.

I know some very traditional Catholics who oppose civil unions but they are a teeny tiny minority even among conservative Catholics.

A teeny tiny minority that manages to get 19 states....19 states to vote to prevent gay marriages AND civil unions.....:eusa_whistle:

Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ROFLMAO! So you're now going to add democratic socialist to the list of your political affiliations? So you're an AnarchoCapitalistAnarchocommunistDemocraticSocialistGreenPartier?

You scatterbrained douchebag, go read up on this stuff before coming here and making yourself look like a jackass.... Smh
being that you're stupid enough to think you can be an anarcho-commie & part time anarcho-capitalist at the same time....I think Jillian and anyone else who runs across you here should shrug off your attempt at being a wise truth sayer.

You're an idiot and now my favorite chew toy.

It is hard to convince people that believe the sky is falling, when they have their hands covering their eyes, and cotton wool in their ears.
Curious? Do you know what idealism means? Most of us have ideas of what future societies could be like. I am a democratic socialist in terms of how I vote, and live my life. If being supportive of same-sex marriage, intersex children, and a compassionate society is 'stupid', then I am guilty.

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